Technology is advancing by such leaps and bounds that robots are even on the verge of becoming companions (and, in some cases, replacements) for humans, due to their intelligence, uses, and versatility. In that sense, robotics has caused great changes in different areas of work and in how we live in society. However, this is just the beginning, because the future of robotics is much more promising.

In this way, in the last ten years, robotics has allowed us to change the way we work, and the way we live, and even play a fundamental role in leisure activities. Almost everything has gone digital, and along with advances in intelligent robots, the future brings the possibility of many people being able to use complicated machines more easily. More and more robots are improving in impressive ways, ranging from doing difficult calculations to understanding the world using sensors that become more fascinating as time goes by.

But what is expected from robotics in the future? In this article, you will learn how robots are evolving, how they will interact with humanity in the future, and how this evolution is shaping a world where machines will adapt into indispensable allies in everyday life and all industries. Keep reading and find out!

What is the future of robotics?

What is the future of robotics?


Energy efficiency

The International Federation of Robotics (IFR) explored some of the trends that will influence the evolution of automation and robotics technology, with energy efficiency standing out as one of the most relevant aspects. Energy efficiency plays a crucial role in improving the competitiveness of companies in the context of increasing energy costs, which is why the adoption of robotic systems entails multiple benefits in terms of reducing energy consumption in manufacturing processes.

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Simultaneously, robots operate at high speeds, contributing to increased production rates and, consequently, more energy-efficient manufacturing. As part of the future of robotics, the adaptive load optimization system is expected to allow robots to make real-time decisions about when and how to perform more energy-consuming tasks.

For example, they could postpone energy-intensive activities during times of low energy availability and prioritize more essential or lower-consuming tasks. Likewise, they could look for areas with greater solar lighting or nearby power sources to recharge more efficiently.

Automation and efficiency

The evolution of robotics will have a decisive impact in the coming years, reshaping various sectors and work approaches globally. As automation gains ground, it positively increases work efficiency and safety, reaching unsuspected levels.

Likewise, as the interaction between humans and machines increases, the impact of robotics will continue to grow in the future. The robotic revolution is shaping industrial structure and job prospects globally, driving efficiency, safety, and personalized adaptation in services. The connection between robots and humans will continue to deepen, allowing for an even greater expansion of the impact of robotics in the future.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning

Integrating artificial intelligence and machine learning into robotics will allow robots to adapt and learn from their environment. This opens the door to personalization and optimization of complex tasks, such as healthcare, precision agriculture, and flexible manufacturing, making it quite clear that the impact of robotics and the future of work will take a better turn.

Until recently, most robots required specific programming to carry out predefined tasks. However, autonomous robotics seeks to provide robots with the ability to learn and adapt as they interact with their environment. This is achieved through machine learning and deep learning, which allow robots to analyze data in real time, identify patterns, and make informed decisions based on their experience.

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Despite exciting advances, artificial intelligence and machine learning also present significant challenges. Safety, liability, and ethics are crucial issues that must be addressed. The creation of autonomous robots raises questions about liability in the event of errors or accidents, as well as privacy and oversight in applications such as surveillance.

In this regard, Marc Segura, President of ABB Robotics, during an interview for Factory of the Future, stated the following:

As AI in robotics develops, concerns around complexity and capacity that previously prevented companies from investing in robotic automation are being addressed (…) As capabilities further develop, robots They will appear in greater numbers and in applications outside traditional manufacturing and distribution environments, such as electronics, healthcare, e-commerce, pharmaceuticals and food.

Man-Machine Collaboration

Other applications of robotics in the future are the close and efficient collaboration between humans and robots. In manufacturing, for example, collaborative robots or cobots; They work alongside human workers, sharing tasks and complementing skills. This increases productivity and quality of work while maintaining safety.

Additionally, in healthcare settings, assistive robots can assist patients with rehabilitation therapies and offer emotional support. It is important to mention that rather than replacing humans, human-machine collaboration seeks to enhance our existing capabilities and overcome limitations. Robots act as intelligent companions that can perform physical, monotonous, or dangerous tasks, freeing humans to focus on more creative, strategic, and decision-making activities.

Final words

Robotics is constantly evolving and is expected to continue to profoundly impact various industries and aspects of our daily lives. As robots evolve from tools to intelligent, adaptable companions, we are faced with innovation. Therefore, taking into account the advances in robotics in the future is crucial. What do you think about this topic? Do you think the future will be better thanks to robotics?

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