12 Websites where you can earn money writing

12 Websites where you can earn money writing

Ok: you like to write, you’re good at it, and you’ve heard that there are places on the Internet where you can earn money by writing. But what are these pages? How do they work? How much do they pay? We offer you a selection of the best pages where you can earn money writing: Publisuites, Lowpost, SoyFreelance, We Are Content… Do you know them?

Yes, you can earn money writing on the Internet

If you have come to this blog, it is because you would like to turn your passion for writing into your way of earning money, and the good news is that it is possible, in fact, many people already do it.

In this article, I am going to talk about 12 websites where you can earn money writing. These websites are the best known and popular both by editors and by companies. The operation is very similar in all, but the commissions that apply may vary and therefore your earnings too.

Below I leave you the most outstanding information of each one and you can directly access the page by clicking on the name.

Publisuites is a page originally focused on the sale of sponsored articles: you only have to register your website or blog, decide the price and the topics of the sponsored articles that you accept, and the clients interested in contracting a sponsored article on your blog will send you an application on the platform.

In addition, now you can also sell mentions on your social networks and offer your copywriting services to companies that wish to hire you. They pay every Monday through PayPal and do not withhold commission, but the advertiser pays it.

2. Freelancer.com

SoyFreelancer.com is a freelance work platform aimed at the Latin American market, which offers a good alternative to looking for freelance jobs after the controversial takeover of Nubelo by Freelancer.com.

Registration at SoyFreelancer.com is free for all users. When you sign up, you start with a Scout account that allows you to create your portfolio online, as well as upload a resume. You can see all the projects published by potential clients and bid on one project per day. In addition, there are two types of paid accounts, called Pro and Elite, which allow you to apply to several projects per day, in addition to improving the ranking of your profile and obtaining other benefits. You can also get a Pro account for free by inviting three friends to sign up on the platform.

The payment of the services is made through the escrow system: the client deposits the money in SoyFreelancer.com and the platform pays you when you have delivered the work and the client has accepted it. SoyFreelancer.com discounts a 14% commission on the total budget of the project and payments are made by bank transfer.

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3.  We Are Content

We Are Content is a content marketing platform born in 2016. In addition to texts, they offer other types of content such as videos, images, animations, audio, etc. You can register to work as a writer or as a provider of multimedia content.

In the registration process, they ask you to prove your experience as a writer and the media in which you have published. If you are accepted, three levels allow access to client work.

To qualify for a job, you must send a proposal equivalent to 30% of the text and the client chooses among the 5 proposals submitted. Only the chosen editor will charge for the work, payments are made through PayPal or transfer.


4.  Influence

Influenet is a sponsored posts platform where you can buy and sell sponsored articles on a wide network of Spanish-language sites around the world. If you have a blog with a certain volume of traffic and/or specialized in a niche, you can earn money by writing sponsored posts for advertisers interested in reaching your readers or doing link building.

Influence has some distinctive features compared to other sponsored articles pages: you can buy and sell posts from the same account, specify whether sponsored articles will be published permanently on your site or not, whether they will appear on the front page, agree to a pre-publication review … You just have to register your site for free, set the price of your sponsored articles and start receiving proposals from interested advertisers. They pay after 7 days by bank transfer or PayPal and you must have accumulated ten euros to be able to withdraw the money.


5. Fiverr

Surely you already know this website, or don’t you? In any case, I am going to tell you how you can earn money writing on this North American freelance work page, but in which freelance content in Spanish is increasingly having a greater presence.

You can publish your service announcement or “gig” for a basic price of 5 dollars. The category you are interested in is “Writing and Translation”.

For each successful sale of your service, you will receive 80% of the price you stated. In other words, Fiverr applies a 20% commission to you.

There’s a tier system where you’ll move up the ranks as you accumulate completed orders, customer reviews, and earnings.

You can withdraw your earnings through your PayPal account, Fiverr money card, bank transfer, or direct deposit (the latter only in the United States).


6. Freelancer.com

Freelancer.com is currently the largest freelance work platform in the world, arising from the absorption of multiple platforms such as Nubelo or ProjectLinkr.

In its Spanish version, Freelancer.es allows you to create a free profile to be eligible for the offers that are published on the platform. It is one of the freelance job sites where more assignments are offered, but also where there is more competition. This reduces your chances of getting the job or forces you to bid low to win the lowest rate (not always a good idea).

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Membership of the platform is free, but if you do not have one of the payment plans you can only apply for a small number of jobs each day, always behind premium members, who have preference when submitting their proposals.

It is also a controversial platform regarding the treatment of freelancers. Although it works with the escrow system (the client deposits the money in advance and the platform releases the payment when it accepts the work delivered), there are quite a few conflicts with clients who do not pay and to whom the platform agrees with the freelancers. It’s a place to be in, but don’t expect it to become your best source of freelance clients.



Born from the merger of Elance and Odesk, UpWork is considered one of the best freelance work pages that currently exist, although it is also one of the most demanding. Although the platform is North American, jobs are published in Spanish, but it is necessary to master English to use it and talk to clients. In return, somewhat higher fees are paid.

Registration in UpWork is free and the editors review each profile to validate it, if you do not have enough experience or prove your skills, they can reject you. The basic membership is free, but there is a system of limited tokens to access the offers. Once you get a job, the platform keeps a 20% commission on the final amount paid by the client.



Created in 2021, Contents.com is a digital content creation platform that combines human talent with artificial intelligence. To do this, it has an international team of collaborators who produce content in different languages ​​for the projects of its important clients.

You can work at Contents.com offering writing, translation, or proofreading services for content generated by its artificial intelligence system. There are no fees to pay, but to join their team you have to upload your profile to the platform and pass a selection test. The prices and conditions vary depending on the work and payments are made through PayPal, once a month from 50 euros.

Contents.com currently offers freelance jobs in Italian, Spanish, English, and French, but many other languages ​​will be available soon. Take a look at the review below to get our take on Contents.com and the possibilities this thriving site offers.


9.  Freelance Directory

A platform to find a copywriting job where you can sign up for free and don’t pay commissions for the clients you get?

With this objective, the Freelance Directory was born, currently, the largest community of content professionals in Spanish, which brings together more than 4,000 members from all over the world and is visited every day by dozens of clients looking for editors, copywriters, translators, and other freelancers. specialized in content marketing.

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Registration is completely free, you can create your profile to offer services to customers at no cost. Clients interested in your services will contact you directly to agree on the price and conditions of the assignment. You will not have to pay commissions for the jobs you get and the charges are made directly to your bank account, PayPal, or the payment method that you agree with each client.

There is also a payment option to highlight your profile and have more visibility. In this sense, if you register for the newsletter after creating your profile, you will receive a discount code to highlight your profile with an interesting discount.


10. getfluence

Getfluence is a sponsored article platform, meaning they pay you to write articles on your blog that include sponsored links to their client’s sites. Currently, sponsored posts are one of the best ways to earn money writing if you have a blog.

Registration is free and quite simple, you just have to enter the information of your site and wait for the platform to validate it, which happens quite quickly. You decide how much you want to charge for each sponsored article you publish and the conditions it must have. From that moment, interested clients can send you proposals to publish sponsored articles on your blog and you can always decide whether to accept or reject them.


11. Twago

On this website, you can also find writing projects to earn money writing. You can sign up for free with a basic account, but you can also upgrade to a paid account.

With the basic account, for each work done, they apply a 10% commission that will be deducted directly from your earnings.

You must discuss the form of payment directly with the client (credit card, PayPal, bank transfer, etc.) or you can use the secure safePay account offered by Twago and which transfers your earnings to your account when the client has approved your work.


12. Lowpost

Low Post is a Spanish platform for freelance writers that in recent years has expanded to the Latin American market. They offer posts to write for different clients. When you register, they take a writing test and assign you a level. The jobs and rates you’re eligible for depend on your level, but it’s pretty easy to move up the ranks.

Once you have accumulated 20 euros in your account, you can withdraw your winnings and it takes about 15 days to transfer to your account. If you do not reach the minimum amount, this balance will accumulate to that of the following month. Payments are made by PayPal or bank transfer. The rates can be improved and the reviewers are quite demanding, but in return, they offer personalized training to improve your writing skills.


And you, did you know these websites? Have you used any? Tell us about your experience.


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