40 Movies for Entrepreneurs Loaded with Pure Motivation

40 Movies for Entrepreneurs Loaded with Pure Motivation

Life needs motivation. This can come in the form of books, phrases, images, and even advice from a friend. And when we are setting up a business, even films for entrepreneurs are needed to motivate us to work toward goals and objectives.

Films for entrepreneurs are capable of inspiring you to undertake, to change your life, to believe that it is possible. Its emotional component makes us feel identified with the plot of the story while we apply it to our lives.

If you are creating a company, or want to learn how to start your business, you will understand the importance of motivation within these projects.

There are times when things don’t turn out the way you expect, lost clients, ideas that don’t turn out the way you imagined, bankruptcies, capital losses, doubts about the future, among other uncertainties and fears.

Why do you need to watch these movies for entrepreneurs?

Starting a business is one of the most enriching experiences that a human being can live.

When you are setting up your business you life difficult, happy moments, of satisfaction, struggle, questioning…

And it is thanks to these moments that your business becomes one of the greatest satisfactions in life, due to the difficulties overcome and the sacrifice that this implied.

This is why you need these movies for entrepreneurs, to realize that you are not alone on the road, that you are not the only one facing the challenges of entrepreneurship, and that there have been other people, like you, who have already traveled the road, shared their expertise and give you a voice of encouragement.

See also  Enterprising Woman and the First Steps to Entrepreneurship

Are you thinking of setting up your business? Here we leave you more than 50 profitable businesses to start with little money.

Movies for entrepreneurs who need pure motivation:

Here are 40 films for entrepreneurs that will inspire you to start your dreams.

Movies that are beyond entertaining leave you with a message that it is possible to achieve it; That dream or goal you have is attainable as long as you deliver your best version and try as many times as necessary.

These films for entrepreneurs serve to analyze a business idea, to motivate an entrepreneur who is going through a difficult situation or simply to learn the story of other entrepreneurs who were successful with their businesses.

You will also find documentaries for entrepreneurs, full of valuable content about the history of successful entrepreneurs, industries, and useful advice for your business.


1. Coach Carter ( trailer link )2. Seven Souls ( trailer link )3. Waffle Street ( trailer link )4. The truth hurts ( trailer link )5. A true story ( trailer link )

6. Music, friends, and party ( trailer link )

7. Under the Same Sky ( trailer link )

8. A Beautiful Mind ( trailer link )

9. The Theory of Everything ( trailer link )

10. Everest ( trailer link )

11. Forrest Gump ( trailer link )

12. Ali ( trailer link )

13. Million Dollar Baby ( trailer link )

14. Invictus ( trailer link )

15. A Possible Dream ( trailer link )

16. Pearl Harbor ( trailer link )

See also  Life is a Sum of Small Investments

17. The King’s Speech ( trailer link )

18. Moneyball: Breaking the Rules ( trailer link )

19. Who wants to be a millionaire? ( trailer link )

20. The Fighter ( trailer link )

21. The Judge ( trailer link )

22. The Social Network ( trailer link )

23. The Wolf of Wall Street ( trailer link )

24. The Power of Money ( trailer link )

25. Limitless ( trailer link )

26. The Founder ( trailer link )

27. Glengarry Glen Ross  ( trailer link )

28. The Pursuit of Happyness  ( trailer link )

29. Junk Job ( trailer link )

30. The Pirates of Silicon Valley ( trailer link )

31. Catch Me If You Can  ( trailer link )

Documentaries for entrepreneurs:

We have always wanted to know how the great entrepreneurs got to where they are today. This is what these documentaries and films for entrepreneurs are about.

We wonder, for example, what did Larry Page and Sergey Brin at Google, Mark Zuckerberg at Facebook, or Steve Jobs at Apple do to achieve that level of success?

And while there are many sources of information to learn from them, such as books, articles, or movies for entrepreneurs, in this section of the article you will find the documentaries you must see to understand what they did and how they did it, and right there learn about how to create our own company.

32. Entrepreneurs and millionaires documentary ( trailer link )

33. The Profile of Mark Zuckerberg ( trailer link )

See also  20 Tips From Bill Gates To Achieve Massive Success In Your Life

34. Entrepreneurship in America ( trailer link )


35. The Biography of Bill Gatestrailer link )

36. Inside Google: The Trillion Dollar Machine ( trailer link )

37. Steve Jobs: One Last Thing ( trailer link )

38. The Entrepreneur Awakens ( trailer link )

39. Carlos Slim, the story of Telcel ( trailer link )

40. The Virtual Revolution: The Price of Free ( trailer link )

If these shorts have managed to inspire you, imagine your level of motivation after watching these films for entrepreneurs full of success stories and inspiration.


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