125 New Year Phrases to Congratulate on New Year’s Eve

125 New Year Phrases to Congratulate on New Year’s Eve
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The designated dates arrive and with them the creative postcard

December 31 is a symbolic date that invites us to reflect on what the year has been like for us and how we would like the coming year to be. Surely there have been good and bad moments, but regardless of whether it has been a year to remember or not, there are people who have been there for us, giving us love for another year.


Although love for a person should be shown throughout the year, this date is a special opportunity to show those people that we care and that we think of them.


The best phrases to congratulate the new year

This article brings you a compilation of the best phrases and New Year’s greetings so that you can send that characteristic New Year’s Eve message to your loved ones, family and friends. Go for it.


1. Despite the breakdown, the illusion will always arise, regardless of adversity, Love will always prevail. May this year be a great year for you and you will remember it forever.

Some ideal words to remind you that, despite difficult times, there is still hope.

2. We cannot forget our mistakes, but from each lesson, we are filled with wisdom. May happiness await you in this year that begins!

Sometimes relationships can get complicated. But today is a day to show love to those people we care about.

3. If you had only one wish to fulfill, what would it be? May God fulfill each of your heart’s good wishes in the new year!

It is almost an obligation to make a wish on this special day.

4. For each day of the new year, a new desire to fight and strive for … Blessings on your new projects!

Many of us have projects in operation. Today is the day to wish a friend success.


5. May this New Year 2023 allow you to elucidate the best for your life and that of yours, always valuing those who love you the most, because without them nothing would be the same! Successes and blessings for this New Year!

The people who have been by your side this year deserve recognition.


6. A new year is a new beginning and a thousand moments to celebrate, and every noble desire of your heart crystallizes!

The coming year is an opportunity to change things about ourselves that we don’t like.


7. If the year 2022 brought you happiness, may the year 2023 bring you the greatest of joys … Have a happy New Year!

This an excellent phrase to wish that the coming year is even better than the outgoing.


8. Although we have lost an illusion, new ones will come to nest in our hearts. Happy New Year 2022!

This coming year could be a great year.


9. Let’s join our glasses to toast love and peace in the whole world. A sincere wish for a better year

A congratulation that comes from the bottom of my heart.


10. You know that this year we have met and our love has blossomed. I hope that this coming year our love continues just as alive. Congratulations and a very happy year to you. Love you!

An ideal New Year’s date for your partner.

11. If the year that is about to end left memories of pain in you, may this New Year impregnate the best moments of your life for each dream achieved! Happy New Year 2023!

For those who have not had an easy year


12. Goodbye to New Year’s Eve, and welcome to the new year full of joy and hope

A congratulation full of illusion. To cheer up this new year.


13. I toast this year that we spent together and that many more come!

A special message for New Year’s Eve dinner.


14. A loving wish for a Happy New Year

This a short phrase for those people with whom we do not have a deep relationship.


15. Happy 2023! May the new year bring you peace and prosperity

A date that you can use in a more formal setting.


16. Twelve months, four seasons, a happy heart, and dreamy eyes … Happy New Year 2023!

This a nice phrase to say goodbye to the year and start a new one full of hope.


17. Best wishes for a fabulous and strategic year

A date for those who are very into their work.


18. With our best wishes for a happy new year full of joy and prosperity

Specially intended for the dedication of the family.


19. To you, my friends, my best wishes for next year. With the belief that this 2023 will be rewarded with pleasant surprises that fill our lives with pure happiness

Ideal to share with a group of friends.


20. Happy New Year everyone. I wish the best to all the people who love me and especially to you who have had such a good time with me

You can send this phrase on WhatsApp or Facebook.


21. Happy New Years’ Eve 2023. Fill your glasses with bubbles and start toasting so that the New Year 2023 arrives sparkling enough with euphoric joy. Happy New Year!

For you to fill your glass of cava and toast with your loved ones.


22. The city is full of light and color, it is a triumph of sparkles, and there is already in the air the smell of celebration and the desire to give a smile. A hug and we wish you a Happy New Year 2023

In the new year, there is a different atmosphere, full of love.

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23. 2022 is coming to an end and with it, I hope it takes away all the bad stuff so that 2023 comes with the best for you!

Words mean that this ending can be a great start.


23. The New Year has arrived… The old year is now dragging its bag full of days, of events that have made 2022 a difficult year full of uncertainties. A year in which many of us have lived with hearts sinking in anguish, without work, without the light of hope

For those who have been unlucky at work. This is a year full of hope.


24. The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of dreams. May the New Year bring you many dreams and beautiful satisfaction

For this year to be splendid, you have to believe in it.


25. A sparkling toast of wishes, a New Year, and a new life. Remember never stop being yourself, always fighting for what you want. Happy New Year!

This is a year to give your all and fight with all your might.


26. To my best friend with love, that this new year he passes all subjects, knows true love, and takes a bath every day. Happy New Year friend

To show a great friendship and the love you have for your friend.


27. I can only think of Happy New Year (but with my heart in my hand)

What matters are the actions more than the words.


28. The old year leaves tomorrow. Receive today my best wishes of happiness for the New Year 2022

An ending that gives rise to a great beginning. A year full of illusion.


29. I only wish you two things, everything, and nothing. May everything makes you happy and nothing makes you suffer

A phrase that plays with the words everything and nothing to wish you a great year.


30. Happy 2023! I know it is too early to say hello to the New Year, but I know so many beautiful people that I have decided to start with the most beautiful people

A New Year’s reflection with a touch of irony.


31. Lots of love, champagne, fun, lots of gifts, crazy moments … Successes at Christmas and Happy New Year

2021 can be a year full of triumphs. But you have to believe in it.


32. This year I thank you for being part of my immense fortune. Happy 2023!

Reminding a special person how much you care should be almost an obligation on these dates.


33. I wish you a prosperous 2023. With 12 healthy months, 52 wonderful weeks, 365 great days, 8,760 hours of excitement, and 525,600 happy minutes. Greetings and a happy New Year

There are many ways to say that a year is ending. But the good is yet to come.


34. Happy new year friend. I promise you this year will be better than the one that is about to go

Especially for a friend, you love so much. To wish you the best.


35. For everyone who looks positively toward tomorrow, may you have a prosperous new year. Happy New Year

For positive-minded people with an optimistic spirit.


36. If you want a year of prosperity, sow wheat. If you want ten years of prosperity, plant fruit trees. If you want a life of prosperity, plant friends. I wish you many friends in the year 2022. Happy New Year 2023.

Friends give meaning to our life. Do not forget this new year.


37. In the hope that the new year will bring you and your family a year full of joy and serenity

Congratulations to a family we know, wishing them the best for the coming year.


38. Holidays are a time for reflection and good times as a family and today I want to share it with you because I love you very much.

Reminding that special person that you remember on such an important date.


39. Happy 2023 to everyone and especially to you. Never stop running towards the goal, say goodbye to your bad luck. A new life begins for us. I love you

To remember the year and, in addition, encourage them to achieve the objectives.


40. May this New Year all my friends achieve their goals, make their wishes come true, and be happy every day. I love. Happy New Year

The new year allows you to do things better than you have done so far.


41. I came across with happiness and asked him to pass by your house with health and love for this new beginning

You can wish happiness to that great friend or family member.


42. May each day of this new year be with joy and full of good moments together

The special people in your life give you their time. Thank him.


43. I will always wish you the best of life. May this year you achieve all your dreams. If you cannot achieve some dreams, it will be because of something or because life will give you a new opportunity to keep trying. Happy New Year!

Wishing the best for this new year to that special person is sacred.


44. Family is the greatest treasure and I am very fortunate to have them by my side at the beginning of the year.

Specially intended for the family, which is always there for you.


45. My love … I hope you have a happy New Year’s Eve full of joy with your loved ones and wish of a new year, more serene and more beautiful than this … with the hope that the most precious gift you can get is that my immense love fills your heart and make you feel safe and protected at all times.

A date for that significant person in your life.


46. ​​I hope this year you get everything you want because you deserve it. Have a happy new year

This year will be his year, so wish him the best.


47. The best omens for this 2023 full of joy for all

In other words, may luck be with you this new year?


48. May 2023 come with the best moments of happiness and may everything be happy for you

Many people think that with the new year their life can change for the better.


49. When you are with your family you can only be happy and today in this celebration I want to tell you that I love you. congratulations to everybody!

These dates are special because people are reunited with their families.


50. Friend smiles because everything bad is finally over. This year will be much better, so to be happy. Have a happy new year

A New Year’s reflection that shows that friendship is still alive.


51. I could not have a better friend than you, I wish you the best and to toast you for many more years of friendship

Friends who are there throughout the year will appreciate such an appointment.


52. May God always be with his hand extended and hold you and hold me pointing the right way … they are my best wishes for the new year and may love reign, and prosperity in your home

A New Years’ date for people who have faith in God.


53. Happy new and prosperous year that everything you imagine and more is for you

First, you have to dream and then work hard in this coming year.


54. I want peace to hijack your life, love to flood your soul, and happiness to reflect on your face, I wish you, from the heart, all the good you deserve. Happy New Year!

Much love put into a single sentence


55. This past year I became a millionaire because I have the most valuable treasures which are friendship

The real treasure is not in the money, but in the people who love you.


56. In many of my days my problems seemed unsustainable but you always held them next to me, giving me the strength and courage to get ahead. I consider you a super friend and I wish you from the bottom of my heart a very happy new year.

Some people support you in bad times. Today is the day to show that you value it.


57. This 2023 brings togetherness and love to our family. Congratulations!

A dedication to your own family, to wish them well.


54. When the midnight bells arrive I will give thanks for having them

New Year’s Eve is a time to spend with the family.


58. Close your eyes and ask for three wishes and in this new year that comes they will be fulfilled

It is common to make wishes when we eat grapes on New Year’s Eve.


59. I hope that the actions that come from my heart show you how much I care about you. More than any phrase.

An original reflection for a special person for you.


60. I hope that the new year brings you many joys, but please do not change, because that is how you are perfect. Happy New Year

For the person, you love the most and with whom you share intimate moments, your partner.


61. When my message reaches you, close your eyes very tightly and think about the most beautiful things that happened to you and I wish you those and many more

New Year’s Eve is a time to remember what has happened during the year and to reflect deeply.


62. Do you know how wealth is measured? not for your money but for the number of friends you have

Friendship is the most valuable treasure, More even than money.


63. Congratulations, I am thankful for having you as a family, I would not charge you for anything. Happy New Year!

Family is everything, and this is a day to show them that you remember them.


64. This 2021 passed very quickly, I leave many good things, that I will always carry in my heart, that this new year will be much better

For those people who have become part of your life.


65. Before meeting you I was a hopeless man, being your friend transformed my style of thinking, you helped me change my life, to find my horizon and today I can say that I finally knew happiness, peace, and above all love I consider you my best friend, a happy new year full of success to you

Some people change your life completely. It is time to thank them.


66. Today we have the opportunity to say goodbye to the year that is leaving and celebrate the year to come. Have a better New Year and may you always remain such a good friend. Happy New Year!

The new year is an opportunity to make your life what you want it to be.


67. I wish you a happy new year and may all your dreams come true

This a short quote but one that says a lot with its words.


68. I hope the new year brings you many joys, but please do not change

For the amazing people who don’t want it to be otherwise.


69. I wish you so much happiness and good things you as well as so many stars shining in the sky. Happy New Year, little sister!

This quote is intended for a sister, who is your great accomplice.


70. May the rain of happiness catch you with the broken umbrella, soak you and splash everyone around. Happy New Year!

A curious way to usher in the new year.


71. My most authentic wish is that you have a happy new year, despite having very bad times, never turn to look behind

This new year is to look ahead and fight for what you want.


72. I wish you 65 days of love, 129 days of luck, and 171 days of happiness! Happy New Year

For a year full of joy, love, luck, and happiness.


73. To all, many congratulations for this year, that love is the first when entering your house, that health and work come behind and that every one of us has a lot of love. Happy New Year.

Congratulations to my friends, and to wish them the best in the coming year.

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74. This phrase is a box of peace full of joy, wrapped with affection, sealed with a smile, and sent with a kiss. Happy New Year! May this year bring you peace, joy, and many good moments.

A bit cheesy, but it is also another beautiful dedication to wish a happy New Year’s Eve.


75. May this be a year of growth as human beings to face any difficulties that may arise in the future.

This year can be an opportunity to grow as a human being.


76. I would like to spend the new year with you, as we always used to do. But it is impossible because we are thousands of kilometers separating us. Either way, I sincerely hope you have a happy new year. I hope you always have me in your thoughts as I do

When you miss that person, you always remember them.


77. I wish you a new mathematical year: Adding all kinds of pleasures, subtracting pain, multiplying happiness, and dividing love with all your loved ones. Happy New Year dear friends!

For fans of math. A curious congratulation.


78. When seconds to midnight do not ask for fame or fortune. Ask for health to continue living and love so that there is peace and happiness in your life. Happy New Year to everyone!

The end-of-the-year wish should not be material.


79. It is not enough to close your eyes and make a wish for each month of the year. It is necessary to put all your effort to achieve your purposes. May this New Year bring to your life a lot of health, happiness, and many desires to continue fighting for your ideals. Happy New Year!

The best way for this year to be successful is by giving everything to achieve what you set out to do.


80. You are my universe and without you, I would not exist, you give joy to my soul, illusion, and passion to ours tomorrow, let’s toast to a new year full of happiness and love, like the present. Happy new year my treasure

Not everyone has that special place in their heart. That can only be achieved by giving yourself a lot of love.


82. May this year be better than the last and our friendship strengthens. Happy New Year friend!

For new friends, those who have shown so much in so little.


83. May the strength of the soul … illuminate your mind with wisdom, may the love of the heart … water your body with joy, may the feeling … radiate tenderness to your family, may love be the passion … of your infinite search, may it understanding … may the gift be your humility, may a close hug … be the expression of saying “I love you” … These are my wishes for this coming year

There is no better day to say I love you than this.


84. Every day we must dream of a world full of peace and harmony where love and hope rule. I wish you all the best in your life and never lose the will to live

The new year brings you a new possibility to fight for what you want so much.


85. If no one will celebrate the New Year, everything would be like any other day, it is not the celebrations and cabal that make the difference, it is we who make the difference with our dreams and hopes

The New Year is a special date, and we must show people that we want to remember them.


86. This new year lets us maintain the illusion and the faith that we will achieve what we set out to do. Have a new year full of triumphs and satisfaction

Wish someone special the best with these words.


87. Whenever you start something new, use your right leg so that everything goes well. Happy New Year

We must start this new year on the right foot. So give it you’re all.


88. May this be a great year of health, work, and love. Receive this new year with joy, because I am sure it will be your year. Happy New Year

This greeting wishes three important things: love, work, and health.


89. I wish you 12 months of happiness, 52 weeks of serenity, 365 days of love, 8,760 hours of fortune, 525,600 minutes of success, and 31,536,000 seconds of friendship … Happy New Year my friend

A special dedication to that authentic friendship. For that faithful friend.


90. If in the old year you have not been able to achieve your goals, you lose nothing by trying again. Have a happy year, my friend. That disappointment does not take away your desire to fight for what you propose

Last year may not have been what you wanted, but this year it can be. So cheer up.


91. The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams, my wish is that next year brings you new beautiful dreams and above all concrete satisfaction

Only people who really want it and work hard will have a successful year.


92. Every year passes quickly… So I’m not getting involved, I’m going to start having the best I can to enjoy 2023. Congratulations!

We must not stop having fun in this new year. May it bring good times, fun times.


93. I feel a huge shame to say goodbye to this year because it has been one of the best in my life I did things that I never imagined doing and I met wonderful people like you. Have a happy new year

The previous year has been good, but you have to have faith that the next one will be better.


94. I sincerely hope that a happy new year passes and that all your goals come true. Remember that there will always be bad moments in life, the important thing is to overcome them and never look back

We all have wished for this new year. It is up to us to fulfill them.


95. Happy New Year. I just hope you never give up when it comes to fighting for your dreams. I love you, friend

For those friends of the soul that we care so much about. So that they do not collapse and achieve what they propose.


96. I wish you a happy new year, it is a real wish from a friend who wishes the best for you, have fun and enjoy it a lot

Another congratulation to a friend. A few words with sincerity and affection.


97. Dear friend, I want you with all my heart a happy new year, I am certain that this year love will enter your life and you will have much happiness

A few words of encouragement for that person who has been by our side through good times and bad.


98. From the bottom of my heart came every word I wrote to put together this New Year’s greeting, my friend, happy new year, I have you with me always

When it is appreciated from the heart, it penetrates deep into the person who receives your words.

99. If life gives you a thousand reasons to cry, it shows that you have a thousand and one to dream. Make your life a dream and your dream a reality. Happy new year 2023

A positive attitude and optimism, are not lacking in 2023.


100. Smile, today begins a new stage for both of us and we must take advantage of it. May your wishes come true this new year. Happy New Year

Your partner will appreciate some nice words to start the new year.


101. Happy New Year to you and all those who make your life better!

Happiness should be good to share, and this congratulation expresses it.


102. I hope that in this new year good things come to you not because of luck, but because of what you will show yourself

A way to focus on self-improvement.


103. A new year begins, and with it, new reasons why being by your side is great

One of the phrases to congratulate the new year that serves to express affection.

104. For this new year, I hope I can spend more moments with you

It never hurts to have an excuse to see yourself more.


105. The love I feel for you does not fit even in the New Year’s greetings for a decade. Happy Holidays!

Written words have a limit, and this congratulation subverts it.


106. Happy holidays and have a sweet time in your life!

Another of the New Year’s greetings phrases that go to the classic.


107. At this time I remember you. For a new year with more stays!

The desire to move from remembering to living in the present.


108. Happy New Year, you deserve it for your hard work

These festivities can be seen as a prize.


109. On New Year’s Eve, my best wishes come to you

Another bet on the classic.


110. Happy New Year full of new goals and illusions

Wishing for goals may be better than wishing for the rewards themselves.


111. Because this New Year is part of the best stage of your life

A congratulation that underlines the good of changes for the better in life and personal projects.


112. I always remember you, but even more so in this New Year that begins

A congratulation that expresses sincerity and simplicity.


113. You have been the best thing that has happened to me this year that ends, and surely you will continue to be so in this one that begins

For those who have recently met.


114. Maybe New Year’s Eve is just a social construct, but that doesn’t change that I wish you the best for the next 365 days

This is a philosophical way to congratulate the New Year.


115. For another 12 months with the happiness that your presence brings me

Continuing to have what is already available is a very valid option, especially in terms of friendships and affective relationships.


116. Happy New Year to you, to yours, and to our friendship!

The bond between two people can be seen as something that has autonomy and that goes beyond individuals.


117. In this New Year, I wish you to continue to be one of the best influences in my life

Opening up to the other person honestly adds value to the congratulation.


118. Those of us who know you already feel lucky to have you around, and in this New Year, we hope to continue being so.

If you are interested in sending a group greeting, this may be a good option.


119. A big greeting and my best wishes for this year ahead.

One of the most versatile and adaptable phrases to congratulate the New Year.


120. For a new year in which we can see each other more and continue sharing the best!

An indirect way of asking for more moments together.


121. May this New Year be another great discovery … And may we discover it together!

This phrase can be used to congratulate the New Year to close friends or family that we see regularly.


122. The best of life is about to begin. I wish this is your year!

For people who are starting an exciting stage or project.


123. Happy New Year, and may life keep smiling at you

One of the phrases to congratulate New Year’s Eve that goes to simple, with a very direct message.


124. May health and that great capacity for effort and improvement continue to accompany you in this New Year

A way to congratulate and at the same time emphasize the virtues of that loved one.


125. I wish you a New Year full of successes and valuable lessons.

An ideal New Year’s greeting for young students.


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