Unleashing Your Inner Power: How to Own Yourself!

Unleashing Your Inner Power: How to Own Yourself!

The most important obstacle that the human being must overcome to achieve the goals and the state that he wants for his life is found inside. There is no greater test, there is no enemy with greater power.

Human beings have shown an inexhaustible capacity to dominate nature, prevail over disease, attack poverty, defy the distances that separate us from celestial bodies, improve the quality of life on the planet, and understand the secrets of tiny ones that hide behind sub-atomic particles. He has demonstrated the capacity and power to overcome the adversities that come his way, to conquer borders and unveil mysteries. However, he is still small, unable and lacking to control himself., to prevail over his fallen nature, to attack his poverty of spirit, to defy the distance that separates him from magnanimity, to improve the quality of his own life and to understand the valuable secrets hidden in details and fleeting moments. He has shown that he cannot subdue himself and achieve genuine peace.

The human being has taken power and patrimony over his environment, but he still has a hard time owning himself. And therefore he remains an incomplete being. A giant with feet of clay who places the kingdom he has built at risk of implosion.

Despite all the capacity and power that he exhibits, the human being is one of the most vulnerable creatures that inhabit the planet. Unlike other species, for a very long time in its life, it is a being completely dependent on the help of others, a being exposed to the variables of its environment, with few resources to face and shape its immediate environment. He spends a quarter of his life subjected to external influence and the same trying to establish his identity and his sense of belonging. As a child, he is subject to the criteria that his elders have to train him and when he is young to the conceptual formats that society imprints on him to continue his development. In the first stage of his “independence,” he tests the character of the training he has received and experiments with it, timidly probing the reality that surrounds him and that he is just beginning to know. In all this, he consumes at least a good part of his life on earth.

In the stage of complete “exposure” to environmental factors, the human being develops his character and personality as a result of the influence he has (family, educational institutions). In the stage in which he tries to define his identity and his belonging in the environment, he develops his life based on what he has become, or it will be said more properly: what they have turned him into because finally, he arrives at the first stage of its independence as a product programmed by others.

From childhood to early youth, he does not have the possibility of evaluating himself concerning anything, he does not have the capacity (and especially the need) to do any kind of introspection, he can be in effect a well-formed and oriented, or not to be, but this does not affect him at all and does not benefit him at all. It is from the moment in which he develops a certain independence when the journey of that evaluation begins, which will end up being the factor that determines the final result of his existence. How much of your life is spent in this process? 20, 30, 40 years? Although it is difficult to determine the chronological precision, it is easy to establish that this entire period can only be defined as one of Unconsciousness. There is no remedy for this, it is a problem associated with the species. For many years of his life, the human being is simply unable to be his own master. The possibility of this happening is activated only from the first experiences of independent life and how these condition their way of thinking and understanding their reality.

The referential parameters against which the human being evaluates himself are related to the results that his acts of life achieve, to the satisfaction, tranquility, and benefit that he finds in them from the intimate corner of his point of view and from the vast space that constitutes “others”. Only when he acts of his own will, subject to his criteria, is he playing a concrete role in life and can start that process of “measuring” himself.

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Identifying the virtuous aspects of character, personality, and general ability to achieve goals and proposed performance does not take long. The human being realizes early what he does well and what allows him to stand out. Shortcomings are treated at this stage with benignity, with the logical sense of someone who has just experienced and interacted with life. These same shortcomings, errors, deficiencies, and what this determines about the results and performance, are attributed to the whim of the conditions posed by the environment and the behavior of others. In general, this is the period of “little guilt”, the stage of the hero who is conquering his own life, the time of the victim who owes his misfortunes to the random whim of the environment or the “deficiency” of others. the human being,

This evolution can last a long time (in the case of many, a lifetime). The fact of associating problems, adversity, lack, inability to achieve objectives or states of well-being to other factors that are not external, comes later; at the exact point that should be called “genuine maturity.” And it is that maturity does not have to be understood as a chronological phenomenon, maturity must always be understood as that point at which the human being reaches knowledge and a comprehensive understanding of the things that happen to him and the things that surround him, the moment from the conscious interpretation of what he is and what it means concerning his environment, the moment in which he recognizes the incapacity that lies beyond the virtues, the weakness that is hidden behind the strengths.

This critical moment reaches everyone, at one point or another in life, earlier to those who had to experience premature misfortunes, later to those who enjoyed more benign external conditions or reached the conscious stage of their life better prepared. Here the human being faces the dilemma: Does he impose himself on his circumstances and achieve his objectives by force of his virtues, capacity, and experience or does he do it by first dealing with his defects, shortcomings, shortcomings, and weaknesses? The first is a way to fight the “external enemy”, and the second is a way to dominate the “internal enemy” first.

There are important qualitative differences between both courses of action: the fight against external conditions without considering the internal aspect demands a greater effort; essentially an effort that never ends; the feeling of victory is always ephemeral and partial. This fight consumes great amounts of energy, seldom guarantees complete success, and rarely brings peace. It is the story of millions of human beings who fight tirelessly every day of their lives, overcome adversities, and achieve goals and dreams, but do not achieve satisfaction, peace, and a feeling of duty accomplished.

The tireless struggle against external conditions is similar to Don Quixote’s struggle with windmills. It makes a curious sense immediately and is ultimately meaningless. The “external enemy” is never conquered, it is only renewed, transformed, and placed in front again. The “warrior” only owns transitory states and momentary victories, because circumstances, which are generated and regenerated without pause, cannot have anyone as their owner.

You can have excellent conditions to conquer by force the opportunities and adversities that life presents, but if this task is not preceded by the conquest of yourself, it ends up being in vain. The human being cannot be the owner of his circumstances, but he can be the owner of himself, and by being so, he avoids becoming a permanent victim of eventualities.

Maturity presents him with the opportunity to do a deep introspection, question himself and start the battle against that “internal enemy” that he brings with him after a process of formation and development over which he had no control. This decision opens the possibility for you to end up owning yourself and achieve not only a set of valuable victories but also inner peace.

The battle of the human being to be master of himself begins by BECOMING CONSCIOUS: of what he is and what he is NOT, of what he has and what he does NOT have, of his strengths and his WEAKNESSES, of his virtues and their DEFECTS. Of what is not and should be, of what he does not have and could have, of weaknesses to be overcome, and defects that should not exist.

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Awareness is a state that overcomes doubts and self-deception, “reasonable justifications”, benign lies, complacency, and resignation. Only when the human being becomes fully aware of himself can he act against the internal enemy? From Awareness Awareness begins the fight that can end with internal victory. This fight may be long and inconclusive, but the point you reach will never be behind the point from which you started. Awareness is in itself the most important victory, because from there everything is beneficial, up to the point that desire, will, and strength allow.

No battle or victory against the “external enemies” grants the renewal of permanent strength that comes with the success achieved against the “internal enemy.” Overcoming himself surpasses in the human being any value that he can find in victories of another type. Here is formed that virtuous circuit of energy, that propulsion system that can drive you to where you cannot go in any other way.

Awareness is the most difficult part of the process, it is the step that most never takes. Self-justification is a powerful enemy, it finds reasons with ease, and it finds foundations simply. “I am not the problem” is a title of great power, among other things because it can be completely true. We must not forget that the search for faults or defects in others will always have results: ALL people have faults and defects! and that makes it easy to live justifying one’s own with that of others.

Deciding to accept the existence of one’s weaknesses and defects is not just a matter of courage, it is one of the most intelligent measures that human beings can adopt in their lives. In this way, he concludes by standing out clearly. In this way, it grows fully, more than the average person who will always live justifying himself for what others do. Becoming Aware of what is and what is not constitutes an unmatched comparative advantage in your personal and professional development. No fight pays more than the one that is undertaken against the internal enemy, the immediate reward is a satisfaction that no external victory can match, a level of energy that the environment does not provide, and a final feeling of inner peace and peace with the world.

Once Awareness has been produced, the fight continues led by LA RAZON. This is the one that finally “encapsulates” each thing that must be corrected or that must be changed. Just as every form of happiness is private, the human being alone, in the absolute privacy of his consciousness, must establish what he has to deal with. The Reason in it does not have to fail, especially since it takes part in the task after the Acceptance, the one that has been reached through Awareness. Reason particularizes each element that must be dealt with, and at the same time contextualizes it to identify causes and effects. While Consciousness remembers, reinforces the message, and motivates the response, Reason evaluates the particular forms that the action will take. Reason is contained and at the same time impelled by Consciousness so that corrective measures and changes can begin. If Consciousness has defined the WHAT, Reason evaluates the HOW. In the latter there is no recipe, each person defines the course to the exact extent of their possibilities and potential. In many cases, this part of the process takes time to clarify, the course of action is defined after complex evaluations, doubts, and fears, within the framework of essential privacy.

Reason, which establishes the HOW, is followed by Action and this is supported by THE WILL. It is well said that wars are won through the Will! Consciousness contains, Reason guides and Will is what allows the process to be carried out until victory.

The most important weakness that The Will has is its wear and tear. The phrase “willpower” is associated with a certain level of energy. All human beings have Will, without it it is not possible to understand any type of action, however, the fact lies in the fact that Will is energized with different types and levels of energy, depending on what it is applied to. Generally, there is greater Will for the action that represents lower levels of difficulty and high satisfaction and less Will for the one that implies high difficulty and little immediate satisfaction.

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In the battle that is waged against the “internal enemy”, the energy linked to the Will to win is the most precious and delicate factor. The recommended formula to guarantee success is found in the gradual administration of objectives and effort. As established, the energy produced by “victory” in the battle that is sustained with the “internal enemy” is very high; and she is the one that should be used to bring the campaign to a good end. This “victory” has to be repeated many times, until the greater purpose is achieved. Therefore the objective itself must be fragmented intelligently. On a few occasions, the premise that Success is written with a small “e” is better applied, because it is the small achievements that should be the basis for completing the task. The integrity of the Will in the campaign is not guaranteed by the quality of the prize, but rather by the aggregate that many minor but significant achievements generate. The struggle of the human being with himself lasts a lifetime without reaching the goal, so it is the walk itself that should be the goal. Consciousness indeed contains and motivates, but without positive feedback, it ends up giving way. Hence the fundamental importance of the solid Will to sustain the process. but without positive feedback, he ends up giving in. Hence the fundamental importance of the solid Will to sustain the process. but without positive feedback, he ends up giving in. Hence the fundamental importance of the solid Will to sustain the process.

Finally, the campaign that begins with Awareness and achieves progressive “successes” from The Reason that guides it and The Will that sustains it, must conclude in each case with THE CELEBRATION.

The Celebration deserves an important section. And not necessarily because it emerges as a natural product of a hard battle, but as an indispensable sign of the benignity that the human being owes to himself, because just as he naturally tends to be benign with his mistakes and defects, so it should be more proper. with their successes and achievements. The latter, is an act of benignity that shines under the light, being that one an act hidden in the shadows of guilt.

The Celebration also has a powerful effect on fear, the fear, of those dangerous passengers that inevitably accompany the process. Celebration acts feed courage, and strengthen it; they consolidate the premises on which consciousness is based and constitute an effective vaccine against the failures that await along the way.

The Celebration is the award of the warrior, it is his just reward, and it is the song of victory. Just as nothing can prevent life from waiting for you at every step with its bitter drinks, nothing should prevent you from loudly celebrating victories. This is the healthy challenge that human beings throw at life, the clenched fist that they brandish before the impassive face of circumstances and the severe face of adversity.

Without the effective presence of the Celebration, it can be said that a good warrior is not the one who always triumphs, but the one who returns without fear to battle, but with the Celebration involved, it must be said that the best warrior is not the one who always triumphs. , but the one who returns happily to the battle. And in this, there is a substantial difference, because as life is a battle that only ends with death, the absence of fear does not compensate for the trip as much as the fact of doing it with happiness.

Whoever is not the Owner of himself cannot consider himself the owner of anything, hardly anyone to whom life grants the title of fleeting Tenant.


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