Positive Ways To Be A More Positive Person

Positive Ways To Be A More Positive Person

What best describes your general view of life: positive or negative?

Who is a positive person?

Positive people focus on the good in their lives, find joy in simple things, and take the general attitude that even though there are many things they cannot control directly, they can control what they want to focus on. Positive people can inspire and influence others to incarnate and think differently. They can be transmitted in a good way.

The question is:

Have you ever been pessimistic about a problem or life situation you face? Have you ever noticed that at some point in your life you were flooded with negative thoughts? Most of us have. Life can be a test, especially on our minds and especially on our views and thoughts. Ask yourself: Do you consider yourself a positive or negative person?

Everyone will face difficult challenges, obstacles, and heartaches in their life at one time or another. Fortunately, we figured out how we saw and reacted to this situation. We can choose to be positive or negative when we face difficulties.

I know many people who have had great difficulty in their lives, actually a lot more than the average person. Yet some of these people are the most positive, polite, and happiest people I know. Apart from some very difficult life experiences, they are optimistic about life. You radiate positive energy that influences others.

These positive people have two things in common:

 1. They choose a positive attitude and 

2. They commit to a certain practice every day to maintain and perhaps even increase their positivity. In other words, they make personal choices to be positive and then learn to do well.

What I learned is that you can practice being more positive and optimistic. There are many ways to do this and I am listing them below. First of all, it’s important to realize that even if you have experienced hardships and troubles in life, you have good choices.

The ability to choose is yours and yours to claim. Victor Frankl, the renowned neurologist, psychiatrist, and Holocaust survivor put it very well: “Everything can be taken from a person, but one thing: the ultimate human freedom to choose your posture under all circumstances, choose your path.” “

Our lives are greatly influenced by our childhood, by our parents, by our families, by our childhood, by our current environment, by the people we come into contact with, and by our life experiences in general. All of these factors shape our thinking.

Often we are not even aware of our thoughts and views. We don’t realize that we are negative and pessimistic. On the other hand, we feel frustrated, hopeless, sad, angry, hopeless, and depressed because of our perspective. We blame others for our problems or we think we are unhappy and victimized. It never occurs to some people that the way they see and think is the filter by which they perceive the world.

Whether your glass is half empty or half full is a matter of perspective. Fortunately, we can all choose the methods we want to adopt in life and this will profoundly influence the way we think, act, and feel regardless of the current situation. We can choose whether we want to experience negative or positive thoughts. Both have serious consequences.

So why should we think positive over negative thinking? First, let’s consider the disadvantages of negative thinking:

Cons of negative thinking

  • It feels unwell and often causes depression, anger, hurt, resentment, hopelessness, and helplessness.
  • It affects our body and immune function and causes more illness, lack of energy, chronic stress, lack of restful sleep, fatigue, high blood pressure, and even decreased life expectancy.
  • It makes life less exciting and adventurous.
  • It encourages positive people to avoid us.
  • It makes us short and we less aware of the possibilities around us.
  • This reduces our ability to experience “the flow” or “being in the zone,” a trait many positive people experience in their lives.
  • It kills other people and creates a negative atmosphere around us.
  • This can harm our self-esteem.
  • This can make us anxious all the time and not want to try new things, because negative thinking often makes us feel “bad.”
  • This often exaggerates difficult problems or situations and makes us worse off than we should be.
  • This can increase the tendency to continually compare yourself negatively with others.
  • This leads to negative rumors about the past
  • This prevents us from investing in ourselves in the long run.
  • It can prevent self-forgiveness and the forgiveness of others.
  • We’re more afraid of making mistakes and not even trying.
  • It affects our ability to solve problems and think clearly.
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Now that we know all the downsides of being a negative person, let’s look at the advantages of being a positive person:

The benefits of positive thinking

  • Our vision is expanding (also known as the expansion effect), enabling us to increase our awareness and ability to engage with new thoughts and actions.
  • This encourages us to invest more in ourselves and see the long-term benefits.
  • It’s better for our health, reduces our stress hormones (adrenaline and cortisol), improves our heart health, and increases life expectancy.
  • Positive people have lower rates of depression.
  • This strengthens our immune function and makes us less susceptible to disease.
  • Facilitates better mental and physical health.
  • This helps us to better deal with real problems and challenges.
  • Increase our productivity and overall productivity.
  • Positive people have better relationships with other people.
  • This makes us tougher and increases our ability to “jump” when we fail.
  • It makes us happier, calmer, and more optimistic about life in general.
  • This helps us to be more motivated.
  • Reduces the need for external adjustments such as alcohol and drugs.
  • This makes us more attractive and accessible to other positive people.

Being a positive person has many benefits. Most negative people don’t realize that they are thinking negatively. This negativism has been refined and taken root over the years. This will be your default location. Very often they fail to see how their negativity has negatively affected their lives and blame external circumstances.

Positive people are in charge of their lives and find positive things in almost every situation. They know how much their attitude affects their lives, so they choose to think positively. They don’t blame the world around them and, more importantly, they spend time each day practicing that they are positive. 

Because of this, two people may have the same shortcomings or problems, but a more positive person can handle this situation and even thrive. To use a simple illustration, consider how negative and positive people cope with the unexpected traffic jam that delayed their meeting. Negative people may be angry, frustrated, and stressed, while positive people may remain calm and angry and turn on the radio to their favorite music station or listen to audiobooks for their free time.

So what can we do every day to practice becoming more positive people? 

Here are positive ways to be a more positive person that can help, especially when done every day. 

I know an extensive list, and it’s important to know that you don’t have to practice them all at once or not at all. Choose the one that feels right to you and stick to it. The more methods you use, the more effective they will be and the more likely you are to experience positive results.

Daily Thanksgiving Day


There are many different types of meditation and it is important to find one that makes you comfortable. I meditate every morning, sit in a quiet place, close my eyes, and concentrate on my breathing. When my mind wanders (and wants to), I only notice that my attention has been diverted and I gently return my attention to my breath without judgment. Meditation helps us to become aware of our thoughts and not be preoccupied with them. On the other hand, we can observe our thoughts from a distance without reacting to them. Meditation also helps us stay present, which is next on this list.

 Take part

Nearly all of our unhappiness, anger, resentment, and regret are caused by thoughts about the past. And nearly all fear, worry, and stress are caused by thinking about the future. The only thing we can control is the present. By focusing on the present, you can focus on the current task rather than dwelling on the past or worrying about the future, and neither of us has control over it.

Stay away from negative people

We all know someone who is very negative in their perspective and who always seems to have complaints and problems. Attitude can be contagious, so I distance myself from negative people.

Surround yourself with positive people

Try to surround yourself with people who have a positive outlook because they will have a better influence on your life. Just as someone who quit drinking chooses not to go to bars, you need to connect with like-minded people if you are to be a more positive person.

Remove negative media

Much of the media he faces daily is extremely negative, gloomy, pessimistic, rude, and depressing. While it’s important to be aware of what’s going on in the world, that doesn’t mean that we have to be constantly overwhelmed by negativity. This is one reason why you should remove or reduce the number of negative TVs and videos you watch.

Participate in positive media

Fortunately, there are positive blogs, websites, videos, TV shows, books, and magazines that have a positive rotation. Many like Ted.com, Blog Positivity, Gaia, and others. They offer a great resource that is educational, fun, and positive. There are also documentaries and interesting films on Netflix and Amazon Prime. The point is to be clear about what media you can use because the types of media around you daily can influence your soul.

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Helping others/volunteers

Another effective thing you can do to be more positive is volunteering to help others in need. Why? Because when you see other people suffering and in need, you know that your life is not as bad as you thought it was. Numerous studies have also shown that helping others and giving of our time and / or resources increases our levels of happiness and self-worth. So reach out to other people and help out as often as possible. You will get tremendous benefits from it.

Challenge your negative thoughts

Many of our negative thoughts are irrational and not based on facts. You may not think that you are good enough, decent enough, smart enough, tall enough, attractive enough, etc., but there is a chance that you might be wrong. If this is how you feel, sit down, and make a list of reasons that will challenge and refute your beliefs. There are many ways to develop self-confidence and self-confidence.

Breathe deeply

When we are stressed and angry, our breath becomes shorter and faster. This is one of the symptoms of being in combat or running mode, with increased levels of adrenaline and cortisol in our body. We can overcome this by remembering to take deep, slow breaths. It calms us down and activates our parasympathetic system. Deep breathing is a powerful way to use our mind-body connection to lower blood pressure, relax muscles, and promote the production of endorphins, hormones that enhance our well-being.


Regular daily exercise is another great way to make us feel better and be more positive. This helps to sensitize our brain to serotonin and norepinephrine, both of which help prevent depression. Exercise also increases the production of endorphins, which make us feel positive. Plus, you’ll experience less anxiety, sleep better, and a sense of accomplishment which can have a positive effect on other aspects of your life. You don’t have to run a marathon. Start running for a few minutes each day and gradually increase the duration and level of exercise. Here are some useful practice tips to get you started.


People should not sit at a table for hours every day or lie on the sofa for long hours watching TV. We were built to move. Exercise has a positive effect on our mood, happiness, and optimism, lowers blood pressure, and strengthens our immune system.

Daily visualization

Spend time in nature

We all know the positive feelings we experience when we surround ourselves with nature. This can be a hike in the forest, a trip to the beach, a picnic by the lake, and much more. Nature has a calming and positive effect on the mind and body. Being in nature makes us less stressed, more creative, happier, more connected to the world, and more alive. In short, nature is good for us.


Believe it or not, smiling improves our mood and optimism. Studies show that when we smile, our brains produce three neurotransmitters (dopamine, endorphins, and serotonin) that have a positive effect on our mood. Instead of waiting for you to smile happily, smile and you will find that your mood will improve. Try now.

Forgive yourself and forgive others

Celebrate small wins

When someone thinks negatively, they tend to focus on whatever is wrong in their life. It looks like their eyes have a filter that prevents them from seeing the positive. They think their glass is half empty, not half full. They often find reasons to reduce the positive feelings they feel. 

This adds more negativity and becomes a kind of self-fulfilling prophecy. Instead, try to focus on the small wins every day. For example, you could celebrate the fact that you prepared a nice dinner that your family will love; You can celebrate the fact that you completed the report your boss asked for and compliment you. You can celebrate a phone call from a friend; 

You can celebrate a little of the skills you learned today. The list of things we can celebrate is almost endless and we just need to have the right perspective. Take time to celebrate your little blessings and victories. I guarantee you have something to be grateful for.

Get some the sun

I recently learned about the benefits of sunlight on our mood while studying circadian rhythms. Sun exposure releases serotonin in our brain, which improves our mood. Lack of sun exposure leads to decreased serotonin levels and this can lead to depression. This explains why people living further north or south of the equator experience seasonal depression in winter when sun exposure is minimal. Try to get at least 15 to 30 minutes of morning sunshine every day. Better yet, kill two birds with one stone by eating lunch outdoors in an open area with a little sun.

Learn to stop comparing yourself to others


The food we eat has a huge impact on how we feel and how our brains work. Foods that can have a positive effect on our mood include those containing probiotics such as kimchi, miso, and sauerkraut. This is because probiotic foods help increase our gut bacteria (microbiome), which in turn affects our brains. Also, include more vegetables and fruits in your diet and stay away from fast food, processed foods, caffeine, and sugar. Eat whole grains instead of white rice, white bread, etc. Here is some knowledge about the relationship between mood and diet for those who are interested.

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Change your internal dialogue

Start your day on the right track

Learn to laugh and have a sense of humor

Nothing is perfect, and unfortunately, most of us have one thing in common: we tend to be our worst critics. It is important to remember that life is an adventure and we are all traveling to the top. Learning to laugh at yourself and not take yourself too seriously is another great way to lighten the mood and make your life more positive. Some of the greatest accomplishments in history have had a good sense of humor and were able to laugh at themselves.

Remember, mistakes are valuable lessons, not the point

Those with a growth philosophy know that all mistakes are important lessons for becoming a better person. People with a “sticky” mindset are afraid of failure and therefore rarely take risks or try anything new. They see failure as something that embarrasses and threatens their self-esteem. It’s safe to say that the people we admire the most have all failed at one time or another. 

Instead of simply giving up and giving up trying, they learn from their mistakes and approach life believing they are more experienced. As Thomas Edison put it so well when he repeatedly failed to find the light bulb, “I haven’t failed. I just figured out 10,000 ways that didn’t work.” Show me someone who hasn’t failed and I’ll show you someone who plays it safe and doesn’t try.

Forget perfection. Accept that we are all human and instead focus on progress

As I mentioned above, at some point in our life, we will all fail. Instead of focusing on perfection (which is rare), focus on small steps and progress. For example, if you go to the gym and can’t finish a workout, focus on the fact that you show up and can handle more reps than before. 

Celebrate the fact that you have discipline in your gym right from the start. If you’re the author of a book that didn’t sell as you hoped it would, your focus will be on the fact that you finished the book from the start, which most people don’t want to do. Then learn from your mistakes and move on. Almost every success is the culmination of small steps and gradual development.

Positive reinforcement

As you achieve gradual development, practice positive reinforcement. This will help instill good habits. Like a child whose parents praise you for doing something good and combining that work with positivity, you can do the same in your life. For example, if you stick to your exercise routine this week, improve your behavior with a healthy dinner at your favorite restaurant. When you lose 5 pounds, reward yourself with a new pair of jeans. Positive affirmations are a great way to be more positive and see the good in yourself and the world at large, not the bad.

Be careful / be more alert

Many of our negative thoughts go unnoticed. Most people in general are not even aware that they are thinking negative thoughts. It happened automatically because they were used to thinking like that. This can be compared to pressing the brake pedal while driving. You do it unconsciously without thinking. Mindful and resourceful (meditation is a great way to become more aware and mindful). You can find more information on awareness-raising and awareness here.

Stop judging and labeling everything

One of the best lessons I learned was to stop marking and judging everything in my life. People tend to label things as good or bad. For example, we see someone with green hair and immediately judge them for good or bad. We judge almost everything in our life, from other people, by the gifts we receive, the films we see, the books we read, time, title, and list. 

We indeed have to judge certain dangerous situations in self-defense, but most people go overboard and over-value everything they encounter. Imagine how tiring that must be. Often it is much better to accept what we cannot control and go with the flow. Try to count the number of times you rate something or someone in a day and you may be surprised.

Avoid gossip and complaints

Another great way to be more positive with nature is to stop complaining and gossiping about other people. We are all responsible for this and the more we can reduce it, the more positive we will be. Be aware of all the times you are complaining about something or someone and practice acceptance instead.

Appreciation/praise for effort rather than talent

Last but not least, remember that effort costs more than talent in the long run. Focus on your efforts, not your talents. Effort leads to skill. Talent will be lost if it is not supported by a strong effort. Stop thinking that other people are more talented than you and focus on actually doing it. Every journey starts with the first step.

Even if you’ve been a negative person for a long time, make sure you can make positive changes. Our habits have been learned and can, therefore, be trained and retrained. Research shows that we can readjust our brains and change our attitudes. You can be a more positive person and be a happier, more optimistic person. You deserve to live your life like this.


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