100 Business Ideas To Start Now

100 Business Ideas To Start Now

Many entrepreneurs do not know the procedures to follow for the creation of their business or business plan, it must be taken into account that to reach a successful conclusion, in addition to having enthusiasm, a Plan must be structured to follow, first of all, a ” happy idea”, it is necessary to think about undertaking something with which you feel comfortable and that is a good business in today’s market. Secondly, having the necessary money to start this company and thirdly, good training is important to meet the objectives we want to achieve.


Before launching to create a business or company, the entrepreneur must make sure that his idea can be carried out and for this, a Business Plan must be drawn up, it is a useful, simple, dynamic, and personal document, which Analyzes the feasibility of your idea.

In case of opting for financing, investors will want to know the details of the business, it is their business card and their presentation must be taken care of at the design level as well as all its content, text font, size, images, etc.

The contents that have to appear in this Business Plan are those that are detailed below, it must be taken into account that each section must correspond to the others, and also do not forget other aspects such as legal, commercial, administrative, financial, etc. …

Table of Contents

The business idea

The business idea is the product or service that I want to offer to the market. The means to attract customers and thus obtain economic benefit. It constitutes the business opportunity and what, when it comes to bringing it to reality, the creation of the SME, makes us successful or not.

But not only is it enough to have a good idea, but it is also necessary to evaluate it and check its viability. Therefore, the first step on the path of the entrepreneur is to specify the business idea and describe it as precisely as possible. To do this, when putting it in writing you must make the following points clear.

  • Description of the product or service that you are going to offer to the market: The need that your product or service covers. If your business idea covers a new need, you will have very little competition.
  • Potential clientele: Who is it for? We must specify the essential characteristics that define our target customers.
  • Competition: It is necessary to carry out an exhaustive analysis of the competition of the products or services they have, what their characteristics are, and what methods or strategies are used by those companies with which you are going to compete in the market.
  • Added value: It is the part in which it is reflected that your product will differentiate, which will make it become the best option for buyers.
  • The sources of business ideas are very diverse and varied, but they all pursue a common goal: to find the product or service that will make customers want to buy it. But also do it in the most profitable way for the company. That is, apply methodologies that help us reduce costs to the maximum. This is one of the bases of the Lean Startup philosophy that has revolutionized the business world.
  • Business Plan Template with an executive summary: Present your company’s objectives clearly and simply.

You want to set up a company, but you don’t know exactly which sector. There are 100 ideas to inspire you.


1. Assist in digital business tax management

The payment of taxes represents a headache for most entrepreneurs. Not only about disbursement but also about compliance with the deadlines according to the established schedule and their calculation. Any solution that facilitates this path could be well received, especially if the procedures are simplified as much as possible. One example is the Quaderno solution, a digital platform for managing digital business taxes that helps you issue invoices with the automatic calculation of VAT that you have to apply anywhere in the world. In addition, and as they say, with all the tax information collected with Quaderno, the completion of the tax forms is a matter of minutes, not hours.

2. Quality homemade food at home

You can either start the business on your own or sell the product to one of the thousands of ghost kitchens that already operate in Spain or offer it to any other restaurant establishment. The key to success is that it is healthy, rich, and well-cooked food to be served at home with the same efficiency as fast food.

3. A hair clinic

In Spain alone, the market for hair clinics moved the figure to 250M euros in 2020. The national offer is indeed growing at a very fast pace, but there are still opportunities to open new clinics, especially if one takes into account the objective that the national sector has set itself to take the leading role of capillary tourism from Turkey. The market is huge if you take into account that around 50% of the population has hair loss problems and that a large part of this group is willing to pay for a solution. In addition, according to Google Trends, one of the questions that we Spaniards asked search engines the most last year was: why does hair fall out?

4. Online training

It is a segment that does not stop growing and does so in all specialties and for all ages, from reinforcement classes within regulated education to training for investors or embroidery. The challenge here is to win the trust of the client who is aware of the presence of a lot of sellouts who are dedicated to teaching something that the teacher himself does not practice.

5. Online language teaching

The learning of a second language continues to be one of the eternal pending subjects of Spanish, so any solution that helps to close this gap effectively seems to be a guaranteed success. Solutions such as Lingokids or Wannalisn strive for this. And also teach Spanish online to foreigners.

6. Privacy on the network

Users are increasingly annoyed by the fact that, after performing an Internet search, they are bombarded for days with advertisements related to that search. Now they want to control their data and any solution that guarantees their privacy and does not take advantage of them has a good chance of success. A success story is represented, for example, by Internxt, a Spanish startup that is preparing to end Google’s monopoly with a cloud file storage service focused on user privacy.

7. And if you exploit their data, pay

It is one of the proposals that gain more weight in the market. In it, companies like Kubikdata find their opportunity when they say they want to change the rules of the game of the online advertising market. To do this, they have designed an application that allows all interested parties to receive advertising and charge for their consumption.

8. Support for female entrepreneurship

Supporting women entrepreneurs has become fashionable. Not only because it is urgent to close a gap that leads to the waste of 50% of entrepreneurial talent, but also because it is one of the transversal axes contemplated by the Recovery, Transformation, and Resilience Plan of Spain. Consistent with this purpose, public institutions such as Anisa have opened a new line of financing aimed solely at promoting female digital entrepreneurship.

9. Applications of emotional well-being

Taking care of emotional health is nothing new, but the pandemic has triggered greater interest in monitoring mental balance and knowing how to manage moments of crisis. From this derives an increasing consumption of applications that help guided meditation or train in relaxation exercises. Brainscape is one of them where they promise to restore the natural balance of the brain to feel relaxed and revitalized anytime, anywhere. Among those preferred by entrepreneurs, Headspace also stands out, with hundreds of guided meditations, sleep sounds, and music for concentration, among others.

10. Of course, the Metaverse

By Metaverse we understand the virtualization of physical spaces of all kinds, from work offices to music concert halls. Following this trend, business proposals such as Musichooh appear, where they offer musical experiences at another level. But some brands invest in providing metaverse experiences, like Nike and its blockchain-powered shoes that users can run in as avatars.

11. Consultancy in regional innovation

One of the ways out for many SMEs in times of crisis is to refocus their businesses and develop new products. It makes sense to set up regional consultancies specialized in the design of new products (everything that has to do with industrial design and market research) or international marketing that focuses on traditional businesses and sectors.

12. Hyperlocal News

It is one of the trends that has not yet reached Spanish journalism: local online journalism, carried out by professional journalists. In the United States, there are already different online media, such as Patch.com, which are limited to seeking information on neighborhoods within districts or small towns. It is not a question here of providing information on international conflicts or news of global relevance, but rather of informing about nearby changes that directly affect citizens, such as, for example, informing about changing circulation and mobility restrictions.

13. The new model of escape rooms

Most of the escape room businesses were affected by the pandemic and the lockdown, but many of them were able to adapt their games to the digital environment. One way to enrich them would be to incorporate the Virtual Reality option that, for now, seems to be discarded by many due to the cost of this technology. This does not take away from insisting on the search for new user experiences and more creative plots capable of engaging as a Netflix series does. Numerous brands also seem to be joining this trend as a different way of interacting with consumers.

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14. An energetic community

It is a way of empowering consumers to control the energy that is generated and consumed. In addition, its creation has the approval of the plans of the Executive. Along these lines, the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge (MITECO) has recently approved the regulatory bases for granting aid from the incentive program for singular pilot projects of energy communities.

15. New gym concepts

Technology is also helping the reinvention of gyms. Rockit is an example of these new proposals where they are presented as a very fun personal training space. They apply escape room strategies and rely on the use of technologies such as artificial intelligence.

16. Slow tourism

It is gaining more and more followers, many of whom, rather than pursuing adventure and risk tourism, are looking to enjoy the landscape calmly and without having to be trained in sports. It is the proposal that includes businesses such as Oku Japan with a focus on escaping the crowds and in real Japan, with small accommodations and careful itineraries to travel both on foot and by bicycle.

17. Against food waste

We are not just talking about a trend but about a legal obligation dictated by the Government to combat food waste. The standard affects the entire food value chain, from production in the primary sector to surplus in a restaurant at the end of the day. All of them must articulate measures to mitigate this problem. Therefore, creative solutions are needed to reduce food waste or promote its return to the value chain.

18. Subscription restaurants

Even the restoration has already reached the overwhelming model of the subscription economy. In reality, it is nothing new that people who are used to eating away from home every day tend to repeat the establishment, but they are not always encouraged nor is it always possible to serve them, as happened with confinement. Given these circumstances, some restaurants have launched a membership service, such as Wetaka, with a personalized weekly subscription model of taper delivery at home. That the idea works is shown by the fact that Wetaka is among the fastest-growing Spanish startups.

19. Alternatives to QR codes

At first, okay, but now we’re starting to get a little tired of swiping the phone through a QR code that doesn’t take you anywhere or leads you to an advertisement instead of a letter. Add to this the risk of being hacked by cybercriminals and the vulnerability of our data. Alternatives to QR already exist, such as NFC technology or data transmission by light, but it’s not so much about the technology as it is about the effort shown by many to track us with it.

20. In zero contact

Avoiding touching the surfaces that thousands of users pass through every day is a habit that has been implanted in most of us as a result of the coronavirus. The worrying thing is that a pandemic had to come to be aware of certain hygiene practices to avoid contagion and it is to this ‘discovery’ that numerous business opportunities are being added. One of the most innovative solutions corresponds to the Azcoyen Group where they have patented a technology called Distance Selection that allows the selection of products in automatic vending machines without the need to touch any surface.

21. Live commerce

Live commerce is based on a new way of selling in electronic commerce. They turn to influencers or trainers who are in charge of presenting a product through live streaming. The audience has the opportunity to follow the presentation, ask questions, or make suggestions. It’s like live interactive teleshopping. Proponents claim that conversion rates skyrocket with this method. The model has been successful in China for a long time and now it has also arrived in Spain thanks to the startup The Jump.

22. Retail one to one

It is about offering very personalized experiences and putting the customer at the center, not the concept but each specific person. We are not talking about a new model, which has always existed, for example, tailors who made your suit to measure, but the same dynamic can be extrapolated to other areas of the economy or go a step further such as giving appointments to make purchases in private or, as they do in Genesis Concierge, with a personalized car purchase service with which a concierge is available to the client who, in addition to taking the car to the door of the house, trains him in handling it.

23. Sustainable weddings

If you are one of those who care about the environment and you are about to celebrate your wedding, a ceremony in which everyone has to travel by car or spend a fortune on a dress that you are only going to wear one day does not seem very coherent. You will have to consider an eco-wedding that, if it is not 100% sustainable, is at least as close as possible. Brands such as the British Sustainable Bridesmaid Dresses point in this direction, where they make sustainable wedding dresses.

24. Parent support services

Many ended with stress triggered by circumstances that forced them to work at home and with children without school. Hence the recent success of certain platforms that offer a support service in tasks such as learning or entertainment for minors.  Nannyfy is one of those success stories where, with the coronavirus, they decided to reorient a business that previously offered ‘babysitters’ at home to another to give classes by video call to children.

25. The new travel kit

Every time we travel, it is now time to add to our luggage a complete protection kit made up of masks, hydroalcoholic, refillable bottles, wipes, or any other utensil that you want to reserve for personal use. The sale of this type of disinfection and single-use products has skyrocketed.

26. Against the great blackout

Whether or not it is true, time will tell, but now that the message of the possible risk of a major blackout has begun to spread, panic-stricken consumers have rushed to buy stoves, lanterns, and candles just in case. perhaps. Somewhat more efficient solutions seem like that of Elliot Cloud, a spin-off of the Riojan company Bosonit, which a few weeks ago launched a new tool on the industrial market that optimizes energy expenditure by instantly opting for the cheapest option.

27. Mystery shopping 

Companies are looking for efficient ways to ensure that customer care and service processes are met, more so those that operate on a global scale and with relocated teams. Solving these problems is the task of the mystery shopping industry and companies such as IO Research, experts in market research, focus on the specialization of these services.

28. Care for the elderly at home

87% of older people prefer to live in their own homes rather than move to a residential or health center. Taking this reality into account, companies such as Cuidum, Depencare, or Cuideo were set up, all of them with home care services. But also to combat the loneliness that many of these people suffer in their homes, solutions such as Adopt a Grandfather begin to increase, where they connect with younger generations.

29. Distribution and maintenance of 3D printers

There are already quite a few manufacturers of 3D printers and equipment. Still, intermediary services between producers and buyers, with advice and a good explanation of the differences between each one based on the needs of each business or individual, are businesses with little cost and many chances of getting ahead. And whoever says to distribute and advise also says a repair and maintenance service for these printers is a great opportunity.

30.5G, 6G, and total connectivity

Spain is the country in Europe with the largest fiber optic extension installed. This represents a competitive advantage to lead the leap to 5G and 6G and be a benchmark in the connectivity market. The Government of Pedro Sánchez intends to promote it and for this, they will allocate 1,367 million euros in 2022, 631 million will go to the development of 5G and 6G, and the remaining 736 million, to the deployment of high-capacity broadband networks. Businesses that point in this direction are promised happy years.

31. Cybersecurity

As absolute connectivity increases, cybersecurity solutions will gain weight. Here we are not talking about a trend but about a real growing need, which is why, at this time, it represents one of the fastest-growing markets in the world, given that it is one of the natural consequences of digitization. Also to promote its growth, the Spanish executive is allocating important economic items such as the 224 million euros announced by the National Cybersecurity Institute (INCIBE) in Innovative Public Procurement contracts.

32. Voice Technology

We tend to type less and talk more, hence the success of virtual assistants, chatbots, smart speakers, and voice identification systems, among others. Some say that the voice revolution, voice tech, has only just begun with predictions that the funds allocated to the voice business will triple by 2025.

33. Marine cultural heritage

Ancora culture of the sea is a project that emerged in Valencia that seeks to “value the Valencian maritime culture and underwater archaeology, promote its research, protection and design strategies to convert this Valencian Maritime Cultural Heritage into an active resource for the territory and citizens. ”. The idea arises as a result of detecting a lack of knowledge, protection, and plundering of the underwater archaeological heritage of Valencia.

34. Specialized consultancy

Not everything is said in the world of consulting. New technologies and economic models open the door to numerous possibilities within the consulting sector. It is about looking for a profitable niche and specializing in it as they have done, for example, in groWZ Consultants, a commercial consultancy with a service for the hybrid seller.

35. Vending of erotic toys

For a long time in Japan, vending machines have proliferated in hotels through which to purchase erotic toys. The risk of these vending machines is that minors access them, but if they are located in controlled places, it can be an interesting business. For example, Conchi Ameskoa, a Navarran merchant who, according to El Correo, installed one of these vending machines next to the delicatessen that she runs, and that worked great for her during the Covid times.

36. A vertical garden

It is based on producing stacked food in closed and technologically controlled environments. The need for agricultural land is eliminated and it allows production to be brought to urban centers, even if it is only used for fruits and certain vegetables. Mounted on a large scale, vertical gardens have been revealed as an opportunity with which companies such as the American AeroFarms have become millionaires.

37. Biometric solutions

According to Statista, the value of the biometrics market is expected to reach $55.42 billion by 2027. In addition, the same organization, predicts that global spending in the identity verification market will grow exponentially in ten years, going from 4,930 million in 2017 to more than 18,000 million in 2027.

38. Vegan fashion

Neither wool, nor down, nor leather, nor silk, nor any type of skin of animal origin. Amapola Vegan has specialized in vegan, ethical, and sustainable fashion. An important part of the project focuses on discovering and supporting brands that meet ethical criteria in terms of veganism, respect for the working conditions of workers, and sustainability.

39. Talent on demand

In Offer your talent they have arbitrated a solution that consists of the possibility of exchanging the talent of a company for other services as well as offering talent to interesting projects. Another company that specialized in what is known as secondment is Elite-work, where they present themselves as pioneers in Spain in the exchange of professionals between companies.

40. Forensic cleaning

There are already companies specializing in what they call traumatic cleaning with what they generally refer to as forensic cleaning, that is, cleaning and disinfection of spaces where an animal or human death has occurred. The objective of forensic cleaning is the containment and subsequent elimination of possible pathogens and harmful agents that have arisen as a result of the circumstances in the space to be cleaned. The elimination of any human or animal biological remains is essential for the recovery of the space so that it can be used normally again and the guarantee that there is no risk to health. This is what they do, for example, at Geindepo.

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41. Bioproducts to sell abroad

The sale of bioproducts (organic and functional foods) is expected to grow considerably in developed countries. Through the Internet (it fits by price and by size and by market) you can offer Spanish organic products (already on the market) in any country.

42. Invest in whiskey barrels

Maybe you did not know it but investing in whiskey barrels is a very lucrative business since the barrels are revalued naturally and acquire a constant value as the spirit matures, and that makes them a fantastic investment option to protect yourself from market volatility.

43. The Halal market

It is the one that is aimed only at Muslim consumers, that is, a potential of more than 1,700 million and a growing industry that is governed by its standards and certificates. According to the Halal Institute, this term includes everything that is permitted (according to Koranic precepts) and, therefore, is beneficial and healthy for the human being, promoting an improvement in the quality of life and the reduction of health risks. Entering this market is not easy, but if you succeed and adapt to its rules, the business opportunity can be immense, as the company Cecinas Nieto, with a Halal production plant, declared to Entrepreneurs.

44. Rental of butlers

Companies with Bv Mayordomos offer the possibility of renting the services of a specialized butler on a one-off basis. As they say, they are expert professionals in private personal service, protocol, etiquette, and ceremonial, for temporary assignments and/or short or long-term projects at a national and international level.

45. A hospital for toys

The toy hospital is dedicated to this at RIMAR, a company founded in 1945 to manufacture old handicraft toys made from sheet metal, wood, cardboard, majolica… With the arrival of plastic, the activity was turned around and from 1952, was dedicated to the repair of all kinds of toys, with or without mechanics, national and imported.

46. Creation and distribution of wearables

The market for health and wellness tracking wearables has continued to grow globally throughout 2021. Market leaders Apple and Samsung have maintained double-digit market shares, although most of the growth has come from smaller companies.

47. Rental of parking spaces

The parking space rental market has experienced notable growth in recent months. Now, the return to offices and business centers is leading to the emergence of new business ideas around this sector, such as Parclick, a platform that helps users find parking spaces in different cities and areas of the country. LetMepark is another one of them.

48. Development of board games

It is a trend that never goes out of style it was one of the verticals that grew the most during the pandemic. And if you have the idea of ​​a new game and you don’t know how to design it, you can use companies like The Game Crafter which help you create it easily.

49. Niche coworking

There are more and more coworking spaces and there are for all tastes from only women entrepreneurs, like The women’s station, to rural or ecological shared workspaces.

50. Coliving

The next step in the evolution of co-working spaces was coliving, a new residential formula that attracts investors. Until now restricted to young students or traveling professionals, coliving spaces are now offered only for entrepreneurs, such as The Start, or for the elderly, also known as senior cohousing, an alternative to the residential model.

51. Acquire old houses, rehabilitate them, and sell them again

It is known as Flipping Houses, a thriving business in the United States that targets investors in real estate. It consists of locating dilapidated houses or buildings, acquiring them, rehabilitating them, and selling them again at a much higher price than the original. It is not necessary to have the capital to start up and acquire the first properties because the first thing you have to do is locate investors who will advance you the money.

52. A theme park for dogs

As some understand that the dog world also has the right to leisure, ideas such as Perriland arise, a theme park located in Zaragoza for dogs to socialize and have fun in their way. For that, they organize experiences focused on dogs, such as a tourist route through the Manubles Valley, in Calatayud, for you and your pet.

53. Digital Dating Consultant

It consists of helping others to flirt by writing their introductions and profiles in spaces like Tinder and then managing their dates. They are known as ‘freelances of love’ and sometimes they are also forced to practice as psychotherapists when the appointment does not work out. We go like the First Day but in digital.

54. Blockchain and cryptocurrency expert

It has its barriers and a steep learning curve, but if you are already an expert in blockchain technology and the crypto world, the options for setting up a business around this specialty are numerous, from becoming a cryptocurrency trader to working as a financial advisor. or offer professional services related to blockchain, such as the tokenization of assets.

55. In the insurance sector

Technology projects applied to the financial and insurance sectors have become the darlings of investors. And it continues to be so along with Insurtech, as the latest report on Investment Trends in Spain Q3 2020 from the Bankinter Foundation’s Startups Observatory revealed.

56. Repair of electronic devices

Computers, tablets, mobile phones, game consoles, automatic robots, 4K televisions… the more technology surrounds us, the more experts in device repair will be needed. A notable success story in Spain is represented by CyG Sustainable Tech, with a presence in more than a hundred countries and where they repair more than 500,000 electronic devices per year with a turnover of around 20 million euros per year.

57. Corporate gifts with experiences

Years ago, companies gave away baskets full of sweets and liquors to their employees, and only on certain dates. Currently, there is a big change in trend in the way we give gifts and companies are leaning towards sensory experiences. In this context, companies such as Bigbox appear, specializing in gifts of experiences and offering options for companies, which give their collaborators and clients the possibility of choosing their gift. In this way they will be able to enjoy a unique moment, choosing for themselves what experience to have: a meal out, a spa day to break the routine, an outdoor adventure, a weekend getaway, and much more.

58. Sale of food in bulk

They apply the ‘Zero Waste’ philosophy so that, in addition to only offering the sale of local products, they dispense with any type of container other than a cloth bag or a container that the customer brings from their own home. Businesses such as unPacked Shop, a bulk supermarket where that sells sustainable, ecological, and plastic-free products, are positioned along these lines.

59. Solar panel repair

The solar panel repair business is not for everyone as it requires some specialization and technical knowledge as well as a lot of patience and manual work. It would be almost like artisan work derived from new technologies, hence the price for repairing a solar panel costs an average of €1,840, according to Habitissimo. Normally, it is the same manufacturing companies that are then dedicated to their maintenance and repair, although others have specialized only in this, such as Dankesol, experts in solar energy and the maintenance and repair of renewable energy equipment.

60. Products with cannabis

You can see for yourself how Cannabis works at the hand of The Beemine Lab, a pioneering Spanish company in products derived from Cannabis. This Spanish company research develops and markets a complete line of products made with natural ingredients such as CBD and honey, manufactured in Spain, without pesticides, and 100% free of animal cruelty. There are, however, a multitude of products in different formats to which cannabis can be added as an ingredient, such as creams, lotions, lipsticks, balms, or oils, among others.

61. The dynamic Shuttle 

It is a shared transport service that has already established itself in cities such as New York, with more than 100,000 daily users, such as Tokyo, London, and Berlin. In Spain, it has been established by Celering, a Spanish startup specializing in offering mobility services to cities, companies, and individuals. The Dynamic Shuttle works with a technology based on artificial intelligence algorithms that represents the latest trend in mobility. This new way of traveling, with a chauffeur and shared vehicle, is an effective solution to problems such as crowds, traffic jams, and public transport schedules and, at the same time, reduces pollution and improves the quality of life in cities by facilitating the movement of citizens.

62. Recruitment platforms

The Human Resources sector is also advancing on the path of digitization. On the other hand, the work of its professionals is now complicated with many relocated teams and highly technological profiles that are difficult for them to assess. Therefore, tools are needed to facilitate their tasks, such as the one offered by Personio, a company of German origin with a presence in Spain that helps the Human Resources department to digitize and optimize all the processes that have to do with people management. What are vacation management, document management, payroll, time control, employee onboarding, and performance evaluation…

63. Couples counseling and therapy

There are many who, before definitively breaking up with a relationship, choose to try to save it, resorting to the help and mediation of a professional. Specializing in this branch of Psychology can open the doors to an interesting market niche.

64.Common medical nomenclature

There is a gap for a consultancy that works together with hospital documentalists to support them when it comes to normalizing the codes they handle daily.

65. The churreria

How to make churros?, was another of the searches that we Spaniards did the most on Google last year. We missed the consumption of one of our most traditional products at breakfast and snack time.

65. Landscaping

Now that it has given all the local administrations the to recover the splendor of their parks and gardens and to individuals surrounding themselves with green in their homes, providing solutions that guarantee the beauty of the spaces combined with sustainability can be very successful.

66. Export product packs

A good idea now to sell food outside of Spain is to do it through a consortium of food producers, where in the same catalog there are different products from a specific geographical area (is it an outlet for traditional/rural businesses)? Inside the pack can even enter wine and oil, which have it more complicated.

67. Animal welfare

According to OIE international standards, animal welfare designates “the physical and mental state of an animal in relation to the conditions in which it lives and dies”. In Spain, we are still awaiting the approval of a law that regulates it, but more and more customers are taking it into account when purchasing a product, hence the success of monitoring tools, such as Ixoriguè, a startup that emerged in Madrid and other cities across European Union that wants to make the lives of ranchers and shepherds easier with a monitoring solution for extensive livestock.

68. Insect farms

The consumption of insects provides proteins, fats, fiber, and micronutrients such as iron, calcium, or magnesium. Eating 100 grams of crickets is equivalent to two large eggs, or 100 grams of mealworms contain 24 g of protein, while Atlantic salmon only contains 20 per 100 grams. Based on arguments like this, more and more businesses are turning to insects as food ingredients, both for animal and human consumption.

69. Sensory intelligence

It is based on knowing those products and flavors that most please our senses, from visual to taste or touch. Having this information can be very useful for companies when designing a new product to launch on the market or setting the mood for a space. To facilitate this information in the food industry is what companies like Tastelab successfully dedicate themselves to, where they help launch successful products and control that the sensory quality that was initially designed is maintained.

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Judicial decision-making based on the use of technologies such as artificial intelligence or machine learning complicates the work of legal professionals who could find themselves in the position of clarifying whether they are dealing with a person or a corporation or whether, on the contrary, the responsibility for the negligence is a software or an algorithm.

71. Niche Retail

There is always someone who ends up identifying with one of the multiple urban ‘tribes’ that arise. Each one has its clothing, peculiar accessories, and gadgets. Identifying some of these trends and positioning yourself among the first to meet the demand can become synonymous with success.

72. Box subscription

A subscription box is a business idea that has been on the rise in recent years, through which business managers charge a monthly fee for the fact that their clients periodically receive a box with content related to the professional sector to which they belong. the online store and everything fits here, from pet supplies to beauty kits or food ingredients.

73. Provide experiences

Brands are no longer just looking to offer a quality product, it is now about going further and accompanying the purchase of experiences. The more original and enriching the better. Sometimes it is the companies themselves that are responsible for designing them, but they do not always have enough time and resources to do so, resorting to other companies specializing in this to procure them for them.

74. Creation of audiovisual content

The demand in this field does not stop growing. Twitch, YouTube, Movistar+, Netflix, and Amazon Prime… are clear examples of this and their growth opens the door to a large part of the creative industries, from screenwriters to music producers.

75. Chef at home

It is about hiring the services of a private chef, such as those offered at TakeaChef so that he can come to your home with all the necessary ingredients, prepare the food and entertain your guests not only with quality cuisine but also with a pleasant experience.

76. Portable medical devices

It is not just about meeting the growing demand of individuals for the use of wearables, but also about helping medical professionals with support devices for remote monitoring of patient progress or anticipating a diagnosis. Solutions that point in this direction are, for example, Sense4Care experts in the detection and analysis of human movement patterns applied to health. Its portable systems are wearable and capable of monitoring falls, winds, postures, and motor symptoms related to specific conditions.

77. Meetic… but for all hobbies

Everyone knows sites like Meetic. Imagine a premium and niche portal of this type: mountain, sports, travel, gardening…

78. In the ‘no code’

No code is usually cataloged as a philosophy. The companies that operate around this market are responsible for providing tools that do not require programming to create digital products. Proof that it is a booming sector can be found, for example, in companies like the American Webflow. The mission of these companies is to provide others with tools to create digital products that, until recently, could not be executed without the work of an expert programmer.

79. Social economy

The social economy is emerging exponentially. In this sense, numerous initiatives from different fields are being promoted with a focus on caring for people and the planet. This needs to focus on how to transform the economy from entrepreneurship being, in many cases, an opportunity for self-employment and the creation of a diverse and local business network.

80. In emptied Spain

It is another of the main axes in the recovery plans of the Executive. Promoting entrepreneurship both within depopulated areas and providing solutions from outside that solve part of their problems can be a good option to undertake.

81. Help to open companies in other markets

Many times it is the local experts of the country of destination who help and advise you in the processing and opening of a company in a country other than the country of origin. However, there are other entrepreneurs who, after moving their residence to another country, create a consulting business for other compatriot entrepreneurs who choose to open in that market.

82. The invisible payments

The fintech says goodbye to money, at least the one that is touched. Today it is already difficult to find a young man with 5 euros in his wallet. They opt for electronic payment via mobile. Solutions are as successful as those of Stripe or the new model of physical stores created by Amazon Go and have found their business opportunity in this trend.

83. In cloud computing

The pandemic and remote work encouraged many companies to increase spending on the cloud to host all digital content in it instead of having it scattered across different servers and devices. Forecasts suggest that this trend will continue to rise in any sector, even considering the return to work in the office. For the consulting firm Gartner, the big push will come from what is known as distributed cloud, that is, the distribution of public cloud services in different locations.

84. Combat Fake News

Never before has so much false news circulated as before. A good part of the blame is attributed to the networks and solutions such as the British Fabula AI, a deep learning startup for detecting false news, acquired last year by Twitter, arise to identify them.

85. Marketplaces still work

The marketplaces continue to be the preferred purchase option in all the products analyzed, showing growth in all of them except in the electrical sector. Selling on marketplaces is a good step for the first online sales. The biggest advantage for consumers is that they offer an attractive service to customers with a wide range of products at affordable prices. However, there is an increase in marketplaces specializing in very specific products.

86. Local e-commerce 

Now that practically all businesses have been digitized and added online channels to their sales, local e-commerce based on proximity businesses is also beginning to proliferate to boost the economy of certain businesses or population centers.

87. Use of CO2

It is another of the recently revealed business opportunities. It is based on rescuing the CO₂ emitted into the atmosphere, recovering the carbon, and storing it for new uses. Within the circular economy model, it is a line of research in which different startups are already working.

88. The business of death

Oddly enough, the funeral market is also experiencing its peculiar digital transformation. It does so hand in hand with technology and the emergence of new ideas that put the focus on this market that some already call Funeral Tech. Solutions such as the Spanish Iteralix or Recompose, where they propose taking advantage of corpses for arable land.

89. The cultivation of algae

It is another product that is in fashion and to which properties of all kinds are attributed, from food to medicinal, through cosmetics or antiviral agents, among many others.

Its properties and applications and commercial uses are almost as great as the variety of its types. Faced with business opportunities, some dedicate themselves to collecting them, and others, the majority, to cultivating them. Asia is the largest producer in the world, but initiatives in this direction are also beginning to expand in Europe, such as Zeewaar, founded in 2013 as the first algae farm in the Netherlands.

90. In the lifestyle

Most of us express our attitudes, interests, and opinions through the lifestyle we lead, it is what is known as Lifestyle. The concept is broad, but we most often reflect it in fashion, leisure, food, or decoration, among others.

91. The ‘silver economy

They call it the silver economy or silver economy that arises as a consequence of the increase in longevity and the inversion of the demographic pyramid. It encompasses the different stages of life experience from 55-60 years of age and all the activities, products, and services designed to satisfy their very diverse needs. The Silver Economy analyzes the consumption patterns of this segment of the population, creating market niches with great potential.

92. The new luxury

More new experiences than possessions is the path marked by some to the new luxury. Another trend in this field is the entry of the circular economy. Encouraging sustainability, the sale of second-hand luxury items, sometimes driven by the brands themselves, has become fashionable.

93. New direction of the collaborative economy

Every time there is a crisis, the collaborative economy is talked about as a valid alternative for scarce finances. But the collaborative economy is also taking a new direction, now encouraged by responsible consumption and sustainability. Both the collaborative and circular economy models are expected to have a long and brilliant journey in any area of ​​the economy.

94. Made in Spain and Locavore

Consuming Made in Spain products helps improve the health of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). And whether by their own decision, or due to mobility restrictions and, consequently, to exports, the truth is that the national demand for the country’s products has increased to the detriment of ‘Made in China, even if it is circumstantial.

Along the same lines, those called Locavore arise, that is, those consumers who choose to hire services or buy items from local producers. Not only national companies come into play here, but also any other product from a specific geographical area.

95. The Internet of Behaviors 

The Internet of Behavior (IoB) means going one step further than the Internet of Things (IoT). The IoB consists of bringing together data from the digital and physical worlds to convert the information they provide into knowledge intending to influence actions and behaviors through feedback loops from a behavioral psychology perspective. The IoB influences consumer choice, but it also redesigns the value chain, so its use requires high ethical criteria.

96. The value of intangibles

In some cases, intangibles can represent up to 80% of a company’s value. Also, a recent conference organized by CEVIpyme highlighted the importance of these types of assets to help the company move forward. Inesco refers to the economy of intangibles as the capital of ideas, encompassing under this concept assets such as software, databases, R&D, design, studies, or know-how, among many others. The problem is that, until recently, few were able to calculate the value of an intangible but in the age of knowledge it is one of the most attractive investments.

97. The ‘cloud coworking’ revolution

Transparent Business is a SaaS platform that offers solutions to monitor online employees in real-time, coordinate remote work teams, and provide information on the cost and status of projects. In addition to helping companies manage remote teams effectively, they claim to increase their productivity by between 15% and 40%. It is about creating platforms designed to increase the productivity of remote workers.

98. Portable technology for people with disabilities

OrCam aims to become a new Israeli unicorn. It is an artificial vision company, created by the same founders of Mobileye, Professor Amnon Shashua (CTO) and Ziv Aviram (CEO). OrCam develops wearable technology for the blind or visually impaired. It is a device consisting of an advanced optical sensor that captures an image of its surroundings and communicates the information audibly to people, without any connection to the Internet.

99. The Second-Hand Market

Although some relate the prosperity of the second-hand market to the crisis, the truth is that for a few years, it has not stopped growing. Closely linked to the circular economy.

100. Capitalism in the slow society

The slowdown we are experiencing will force us to redefine the KPIs by which we measure companies. We may see new things, valuations with P/E (price to earnings ratio) in line with the earnings forecast for the next five years, which for some sectors will be significantly lower. Once again, ESG (environmental, social, and corporate governance) will be a fundamental component of the valuation of companies.


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