The most demanded Industry 4.0 profiles

The most demanded Industry 4.0 profiles

The digital and industrial transformation has caused a radical change in the way in which companies are organized. This has generated the appearance of new jobs with high demand in the future. So that you don’t get left behind, in this post we explain which are the most demanded Industry 4.0 profiles. Do not miss it!

The fourth industrial revolution demands new profiles

Technological advances have generated substantial productivity gains in every industrial revolution that has happened. We are currently experiencing the fourth industrial revolution or Industry 4.0 and the changes in production processes are going faster and faster. Given this speed of transformation, the appearance of new professional profiles is already a reality.

Most of the tasks in the industrial sector are divided almost equally between humans and robots.

The most automated jobs are being replaced by machinery, but, on the other hand, specialized careers in technology, computing, and engineering are increasing.

If you want to be part of this technological ecosystem, do not miss the most demanded professional profiles for this 2023 in Industry 4.0, keep reading!

The new profiles of Industry 4.0

1. Expert in Machine Learning

The Machine Learning expert’s main tasks are creating teams and automated processes. These professionals usually have computer training.

In addition, this profile has the final objective of optimizing products to provide higher quality for customers.

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Machine Learning experts also create statistical models from programming or data analysis and, thanks to this information, define aspects of improvement in different areas of the company. In short: these specialists create proposals that can be implemented with machine learning processes.

2. Cybersecurity Expert

Cybersecurity specialists are in charge of protecting the company’s data and systems, as well as preparing all the organization’s computer security so that they can avoid cyberattacks or derived digital risks.

The most demanded Industry 4.0 profiles

They are also responsible for developing security protocols and are in charge of responding to threats, should they occur, and minimizing damage.

3. Data Scientist

The profile of the Data Scientist is beginning to take off within the industrial sector. Its key functions are the collection of data on manufacturing processes as well as the results obtained.

It will be in charge of making decisions based on data and optimizing each of the areas of the company, thanks to this information collected.

It also has a vital role in identifying new technological trends, in order to ensure that the organization is at the forefront and has some competitiveness in the market.

4. Responsible for Smart Factory

Smart Factories are factories that are fully connected and digitized, thanks to different technologies such as the Internet of Things or Robotics.

The person in charge of these Smart Factories, where human intervention is relatively low, is one of the profiles that will be most in demand in the coming years. Its functions will consist of implementing innovations, improving processes with the available technology, and managing the different areas and all the information that is processed.

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5. Chief data officer

The CDO or Chief Data Officer is in charge of supervising tasks related to data management and quality, as well as implementing a data-based strategy.

These profiles are also responsible for exploiting this data for their commercial activities and, above all, driving innovation within the company, promoting digital transformation, reducing costs, and increasing revenue.

6. Agile Coach

The Agile Coach is one of the positions with the most future within Industry 4.0. This profile requires soft skills such as time management, organizational skills, and verbal communication.

Its main functions within the industrial sector are to manage the right resources and technology to create new processes, new methods, and ways of working.

In addition, they will be in charge of creating a team culture based on agile methodologies. They will be in charge of supervising the progress of the different departments and implementing improvements to increase productivity.

7. Robotics Expert

The Robotics expert is also changing the industrial landscape. His job is to design and maintain automated robotic systems. This profile must have training in very diverse areas such as mechanics, electrical circuit design, programming, etc.

The most important thing is that the robotics expert is able to identify the best technologies for each particular process, such as intelligent transport systems, intelligent autonomous robots, etc.

If you liked this post about the most demanded profiles of Industry 4.0, comment and share!

And if you want to increase your employability in the industrial sector and train in technologies such as Robotics, RPA, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and IoT, still visit this site.


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