Here Is A Step-by-step Guide To Learning Programming.

Here Is A Step-by-step Guide To Learning  Programming.

The way we work and live is changing, 90% of business operations are supported by software. Programming has become the most popular remote profession, so here I bring you a step-by-step guide to learning programming.

With the software developer shortage expected to reach 1.2 million by 2026, skilled developers are in demand, resulting in high salaries and excellent benefits. 

If you want to know more about a profession with a bright and booming future, being a programmer can allow you to earn money online and live like a digital nomad while traveling the world.

What is programming? 

Programming is the way of telling a computer what to do. Despite all the talk about artificial intelligence, computers don’t think. They can only do what they are told, and they can only do it if they are told in a specific way. 

Computers only understand binary code: 1s and 0s. Although you could program a computer in binary code, it would be very difficult and time-consuming. 

Programming languages ​​fill the gap between how humans communicate and how computers communicate. A programming language allows us to write instructions that are fairly easy for us to understand and then translates those instructions so that a computer can understand them as well. 

Why learn to program?

Computer programmers are highly paid and in high demand. Once you learn to code, you will have valuable skills and will be able to offer your services to companies. Currently, there are over 200,000 job postings for IT programmers on or 

It is also useful to know how to program. Computers do some jobs faster and better than humans. Programming allows you to harness this power. When you learn to program, you learn to design solutions to specific problems. 

Instead of searching the app store and settling for something that’s pretty much what you want, you’ll be able to build exactly what you want. The opportunities to create something are only limited by your imagination and your time.  

What does a programmer do? 

Programmers write code for computer programs and applications. Although it may seem simple and uniform, it is extremely broad and varied. It is worth asking if it is difficult to learn to program. 

Developers create the software you use every day, from your banking app to your favorite streaming service. All industries need programmers, so you will have opportunities to work in any field that interests you. 

A professional programmer can do any of the following and more: 

  • Write and test new software.
  • Update existing programs.
  • Fix program problems.
  • Test the security of the software.
  • Maintain existing software.

7 steps to learn to code like a pro

Learning to program is not easy. However, with the right mindset and dedication, almost anyone can learn to code. 

Before you start, you should have a plan and understand what it entails. You will need to set aside time to study and practice, so if your schedule is already full, you may have to wait until you have enough free time. 

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Here are seven steps that will take you from a complete beginner to a working junior programmer. 

Build the fundamentals of programming

There are many different opinions about which programming language is best for beginners, but regardless of which language you choose, there are some basics you’ll need to understand. 

Learning these fundamentals will lay a solid foundation for learning any language. 

As a programmer, your first language is just the beginning. There are always new languages ​​and technologies to learn. Here are some of the most basic coding concepts:  

  • Variables: You may remember the term variable from high school algebra. Don’t worry, you won’t have to solve any linear equations (that’s something computers do much better than people). Variables are used in all programming languages. They are a way of storing information to be able to use it later. A common example of a variable is the email signup box on almost every website you visit. When you enter your email, it is stored in a variable that is probably called something like “emailaddress”. The programmer can then access all the email addresses using that variable. This is how sellers send you personalized emails.
  • Data structures. Data structures are collections of data that allow programmers to easily work with large amounts of data. 
  • control structures. Control structures dictate the flow of direction of a program. These commands tell a computer to analyze the variables and then select what action to take next based on certain parameters.
  • Syntax. Each programming language has its syntax. They are the rules that define the structure of the language. The syntax tells you exactly which words and symbols to use when writing your code. Since computers don’t think, you have to be very specific when writing code. At some point, every programmer has sat down at their keyboard trying to figure out why their code wasn’t working and realized they were missing something simple, like a semicolon. 
  • Tools. There are a wide variety of tools that make programming easy. A tool is a software program, such as an integrated development environment, that checks syntax for errors, organizes files, and auto-completes lines of code. 

Since these are fundamental concepts that apply to all languages, there are many resources for learning them. You only need to understand the concepts because you will learn how they are handled when you are learning the programming language. 

Here are some resources to learn more about these programming fundamentals: 

  1. Coursera. 
  2. udemy. 
  3. Google Activate.
  4. Learn Free. 
  5. Edx.
  6. Domestika.

Learn the fundamentals of programming

The next step to programming like a pro is learning the fundamentals of a language. If you have a specific reason for learning to code, you may already know what language you want to start with.

If you just want to learn programming but haven’t decided where to start, several beginner languages are a good starting point. Python is one of the easiest languages ​​for beginners to learn. CSS and Java are also quite easy to learn. 

Work on projects

Although you will have to spend some time reading or watching videos, the best way to learn programming is by working on real projects. Tutorials are fine for learning some concepts, but they’re not as engaging as your projects. 

When you build a project that interests you, you will quickly realize what you don’t know yet. The tutorials have all the problems worked out beforehand, so as long as you hit the right buttons, you’ll finish them. 

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Working on a project allows you to both make and learn from your mistakes. It’s easy to think you’ve mastered a concept after listening to it or working through a tutorial. However, if you can’t apply it to a program you’re building, you won’t fully understand it. 

How to choose programming projects

I have some friends who work as programmers and they select their programming projects based on the following points: 

Follow your interests

If you have trouble thinking of projects to work on, start with your interests. If you like games, crafts, or restoring vintage cars, you can create a programming project related to your hobby. 

Arduino projects can be a fun way to combine your hobbies with easy programming. For example, if you grow plants, you can build a meter that monitors the level of moisture in the soil and notifies you when it is time to water them. 

Start with something simple

It is best to start with simple projects. If you want to get into game design, you might be tempted to start trying to create the next massively online role-playing game. However, you’d better create something simple. 

A static portfolio website is a simple option that can grow with you. You can show what you know and add more complicated projects as you master more skills. 

Create something useful

Think about the “hot spots” in your day to day. Do you run into the same problems or do you regularly have to do the same repetitive activities? Create something that solves the problem or automate the work for you. You can also look for ideas in your community. 

Do people in your clubs or organizations often complain about the same problems? See if you can provide a solution. Real-world problem-solving is a great addition to your portfolio. 

Ideas for projects

If you can’t think of anything or just want some inspiration, here are some beginner projects you can create: 

  • A countdown calendar to an anticipated event
  • A web scraper to collect public data from a website
  • An app that calculates something for you, like how much pizza to order based on your friends’ favorite toppings
  • A slideshow in javascript
  • A Twitter bot that automatically tweets quotes from your favorite movie every day
  • A recipe app.

Learn the fundamentals of computer architecture

High-level languages ​​are capable of abstraction. This largely eliminates the need to understand all the hardware and network connections that happen in the background. Even if you don’t work with computer architecture right away, understanding how computer systems work will make you a better programmer. 

Level up from Beginner to Pro

Once you’ve learned the basics, your journey will become more difficult. This is partly because while there are plenty of resources for beginners, there aren’t as many for intermediate and advanced programmers. As your skills grow, start working on projects that are beyond your current level. Another way to level up is to expand your knowledge. 

Never stop studying 

Languages ​​change from time to time and new languages ​​usually come onto the market that require trained professionals. Continuing to train can be an advantage over others when you want to change companies or look for new clients.

Final tips to start programming

Now some final tips so that you can become the best programmer or programmer in a short time.

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Practice the basics of the command line

Your computer’s command line allows you to enter commands with the keyboard instead of the graphical interface. Using the command line allows you to understand exactly what is happening on your computer when you interact with the graphical interface. 

You can use the command line to shut down your computer at a certain time, list all the programs on your computer, run programs, and manipulate files. 

Although the command line is more difficult to use than the graphical interface you’re used to, the benefits of learning the command line interface include 

Work in HTML

HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language and provides the structure of web pages. HTML is not a programming language. Cannot write executable commands in HTML. Instead, HTML uses tags to identify the elements of a web page. Tags identify attributes, such as headings, body, and paragraphs, that browsers use to display the page.  

An HTML element consists of three main parts: 

  • Opening tag, used to indicate where the element takes effect 
  • The content is what users see.
  • The closing tag, which is used to indicate where the element ends.

On its own, HTML would produce dull, static websites. To create a responsive website, you need to combine HTML with CSS and Javascript. 

Learn and practice CSS

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) tell the web browser how to display the web page. All web pages are affected by style sheets, even those that do not have any specified by the developer. The default style sheet used by the browser is specified in the user agent style sheet. 

CSS style sheets allow HTML elements to be placed anywhere on the page. It also allows you to create responsive websites that appear differently on different devices. 

In addition, CSS allows you to customize all the elements of a website, as well as create, maintain, and update style sheets on multiple web pages simultaneously. Together, HTML, CSS, and Javascript control the development of the web. 

Learn Javascript

Javascript is a programming language used to create and control dynamic content on websites. Everything that changes on the screen without reloading the page is created with Javascript. Javascript is responsible for updating feeds, autocomplete suggestions, and buttons that change color when you hover over them. 

Javascript is one of the most used programming languages. Although it is mainly used in the front end, it also has some uses in the back end. Even if you don’t plan to do front-end development, it’s important to understand how HTML, CSS, and Javascript work. 

Ace of coding

Once you’ve learned front-end development, you’ll be ready to tackle back-end programming. Here are some essential skills to be prepared for your career: 

  • Learn Python. Python is one of the easiest languages ​​to learn, although it does require some effort to master. It is also one of the most popular programming languages ​​in the world. There are plenty of job opportunities for Python developers, so it’s also a handy language to learn. 

Improve your knowledge of Java. Java is widely used and fairly easy to learn, making it a good choice as a second language. Professional computer programmers often know more than one programming language. 

Many of the skills you learn in your first language are transferable to other languages, so you won’t be starting from scratch. 


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