Learn how to set your goals using the Smart method

Learn how to set your goals using the Smart method

This is where the SMART method comes in, a methodology that aims to help define clear and specific goals, aligned with the organization’s strategic objectives.

In this article, we will explore the five criteria of the SMART method and how to use them in a practical way to achieve your business goals more effectively.

What is the SMART method?

The SMART method is a methodology that helps to define clear and specific goals. The acronym SMART is made up of the following words in English: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound. These words represent the criteria that a goal must meet to be considered SMART.

Below, we will explain each of these concepts in more detail:

Specific (Specific)

For a goal to be SMART, it needs to be specific, that is, to have a clear and objective definition. Everyone on the team must understand exactly what needs to be achieved. To do this, the goal must answer questions such as:

  • What?
  • Why?
  • Who?
  • When?


A SMART goal must be measurable, that is, have clear and objective criteria to measure progress. It is important that the team can quantify and monitor results to assess whether the goal is being achieved. A measurable goal answers the question:

  • How do you know if it has been achieved?
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For a goal to be SMART, it needs to be achievable, that is, realistic and viable. The goal must be within the company’s possibilities in terms of resources and time. An achievable goal answers the question:

  • Is it possible to achieve it with the available resources?


A SMART goal must be relevant, that is, aligned with the company’s strategic objectives. The goal must be related to a relevant need or opportunity for the company. A relevant goal answers the question:

  • How does this goal contribute to the company’s success?


A SMART goal must have a defined time, that is, a deadline to be achieved. The goal must have a deadline to motivate the team and ensure that there is a sense of urgency to achieve it. A timed goal answers the question:

  • When should this goal be achieved?

What are the advantages of using the SMART method?

Using the SMART method brings several advantages to a company, especially in productivity. Some of the main advantages are:

  • A clear and objective definition of goals — the SMART methodology helps the company to define goals clearly and objectively, which is essential to ensure success in achieving them.
  • Focus on what’s important — the SMART method helps the company focus on objectives that are important and relevant, avoiding wasted time and resources.
  • Measuring progress — The SMART methodology makes it possible to measure progress against defined goals, allowing the company to quickly identify problems and make necessary adjustments.
  • Increased productivity — the SMART method helps the company prioritize goals and work more efficiently and productively, reducing the time and resources needed to achieve objectives.
  • Increased motivation — Setting SMART goals can increase team motivation, as objectives are clearly defined and achievable.
  • Improved communication — using the SMART method can improve communication between team members, avoiding misunderstandings and ensuring everyone works together to achieve goals.
  • Improved decision making — the SMART methodology can help the company make more informed and strategic decisions, as goals are clearly defined and aligned with general objectives.
  • Alignment of objectives — the SMART method helps the company to ensure that the defined goals are aligned with long-term strategic objectives, avoiding wasting resources on objectives that are not relevant.
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How to use the SMART method in your company?

Now that you know what the SMART method is and what its advantages are, it’s time to put it into practice in your company. Here’s a simple step-by-step guide to setting SMART goals:

Choose a strategic objective for the company

Start by choosing a strategic company objective that you want to achieve. This objective must be aligned with the organization’s mission and vision.

Set a specific goal

Based on the chosen objective, define a specific goal that is clear and objective. For example, if the objective is to increase sales, the goal might be to “increase sales by 20% in the next six months.”

Establish measurable criteria

For the goal to be measurable, it is necessary to establish criteria that allow progress to be monitored. In the previous example, the criteria could be the number of sales per month or the company’s revenue.

Check feasibility

The goal must be achievable, that is, it cannot be so ambitious that it is impossible to achieve. Check whether the necessary resources are available and whether it is possible to achieve the goal within the established deadline.

Ensure the goal is relevant

For the goal to be relevant, it must be aligned with the company’s strategic objectives. Make sure the goal contributes to the success of the organization.

Set a deadline for the goal

Finally, set a deadline for the goal to be achieved. This helps maintain employee focus and motivation.

Now that you know how to set SMART goals, it is important to remember that this method can be applied throughout the company, from sales and marketing areas to project management and employee development actions.

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In conclusion, defining clear and specific goals is essential for a company to achieve its strategic objectives. The SMART method is a methodology that helps make this definition more precise and effective.

By following the SMART method criteria, it is possible to set goals that are aligned with the organization’s vision and mission, that are measurable and achievable, and that contribute to employee motivation. So, if you want to take your company to the next level, start applying the SMART method to your goals and objectives.

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