Where To Study Dentistry In The USA

Where To Study Dentistry In The USA

The dentistry career is one of the most interesting and best paid, that can be exercised within the United States, it is also a career that can be studied by American natural persons as well as by foreigners, alike.

Where to study dentistry in the USA?

There are several universities distributed in different cities of the United States where they teach dentistry, either to obtain a doctor of dental medicine degree or a doctor of dental surgery degree, which are the specialties focused on dentistry that can be studied in the US.

Within this section, we leave you the universities where you can study dentistry in the USA, the annual tuition costs, and the requirements that you must meet to be admitted.

Harvard University

Harvard charges an annual cost of $2,595 for the doctorate in dentistry and about $5,282 estimates the cost of health insurance for the student.

The requirements, to be admitted to this university, is to have delivered all the documents that support your undergraduate degree within the country and also to have paid the tuition, which cost $51,904.

University of California San Francisco

To study dentistry at the University of California San Francisco, annual tuition of $11,442 must be paid and with it, various expenses are met, including rooms, since it is a daily stay university.

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The requirements to enter it are the following: Have an excellent level of English, which will be demonstrated in the TOEFL exam, and present a letter of recommendation from the previous institution where you studied.

New York University  

If you want to study dentistry at the University of New York, you must cancel $53,610 of annual tuition, with this amount you cover room and board, books, supplies, transportation, and other expenses.

Among its main requirements are: Submit an application essay and pass the SAT or ACT exams.

University of North Carolina Chapel Hill

If you want to reside in North Carolina, while you are pursuing your doctorate in Dentistry, the University of Chapel Hill is surely your best option, it has an annual cost of $67,162 per year for general expenses.

In it, you can enter if you meet the following requirements: Obtain 1410 points on the SAT exam, present a letter of recommendation and cancel your enrollment in full before the beginning of the school year.

University of Pennsylvania

Within this university, about $77,612 must be paid for annual tuition and this estimates, accommodation expenses, medical insurance, food, books, and free internet connection within the campus, among others.

As for their requirements, they have the following: Present 2 SAT Subject Tests, Demonstrate your level of English, and present a letter of recommendation.

Columbia university     

For its part, Columbia University also has an excellent preparation for its admissions in the field of dentistry, its annual tuition is 84,630 thousand dollars and this amount can cover various student expenses, added to the salary of each of the teachers.

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Among its main requirements to be accepted, are the following: an interview via InitialView, having obtained a score greater than 1600 on the SAT or ACT, and include the score obtained in the TOEFL or IELTS tests.

Bachelor of Dental Hygiene

The degree in Dental Hygiene is a career very similar to dentistry and does not require many years of study, since they are undergraduate courses that have a maximum duration of about 3 to 4 years.

In that case, the graduates of this career can work as dental assistants, and here we also show you the universities that offer this career :

New York              University

University of Southern California

University          of Minnesota

Texas A&M            University

State licensure exams

We must also tell you that to pursue a degree in Dental Hygiene in the United States, you must submit a state test that will indicate your levels of knowledge, and with it, they will allow you to pursue a career in any state in the country.

Although in some states, this requirement is not essential, also knowing that the laws in the United States may change depending on the county you are in, in general terms, everything is handled in the way that we discussed.


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