How to Start Backyard Poultry Farming Home Business

How to Start Backyard Poultry Farming Home Business

Starting a poultry farming business is one of the things that can bring you many benefits. A good bird business means a steady inflow of money. This is why many of us today choose to start our own poultry business. If you want to open in your own building, it would be nice if you are familiar with the backyard aspect of poultry farming.

Recently, the poultry business has become a profitable venture. Demand for meat and eggs has skyrocketed simply because the increased use of chicken eggs and meat in new product development has increased. These types of markets usually vary from butchers, plants in the food industry, hotels, restaurants, local markets, or even your neighbors in your community.

Why open a poultry farm in your backyard?

The first reason it is a good idea to set up your backyard poultry farm is that it can go a long way in reducing family costs in terms of certain foods. It’s also luck, something that will keep you busy. It’s also a great way to fill in the gaps your regular salary can’t fill. Family integration can also be achieved because tasks can be shared equally by family members, making one another more inclusive and reducing the overall burden. Raising poultry in the backyard is also important for the unemployed as it is a great way to make money. Since it’s right on your page, it’s easy to complete it on the schedule that works best for you.

Steps in poultry farming

Selection of chicken breed in the backyard

Many types of chickens are suitable for backyard livestock. Choosing the right breed for your backyard herd depends entirely on your needs. Chicken breeds can be divided into two main categories: poultry for meat and poultry for eggs. Some types of chickens also exhibit a softer temperament which is usually more suitable for families with young children who will interact with birds. Poultry CRC has created a large poster of the most common chicken breeds currently on display in Australia.

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Chicken coop

Chicken coops must provide protection and shelter for the birds that live in them. The coop should be large enough for the chicks to live comfortably, so that they can flap their wings, walk, and build a comfortable nest.

How to Start Backyard Poultry Farming Home Business

Chickens coop should also be hygienic – with a variety of floors (such as sawdust, or sand), ventilation, and a place for people to clean. Chickens coop also needs to provide warmth through bulkheads, heating lamps, or additional bedding and nesting material. When building a new coop, consider the following: site selection, drainage, noise, smell, easy access, and the number of chickens you plan to keep. Note that if you live in an urban area, you should not own a rooster due to zoning restrictions. A good coop offers shade and protection for your birds, freedom of flow, and protection from the rain.

Feeders and drinkers

Depending on the coop design and the number of birds, you can install different feeders and drinkers. Make sure the system you choose has enough space so that birds have access to clean food and water at all times. Water must be kept clean and free of dirt. If you live in a cold prone area, leave all pipes behind to prevent freezing. Feed troughs should be easy to clean and refill and, where possible, should be positioned so that wild birds are prevented from entering.

How to Start Backyard Poultry Farming Home Business

Chicken and laying hens require different types of feed. The type also varies depending on the age of the bird. Chickens usually eat crumbs that are high in protein and energy. While the egg is ready to lay, it consumes 80 to 100 grams of food per day. Raised chickens drink 250 to 300 ml of water per day and, in very hot conditions, use up to half a liter per day. This means your drinker must be reliable because birds dehydrate quickly without enough water.

Commercially made pellets contain all the essential nutrients a healthy bird needs.

Health and Husbandry

Birds should be checked regularly to make sure they stay healthy. You need to learn how to catch and raise birds safely. A quick chest feeling tells you if your bird is losing weight. Check for parasites such as fleas or mites regularly, and isolate and treat sick birds. External parasites like this are easy to spot. Learn to recognize common ailments. Observe the visual appearance of your bird so you can see early signs of disease, feather bites, or aggressive behavior.

Wrap the fingers of one hand around the leg of the chicken, facing it on the elbow. Hold the wing with your other hand.


Fertilizer should be removed and clean sheets or bedding added regularly. If the crib design allows, leave a paddle or shovel hanging near the bed as this will come in handy. Old sewage and manure are good for composting and added to gardens as fertilizer.

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Eggs should be collected daily, as leaving the eggs in the nest can cause the hen to become gloomy. Chickens can also peck or eat leftover eggs and once they acquire this habit, it is very difficult to change. The artificial light used in the coop encourages the hens to lie down longer in winter. Another trick to increasing egg production is to place golf balls or ceramic eggs in the nest to encourage the hens to lie down in the nest. Check the eggshell for defects before using home laid eggs.

How to Start Backyard Poultry Farming Home Business

Eggs with cracked shells should not be eaten without cooking them first, as bacteria may have invaded the shell walls. These defects include soft skin, hairline cracks, pimples, or holes. Homemade candle holders are easy to make from lanterns and paper rolls and are a quick way to check the quality of a bowl. Remove external debris with a stiff brush. An old toothbrush is an ideal tool.

Eggs can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 6 weeks. Eggs age seven times faster when placed on the table at room temperature. By carefully marking the date taken on the outside of the bowl when you collect the eggs, you can ensure that old eggs are not left unused. If no date is visible on the eggs, you can always check the freshness by floating the eggs in the water.

The fresh eggs sink to the bottom of the water bowl while the older eggs float. It’s a good idea to know the freshness of your eggs because eggs that are ripened differently have different cooking qualities. Fresh eggs are difficult to peel when cooked, but are best for boiling, frying, and stirring. Older eggs are great for frying, quiche, and boiling until they’re done.

Regardless of how much you like your eggs, it’s great to have chicken eggs that you care for yourself in your yard.

Types of chickens and their markets

Now that you know the market you will be facing, now is the time to determine the specific numbers and types of chickens you will need on your farm. If you decide on a market that requires eggs, it is advisable to raise chickens that lay eggs. If your target market is more interested in meat, then you need chicken with good meat. Some chickens produce better meat than eggs and vice versa.


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