Family Savings, Smart Savings, the Pending Issue

Family Savings, Smart Savings, the Pending Issue

Family savings is a powerful tool for people to achieve economic independence and financial freedom. These are goals that are often not easily achieved with current income.

There is universal recognition of the benefits of saving work. That’s nothing new, but the task remains elusive and complex for many.


And the main reason remains the same: Saving doesn’t have the same kind of emotional payoff as spending activities, at least in the short term. Saving is not fun. Because in fact, the immediate satisfactions are not comparable to those provided by spending.


Now, while for some saving is a habit, for others it is a difficult task to exercise. But in both cases, the efforts lack short-term incentives. Satisfaction with saving tasks comes after a while when the benefits it provides can be objectively evaluated.

For this reason, family savings is not a common activity, much less one that has substantial effects on the destiny of people.

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There are two types of savings activities that can be practiced: Passive Savings and Active Savings.

Passive Savings is the best known. It consists of accumulating money that is methodically separated from current income. A simple operation with arithmetic progressivity.

On the other hand, Active Savings begins as a Passive Savings campaign but then takes its course and grows through reinvestment measures.

Generally, in an Active Savings campaign, the person “mobilizes” the money they are saving. You invest it in previously planned operations and these increase the original fund.


Active Family Savings obliges the persons to dedicate effort and attention to the task. It keeps them alert and focused on work that otherwise demands marginal and unconscious attention.

It is a fact that few things that are done unconsciously generate benefits. The same happens with conventional savings tasks. On the other hand, by demanding attention, focus, and certain skills, Active Family Savings avoids the frustration and annoyance that accompany saving efforts. And the latter is important because most savings intentions are not sustained over time precisely out of frustration.


Additionally, Active Family Savings generates “intellectual” growth and personal development. Helps maximize skills that are not cultivated with other tasks. And this is the most valuable part of the activity.

In generic savings tasks, the subject-object binomial is seldom considered, that is, the person who saves savings.

It is true that in essence “anyone” can save money. But when specific saving skills are developed, the person reaches other heights of personal advancement.

Active Family Savings demands people who are permanently trained, thus strengthening the professional profile and empowering individuals to carry out more complex tasks in their lives.

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It contributes to developing a sense of pension in people and a long-term vision. Appropriate and efficient money management, construction of alternative livelihood projects, “mental independence” regarding income, “entrepreneurial” orientation, etc.

In general, short-term satisfactions are alien to traditional savings efforts. And by doing so, the tendency to interrupt the task out of frustration or impatience is mitigated.


Active Family Savings is the only “smart savings”.

Because it is aligned with the logic of honoring the intrinsic value of money, while all conventional savings activity maintains static money, “frozen”, without any return.

On the other hand, the dynamics of Active Saving do not require that the family feel obliged to make sacrifices to “separate” money and save it. On the contrary, when skills are achieved, quality of life can be simultaneously improved. For this, savings are “reinvested” in the activities of the home and family.

In addition, Active Family Savings allows you to build your own capital. It is an ideal way to gather what is necessary if you want to undertake or face some work that reduces dependence on the main income.

The “cost” of capital in many societies is high and inhibits intentions of financial independence. That is why saving has such economic and social significance.

Savings always equals investment!


In theory (and in this case the premise that there is nothing more practical than a good theory), everyone can save.

This does not necessarily depend on the proportion of income. Rather, to overcome certain prejudices and carry out certain tasks with the order, discipline, and intelligence. The attitude is essential, and a minimum of knowledge and skills, but this is built by practicing Active Savings.

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Any person who dedicates himself with interest to the tasks of Active Family Savings ends up being a better trained professional than the one who started them.


Saving is an activity that accompanies people since the dawn of their social evolution and explains many achievements for their quality of life.

Few things are more significant than saving in the desire to consolidate independence and freedom. However, it is necessary to have an open mind and a willingness to shed conservative attitudes and traditionalisms. You need to take calculated risks and practice novel procedures.

This is what Active Savings is all about, which concerning conventional savings represents a transition similar to that of the horse to the car. Both are means of transport, but there is no doubt about the difference they have.


One last appreciation:

No family savings activity, much less Active Savings, is intended to provide security. This is a misconception.

Saving tasks bring people closer to independence and freedom. Economic independence and financial freedom.

On the other hand, the tasks to achieve security bring fear and uncertainty. And these feelings do not help in any saving tasks or anything else in life.

On the other hand, independent individuals and families do not think about safety all the time. And they don’t simply do it because they feel confident about themselves!


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