3 Reflections to Overcome the Fear of Error and Failure

3 Reflections to Overcome the Fear of Error and Failure

The fear of error and failure is the fundamental cause of paralysis for all human activities that can be considered important. Fear does not recognize genius, ability, experience, or knowledge. Whoever overcomes fear is the only one who achieves his goals!

Curiously, the drama that fear represents lies in not understanding some very simple things:

 “Entrepreneurship is a way of Life. Development of Entrepreneurial Awareness” .

1. Fear, unlike fear or terror, has no rational foundations and can be controlled.

Fear anticipates and conditions the future. In this lies its power, and right therein lies its most important weakness, since the future DOES NOT EXIST.

People are fundamentally afraid of what can happen to them. In theory, they consciously activate fear to prepare solutions to possible events, but in practice, they only weaken its defense mechanisms.

Fears, in many cases, become self-fulfilling prophecies. And this does not happen by chance, it is produced by logical causation: fear weakens people’s rationality and ability to ponder facts and be consistent in evaluating the conflict and its solutions.

A fear differs from a “possibility” because the latter responds to a logical evaluation, while the former is an emotional condition. The “possibility” of something happening can be included in the analysis to make decisions, but when this “possibility” activates a fear, it is no longer a “possibility” to constitute an entity with its dynamics. If the fear is activated, the “possibility” as such disappears.

To prevent fears from taking control of the emotional state, the person must have security and self-confidence; and it is not that this prevents the appearance of fears, but it allows to control them.

Problems matter fears don’t; all problems have a solution, but fears are dead load.

Every problem brings with it a world of opportunity, fear only suffering, frustration, and defeat. Problems are often the result of errors or chance products; fears are always the offspring of misunderstanding. All fear leads to an error, to a mistake, to a misstep. Problems force people to find the best they have: deep convictions, faith, reserves of energy, and creativity; fears suck everything positive. Problems place man in a state of dynamic tension, the same as a tiger has the moment to attack its prey, fears, on the other hand, leave him in a state of laxity.

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Security and confidence to control fears originate in self-love. If this does not exist, man is a defenseless creature before the eventualities that fate may bring him.

In life, it is essential to have the ability to “feel sorry for yourself.” This is the only thing that ultimately can awaken self-love and activate the natural defenses that one has to go through tests.

Self-love is the foundation of man’s well-being since it prevents the most powerful creature on the planet from becoming a caricature of himself. Self-love activates rationality when it is necessary to overcome a problem, self-love prevents fear from dictating Being and Doing.

On the other hand, self-love is a conditioning factor for the love of life, allowing the journey to have more light than darkness, more blessings than problems, and more successes than failures.

In truth, he knows nothing of love and does not love himself, and this is probably the only fear that is valid to sustain.

2. Understand that Triumph and defeat are Siamese twins that understand each other in their intimate coexistence.

In life, only the one who has lost wins, and only the one who wants to win loses. This is the basic dynamic. Triumph and defeat are conjoined twins. Therefore, the “fear of losing” can also be understood as the “fear of winning”, since everyone who wants to achieve victory implicitly recognizes the existence and probability of defeat; and if he takes action it is basically because of his love of victory is greater than his fear of defeat.

Families and society must form men with the desire to compete and win if they want to develop and prosper.

Essentially it is who knows how to win who, at the same time, knows how to lose.

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There are valuable guidelines that help in the purpose of Learning to Win:

  • Visualize fixedly the goal or objective. Victory is always ahead, it is not behind, neither to the right nor to the left. The road to victory is a tunnel with only one exit.
  • “Walk” without stopping. Move forward, don’t stop. The more difficult the journey, the more distant the goal and the lesser the forces: keep walking. When the odds of winning look small: keep walking. When the possibility of reaching the goal is lost: keep walking. The final defeat does not reach those who keep walking, it is they who walk non-stop, at some point achieve victory.
  • When the path is undertaken with Faith and virtuosity, both victory and defeat are gains.  The good man must understand that defeat or loss always occurs “for a good reason.”
  • Success is not always the product of Aptitude. It is not exactly the best educated or most experienced men who win the race for life or control the fear of losing; Those who have the right attitude are those who have the best opportunities, those who uphold faith, integrity, sacrifice, and unbreakable will.
  • Money, fame, power, and love can be lost in some circumstances in life, but man can never lose himself.
  • Everything in life is a GIFT and it is good not to hold on to anything beyond what is reasonable. No life can be measured in terms of the “right” for what one has. From the moment that there is no right for the next day of life, everything else is part of a present that must be taken with humility.
  • Everything that is lost in the desire to achieve victory constitutes a seed that advances the next harvest. Losses must be assumed as an offering that rewards actions and ideas, the cost of love for dreams, consistency with healthy ambition, and solidarity with effort.

3. Understand that the search for Success involves Making Mistakes.

The fear of making mistakes is a bit like the fear of life itself.

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Making decisions is the only way not to be a victim of circumstances and to transcend, with a minimum of control, the minuscule space-time portals that life presents.

Acting is a human imperative and making decisions is a natural consequence, therefore the possibility of making mistakes is a fact. No one is exempt from this. The errors qualify the action, to this they owe their virtuosity, neither more nor less. Errors are a blessing because they accompany the dynamic without which the development of life could not be explained. Where there is a history of development and progress there will be a history of errors, where there is a great history of development and progress there will be a record of great errors. The analysis of human evolution concludes by being a history of numerous errors and a few successes.

Avoiding mistakes has two major consequences: on the one hand, inaction leaves everything at the mercy of circumstances, and on the other, the risk of not getting a hit. In the lack of action, there is stagnation and involution and without successes, there is no progress.

Understanding the virtue of making mistakes does not lead to the acceptance of what is not right. The final product of the process of making mistakes ends up being a success; error is a means, not an end. The virtue of error is that it precisely creates the vehicle through which success is achieved. This vehicle is learning. You learn much more from one mistake than from a hundred hits.

Make mistakes, please! This is the measure of actions and decisions, it is the measure of interest in learning and accumulating experience. This is the way to take responsibility for the future and not just be an accident of chance or circumstance.

The fear of making mistakes must be forgotten! Leave prejudice behind! The search for success is explained in mistakes, by committing them you live longer because you go further.

And at the desk or office, wherever you spend more time, place a sign without any discretion that says: “… Excuse me, in this place, many mistakes are made because we are obsessed with achieving success”.


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