How To Prepare For Failure In Order To Succeed”

How To Prepare For Failure In Order To Succeed”

How do you prepare for failure every day?

Many people aren’t sure how to answer this question because it doesn’t make sense to them. Most of them find it easier to answer how they prepare themselves for success every day. Unfortunately, many people don’t.

By default, they have a reactive approach to meeting daily needs.


These micro competencies support the predictive value of failure. This helps to set realistic expectations and create contingency plans.


It should now be clear to skeptical readers that there are various ways to ask about mistakes and plan for them. Nothing is perfect. We all fail and fail, so it makes sense to prepare mentally for failure rather than be shocked and disappointed when the failure occurs until we never want to try again.


One of the most relatable experiences is learning to ride a bicycle. Nobody wants to fall, but we plan to do it using safety equipment, have someone come up to us to catch us before the fall, or learn to be on the grass for a gentle landing.


With all this training, most cyclists will fall and experience some bumps and bruises as part of the learning process, but will not be seriously injured. Before they begin, most will know that there is a real risk of injury.

So why not stop us?


Because learning to ride a bicycle is rewarding, fun and gives us freedom and independence. And we can plan for these possible failures, and that limits the risks.

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Living our life to the end means we have failed. We read people’s successes, but often don’t know about their failures.


Winston Churchill once said: “Success is not the end, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to hold accountable.” Whether cycling, reading, parenting, relationship, working or playing sports – whenever we have a difference between what we want and reality, we can see it as a failure.


If we start something that interests us, we are likely to fail. Accepting mistakes as choices is an opportunity to prepare for success too. Preparing for failure starts with confidence. If we are pragmatic and open about every failure, there is an opportunity to learn.



When we fail, we have a choice of how to respond. Although failure feels like a failure, it is not a failure that defines us. We’ll do that next.


Ask each salesperson how many “noses” they hear before answering “yes.” Most will tell you that the sooner you fail, the more likely you are to succeed. Thomas Edison put it well, “I haven’t failed. I’ve only figured out 10,000 ways that won’t work.”


We can only try to do anything every day, and we can fail at anything. Those who are prepared for failure are more likely to accept Edison’s thinking and decide ahead of time that failure is the information we can learn, not the point.


Choosing not to try again and give up instead of making two or three more tries before you succeed can mean the difference between being happy and choosing less than you want out of life.

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What will I do if I fail today? Note that the questions are not specific. this is normal.

For example, suppose you gave an interview for a new job you wanted and you didn’t get it. What you do next is binary: you will either want it or you won’t try again. Both have consequences.


Preparing for bugs can be specific. The follow-up to learn not to get a job can include discussion after the interview about whether there is anything you could do differently, coaching, and self-reflection on what you need to change next time.


Our overall mental health is influenced by the way we view what we do in terms of management, both success, and failure.


Planning for mistakes doesn’t mean we want or do it. This means that we are prepared to take risks – and with those risks comes the potential for failure. Moreover, with every failure, there is an opportunity to achieve life goals and fulfill personal needs.


Although failure can be dangerous when strong emotions can be controlled and we are open to learning and true to ourselves, there is still room for growth after failure.


When we can reconsider failure and see it as more than just disappointment, we imagine opportunities to learn from failure and grow. The only way to win in the game of life is to play.


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