50 Phrases To Attract Customers To Your Online Store

50 Phrases To Attract Customers To Your Online Store

With the growth of electronic commerce, to start and launch a business, many people began to invest in their virtual stores. The convenience and ease of the Internet make this market possible.

When you start studying digital marketing to apply it to your online business, you discover several factors that you should think about to attract new customers and retain your audience.

In addition to a good visual identity added to your brand, thinking about phrases for a virtual store will have an impact, helping to advertise your business and even determining the success of your company.

Even the saying “advertising is the soul of your business” is not so popular for nothing. But don’t worry, in this article, we will show you how to create and find the best phrases for an online store.

Table of Contents

How to create phrases to attract customers to your online store

Before presenting some suggestions of phrases for the virtual store for you to be inspired and use in your business, look at some tips on how to create your phrases to attract customers to your virtual store and win over them more and more.

Know your target audience

Before starting to think about phrases for an online store to attract customers, it is important to know your target audience, who the consumers are, and how they behave in each of their digital channels.

Think of phrases that have to do with your product

When you are thinking about the phrase you are going to use in your online store, it is important to think of something related to your product. Several sales phrases can make your customer feel excited to buy.

But the most effective online store phrases are those that are directly related to the items you sell and your brand. So look for successful slogans and try to apply them to your business.

Adapt it to your niche, linked to your objective, and you will be able to enhance your business proposal and draw attention to your products and your virtual store.

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Always be aware of what is happening

It is always interesting to pay attention to the most commented topics on social networks, such as “memes” or important topics. This can be an excellent opportunity to create a phrase and advertising focused on this and attract the attention of your customers.

Phrases for online stores to inspire you

Now that you have seen some tips on how to create your phrases to attract customers to your virtual store, check out some suggestions for phrases that will inspire you and use to promote your business.

1. “It’s almost time to sell out/run out of stock. Do not stay out of this promotion!

This is a traditional and popular phrase in the business world.

Add a sense of urgency to the sale, making the customer feel more convinced to buy the product, or they will miss out on a great opportunity.

2. “Buy product X and save Y% per month”

By showing the benefits of the purchase and what advantages the customer will have with it, there will be a greater chance that you will close the deal effectively.

In addition, it is an argument that shows real results, and therefore makes disclosure more attractive, being one of the best phrases to attract customers.

3. “Be one of the more than Z customers who approve of our business”

One of the techniques to attract customers is to demonstrate that it is a successful company, making it more reliable, since a significant number of people have approved the service.

It is also one of the marketing phrases to attract customers that invites the public, while also showing that there are several benefits for those who consume your product.

4. “I also suffered from this problem, now what?”

Among the phrases to initially attract customers, it is possible to use an argument to intrigue the public.

At the same time that this provokes curiosity, the company intends to solve a common problem among its audience, increasing identification with the business or with that specific product.

5. “Get to know our product developed after years of research”

With this small message, the company demonstrates that the product is certified by experts and also demonstrates its commitment to quality.

This can be an essential factor in convincing the customer to know what the business offers.

6. “I noticed that you are a very decisive person. Have you ever missed an opportunity like the one I’m offering you?

Good disclosures should attract the public’s attention and make them want to learn about the business.

With this text, the company not only provides a feeling of recognition to the customer but also offers an unmissable opportunity, in addition to having a provocative touch that increases curiosity.

7. “Every professional uses this product”

Again, validation from professionals and experts builds trust in the customer, making them feel more convinced to try the product.

This is one of the main creative advertising phrases and its variants, such as: “9 out of 10 experts recommend”, are also widely used by those who do marketing and advertising in companies.

8. “Don’t come to see our product if you don’t want to save money”

Many advertising phrases have a more provocative tone, which encourages the client to seek to know more about the business.

In this way, the company poses a challenge to the public, while ensuring an advantage that they will have if they know the product.

sales increase concept illustration

9. “If you live in X place, you will like these offers”

This argument is personalized and seeks to reach a more specific audience.

However, this can increase the public’s identification with the company, which can generate more sales possibilities.

The phrase can also use other characteristics and qualities of the client, such as:

“if you do And things”;

“if you like Z activities”;

“ideal product for those who want to reach X goal.”

10. “Take advantage of the promotion today only!”

This is an interesting impact phrase for sales, since it also works with the urgency of the promotion, only this day, encouraging the customer to visit your store.

Variations like “For a limited time only” and “For a few days only” often do the same thing.

11. “We want to hear from you, tell us what our service is missing!”

On the other hand, messages for customers like this one are also interesting for the business, since they call the consumer to action, showing interest in their feedback and attracting them to the establishment.

12. “Special sale only today!”

In establishments in different areas, phrases can be used to attract customers in case of an “emergency”, in this way the customer will be encouraged to discover the mysterious promotion, to cure their curiosity before it ends.

13. “Did you know that we are on the X social network?”

It may not seem like it, but this is one of the best phrases to attract customers. Although it does not reveal any products, it indicates the expansion of the business beyond services.

In addition, social networks are great advertising platforms, and the customer must know that your store is there.

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14. “Check out our discount packages”

Campaigns like these are ideal for arousing customer curiosity and presenting a positive diversity of products. In addition, they also work with discounts, something that usually attracts the public.

15. “We are known for feature X, come check it out!”

This type of phrase to attract clients is especially recommended since it works on more than one interesting point.

Highlight the outstanding feature of the business in question, while calling to action, actively advertising, and instigating the public.

Marketing phrases to attract customers

While physical establishments, such as beauty salons, can rely on some types of phrases to attract customers, new online businesses, such as digital marketing, can also yield good results with strategic expressions.

This is especially true for an area as broad in scope and popularity as this one. Below are some examples!

20. “I gained 3 hours of my day with a simple change”

Phrases to attract customers in digital marketing must focus on some triggers, such as the practicality that the user is looking for and new possibilities to optimize their time.

Therefore, approaches like this are often successful.

21. “You can earn X bonus on your purchase by doing nothing!”

The proposal of earning something without effort is one of the best phrases to attract clients. It is possible to add some simple conditions or offer the bonus as an attraction.

22. “You were wrong about everything about digital marketing.”

Phrases to attract customers in digital marketing must also use provocative factors to attract attention.

In this case, it engages the audience by challenging their knowledge.

23. “You are losing money doing this.”

Another provocative way to attract customers is to point out a situation where there may be a financial loss.

This way, they will look for your method to know how to change this condition.

24. “Everyone should know this by age X.”

This is one of the phrases to attract personalized clients, focused on a specific audience according to their intentions.

So, tailor based on age or another feature you want.

Concept photo of online sales - a shopping cart next to a computer

25. “Because doing X is the best way to get frustrated”

In digital marketing, you can use phrases to attract more direct and everyday customers. Therefore, look for approaches like this, that impact and draw attention to what you offer.

26. “Because stopping doing X is the key to being more successful”

It is recommended to use this slogan for sales, as it offers the possibility of a solution to the customer, drawing their attention to sensitive points, such as success.

27. “How to achieve X in Y simple steps!”

Additionally, invest in phrases to attract clients that are objective and practical, that inform the client of your intention to solve the problem forcefully, such as indicating the necessary steps.

28. “Are you ready to watch X content and change your life?”

Finally, phrases that challenge the client attract more attention, with statements directly addressed to him, with daring promises that attract the audience’s curiosity.

Phrases to attract customers to buy

After using phrases to attract customers, advertising, creative ads, or promotions, it is important to convince them to close the purchase and purchase the product or service.

These messages can be used on various occasions, such as individual contact between the seller and the customer, in outreach or advertising. See:

29. “Product X has already helped more than Y people solve Z problems”

Among creative advertising phrases, this phrase ensures the quality of the product, while demonstrating that it is efficient and does what it says.

It also shows that there are satisfied consumers who have had their problem resolved, possibly in the same situation as the customer in question.

30. “If you are not satisfied, you have up to X days to change it and get your money back”

This is one of the best phrases to strategically attract customers to companies since it offers more guarantees to the consumer so that they will feel more confident in making the purchase.

With this argument, the client can feel more understood, in addition to addressing a specific situation for which he is seeking a solution.

In this way, this phrase can increase sales possibilities, securing the product, while improving the relationship between the company and the consumer.

32. “This product is exclusive and we have few units available”

Many customers may be more motivated by the feeling of exclusivity and urgency, increasing the chances of closing the purchase.

33. “Of these two products, which one suits you better?”

During the sale, this is one of the phrases to attract customers with firmness and confidence.

That’s because it presents two options, reaffirming the purchase, and maintaining the customer’s freedom of choice.

Phrases to attract customers with promotions and benefits

Many businesses advertise promotions, discounts, and special benefits, but some advertising phrases can meet this objective more attractively for customers.

Check out some examples of these phrases to attract customers!

34. “Last week to buy X% off!”

In addition to presenting the discount, the company creates a situation of urgency, which can increase the customer’s chances of making the purchase.

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35. “If you buy this product, I can give you a free gift.”

This approach is especially suitable for one-on-one contact between the seller and the customer, as it creates a feeling of exclusivity.

Additionally, offering promotional giveaways increases the likelihood of closing a deal, even in the future, with an already loyal audience.

36. “By buying this product, you can participate in our loyalty program”

Just as customers feel exclusive and benefit from gifts, offering loyalty programs is a good strategy.

Therefore, this is one of the phrases to attract recommended clients for the company.

In addition, the offer can be through a loyalty program, points, or exclusive club, for example, depending on each business.

37. “When you buy product X, get product Y for free”

This is a strategy widely used by businessmen, as it attracts customers and increases the benefits of consuming a certain product.

Therefore, it is a good phrase to attract the public’s attention and increase the chances of sales.

38. “This discount is only valid until tomorrow”

Again, the urgent situation and the loss of a good opportunity make the customer feel more attracted to the offer.

This is one of the customer messages that can be used in individual contact with each consumer.

39. “Look, don’t tell anyone, but I’ll give you a discount.”

This is one of the most popular phrases to attract clients.

Even if it is a company campaign, it makes the customer feel exclusive and gives them an advantage.

Therefore, it may be a good alternative to implement this argument in approach tactics.

40. “Get X% off doing X thing”

This strategy can attract the public and also improve sales possibilities.

There are several promotions to implement with this phrase, such as:

  • Register on the website or in the store;
  • Refer this item to a friend;
  • Consume a certain product;
  • Make a store card.

In addition to being attractive advertising, it can also generate a profitable and attractive campaign.

3d illustration of a money bag with coins around it

41. “Only our product has X quality”

A phrase to publicize a specific quality of the product and thus draw more customer attention to it, highlighting its most positive point.

However, be very careful when using it. You must take into account the differentials of your product so that the client does not use any market argument against you.

42. “Special promotion X% off only…”

This is one of the best phrases to spread, especially on social media. It is possible to carry out campaigns using coupons or registration on the platform, for example.

In addition, it can also be effective in both online and offline advertising, integrating both and increasing the reach of the business.

Sales phrases to attract customers

In addition to phrases to attract customers, it is essential to use solution arguments that seek to make the public feel supported.

On that note, check out some creative advertising phrases to use!

43. “What else do you need?”

In addition to reaffirming the product to the customer, it also shows that there is a concern to satisfy their needs, which can considerably increase the impact on sales.

44. “I don’t have that information, but I’ll find out now.”

More than an argument, these phrases to call customers can also be put into practice in the company’s habits.

Transmits consideration for the client, seeking more details, and being honest.

These are fundamental qualities for the business to be successful.

45. “Is there anything else I can do to close the deal?”

The company and its employees make themselves available to the client, taking into account their conditions and offering help in trying to close the sale.

46. ​​“Tell us what bothers you”

More than a product, the business must offer a personalized sales experience for the customer, taking into account their situation and difficulties.

With this and other phrases to attract customers, the target audience will be able to feel more welcomed, increasing the possibilities of purchase and loyalty.

47. “If you have a problem, just contact us and we will solve it immediately”

An essential location to convey security to the client, offering immediate support and assistance.

That way, you will feel more confident in purchasing the product.

48. “We schedule the delivery for you”

Instead of using phrases like “delivery included” or “faster delivery,” the company can adopt this alternative.

It not only indicates the possibility of delivery but also offers the option of choice for the customer, who will feel included and valued.

49. “If I offer you a way to solve X (obstacle), can we close the deal?”

The company proposes to solve the purchase obstacle while strengthening the sale and making the customer feel recognized.

50. “Choose the best payment method for you”

Once again, phrases to attract customers who value consumer choice offer more than one means of payment and thus increase the chances of closing the purchase.

This is a good argument for outreach and advertising, as well as individual service, in convincing the customer to buy the product.

Have you found the best phrases for the virtual store?

We hope this article has helped you find the best online store phrases to promote your business and get the attention of your customers.


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