How To Choose the Right Mindset When Working With Challenging Customers

How To Choose the Right Mindset When Working With Challenging Customers

Even though “the customer is always right,” they are not always easy to deal with. Learning how to deal with difficult customers is an important step for any business owner, especially those in the customer service industry. Even companies with the best products and services sometimes face dissatisfied customers.

With the following perspective, you can defuse the situation and maybe even save your customers and your company’s reputation.

View complaints as rewards.

Complaints can be a great source of information, innovation, and inspiration. They can help you generate valuable ideas for new products/services, restore customers who previously moved to another location, fix problems that could cause other customers to leave, or get a lifetime customer winning. through fast and efficient complaint resolution. Only 4% of dissatisfied customers complain. The remaining 96% simply leave and never come back. Complaints can help you resolve situations and learn how to better manage your business. By looking for the “gifts” your customers have to offer, you are taking the first step in an open-minded approach. These thoughts fall into subconscious cues that you share with them while listening.

The customer isn’t always right … but they are the customer and we want to make them the customer.

Their investment in our business is appreciated and we must do everything we can to make them happy. It’s cheaper to solve the problem. It costs six times more to recruit new customers than it does to current customers. (Recent studies say it can cost up to ten times as much!) Pay attention to situations and remember the “big picture.” Don’t let the little things bother you. I’m glad you didn’t live with them. Unhappy customers often feel embarrassed about making mistakes and want to blame you.

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You can’t be offended.

If the client is angry, remember that this is not a personal attack. Even though you may feel like your client is attacking you, remember, “This is not about you, but your frustration with the situation.” If you take customer complaints personally, it’s sure to get worse before it gets better. Don’t let the person’s words get you emotionally involved. If you let him push the button, you lose. If you react emotionally – with anger, sarcasm, distress, or tears – you cannot react rationally. Annoyed customers want to piss you off because they believe you gave them what they want so you can get rid of them. Many unfriendly customers act this way because they made a mistake and want to blame others for distracting them from their mistakes.

Don’t let this customer contact you reacting emotionally or giving in to an embarrassing demand. Ignore any profanity. If you let curses offend you, you’ve lost your objectivity and control, and the angry customer wins. Edit the comment in your head so you can understand the words without getting annoyed. However, if the language is offensive, remind the client that you are a professional and expect to be treated like a professional. Tell them that if they are calm and use appropriate language, you will be more than happy to respond to their concerns.

It is your responsibility to deal with the person and their concerns. 

This is part of your job at Public Relations Services. We are all team players and participate in the success and failure of customer service. Don’t blame or pass the customer on to another team member. Think about how you felt in the past when someone tricked a disgruntled customer and do what you can to avoid it yourself.

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Let go of the negatives.

Take control of your conversation. If you hear yourself say negative things about a customer (or their situation) – STOP! Don’t waste your time and energy. You have little control over the customer’s personality – especially their mindset. However, you can control your reactions. Take control of your emotions.

Stay calm and remember that nothing to upset you.

 You choose to be angry, sad, or happy. So don’t worry about customers. Instead, choose a positive attitude. Don’t get into the screaming game – you will lose and your organization will lose. When the client’s temper gets the best of him, keep your behavior calm and directed.

Make it a game or a challenge to see how upset the customer gets.

See if you can make it useful. Instead of being offended, choose to do better for yourself and the customer. This perspective takes the focus away from the negatives and helps you focus on the resolution. After convincing these customers and solving their problems, what could be better?

Moods are contagious.

What attitude did you express? Research has shown that the main reason customers choose other locations is due to poor handling of the situation. Most of the time, this dissatisfaction is based on the mood or attitude of the individual the customer encounters while trying to resolve their concern or complaint. Are you “infecting” other people in a good or bad mood? This sentiment also shows whether you are ready to rise in the organization or whether you need to “mature” into your role. Remember that your mood or attitude can be contagious. What’s your perspective?

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 Try to get loyal customers.

The main reason customers stop buying from a company is that someone has been treated badly by them. It is much more profitable to retain loyal customers than to acquire new ones. To build loyalty, you need to reassure angry customers and make sure that you work to find a solution they think is acceptable. Tell them their business is important. Thank you for your patience and cooperation. In many cases, it is a good idea to respond promptly to customer concerns about business continuity.

Get ready to learn from this opportunity.

Dealing with unpleasant clients should be a learning experience if we are open and positive about the situation.

One important concept to remember is that not everyone will like you. Challenging customers can be frustrating. But with the right mindset and technique, many of these people can become satisfied, loyal customers. It’s not always easy, but it’s worth it.


Choosing the right mindset can change how you feel about customers and your job. Respecting your customers guarantees you and your company their trust and loyalty.


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