The 12 laws of Karma that will Change your Life

The 12 laws of Karma that will Change your Life
What is Karma? 
This comes from the Buddhist religion and Hinduism and is defined as a belief, according to which, all action has a dynamic force that is expressed and influences the successive existences of the individual. Put more simply, your actions create the future. You are free to choose your thoughts and actions, and this free will be responsible for giving you new opportunities every day. On this are based the laws of Karma.

How to understand the laws of Karma:

For many, Karma is quite an abstract concept; there is too much different information, beliefs, and philosophies. So to understand these laws of Karma here is an example :


“Let’s say we are all willing to go out and help – in whatever way we can – by opening the door for people, giving some money to the homeless, buying someone else’s coffee, or in any other way. 


Now, ask yourself:

What is the chance that the person you just helped is “reciprocal,” that is, return the favor?

What is the possibility that this action created a source of positive energy?


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This is a basic example of daily Karma. Of course, there is also a negative Karma that applies to both the exterior and the interior. As Gandhi stated:

Man is the product of his thoughts. What you think is what you become. SHARE ON TWITTER

The laws of karma that will change your life:

The 12 laws of Karma that will Change your Life


1. The great law:


“As you sow, so you will reap”

This law is that your thoughts and actions have consequences, good or bad. If you want peace, love, harmony, prosperity, or wealth, you must be willing to act on this desire. This is also known as the Law of Cause and Effect.


The energy you invest in what you do (whether actions or thoughts) has an effect, immediate or not. If you want a positive life, start with positive thoughts.

2. The law of creation:


“What we want comes through participation”

The life around us has been created out of someone else’s intentions. Being one with the universe, our intentions determine the evolution of creation.

Because what surrounds us ends up being part of us, the laws of karma tell us that it is our responsibility to ensure that what surrounds us leads us to our desires.

3. The law of humility:


Refusing to accept what is will not change this.

Acceptance is an almost universal virtue of most beliefs. Put more simply, you must first accept the circumstances to change them.

If you decide to focus on the negative, instead of making changes to deal with it, we are committing ourselves to an exercise that results in zero-sum.

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4. The law of growth:


“Our own growth is above any circumstance”

The only thing you have control over is yourself. So think that subsequent action, or inaction, will lead to positive or negative circumstances in your life. Real change only happens when you commit to changing what is in your heart.

5. The law of responsibility:


Our lives are the product of our own doing, nothing more

When you experience turbulence in your life, there is usually internal turmoil. If you want to change your life, you must first change the frame of your thoughts and of what you surround yourself with. This is the first step in learning how to be a better person.


6. The law of connection:


“Everything in the Universe is connected, both the small and the big”

Our past, present, and future are connected. This is why we must work to change these connections if we want to experience something different.

There is no step – neither the first, the middle nor the last – that is more important when carrying out an activity. They are all necessary.

So focus on the present, and ask yourself how your actions shape these laws of Karma in your life.

7. The law of focus:


“We cannot direct our action beyond a single activity”

About your spiritual growth, we cannot have negative thoughts and actions and expect spiritual growth. We must direct our full attention to achieving our goal.

Start by developing your mental discipline and controlling the type of thoughts that you harbor in your mind.


8. The law of hospitality and giving:


“Showing our disinterest shows our true intentions”

Viewed simply, what we say we believe must manifest itself in our actions. Disinterest is only a virtue when we are accommodating something other than ourselves.

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The laws of Karma do not teach that without a selfless nature, true spiritual growth is almost impossible.

9. The law of change:


“History repeats itself unless it is changed”

Consciously committing to change is the only way to influence our past. The story will continue on its way unless our energy and positive mind direct it elsewhere.

10. The law of the here and now:


“The present is all we have”

Looking back with regret and forward without hope takes away the opportunities of the present. Old thoughts and behaviors deprive us of the opportunity to move forward in life.

Do you want to live better and learn how to be happy in life? Focus on the present, which is the only thing you have, and let everything else flow.

11. The Law of Patience and reward:


“Nothing of value is created without a patient mindset”

Hard work cannot be avoided through illusion. Our rewards are claimed through patience and persistence, nothing more.

Also, rewards are not the result. True and lasting joy comes from knowing that what it took was done, on the right track, to get the results.

12. The Law of Importance and Inspiration:


The best reward is the one that contributes to the Whole

The result is of little value if you leave little or nothing behind.

So these laws of Karma propose that we lead a life with meaning, that we commit to living consciously, establishing a life purpose that is greater than ourselves, and that they help us make the world a better place.


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