20 Countries to Migrate For Business 2022

20 Countries to Migrate For Business  2022

Do you dream of moving to a new country for business? Have you ever envisioned migrating or starting a new business, or investing in an existing business in a viable location? Are you one of the many business owners or entrepreneurs looking for a good place to migrate and run your business for the first time? Or are you looking to start a business with endless possibilities but don’t know where to start?

If you are the one dealing with this issue, your first thought would be to find a country that is easy to get a work visa for or one that is easy to do business with. Indeed, there is no point in leaving your country and going to a country that makes life and works difficult for you. Therefore, you need to do extensive research to avoid making decisions that you will end up regretting.

The fact is that most countries in the world are very strict with immigrants, but some have open-door policies. According to their laws, these countries facilitate the entry of immigrants and help them develop economies by creating and running businesses.

Here are some countries to look out for when planning to leave your country.


Working in Dubai can benefit a lot of people. With high salaries and low taxes, this country is lenient for anyone who wants to make a lot of money.

To get a work visa, you must first find a job. Your UAE work visa application will only be accepted by the employer. Usually, the employer has to show it to you as they will assume you are abroad and wait.

Once this is successful, the employer will submit a job offer once everything is approved. A contract was then concluded. From there, the employer applies for your work visa. Work visas can last up to 3 days or up to 2-3 weeks, sometimes months, depending on various factors such as country of origin, employer quotas, etc.

In the UAE, the processing time is usually a maximum of 3 weeks provided all your documents are valid. Most employers in the UAE require that the certificate be certified by the government. If you have done this, you will be given a work visa for a maximum of 3 weeks. Otherwise, the process will take another 2 weeks.

Again, doing business in Dubai is easy because of the emirate’s free trade zone. You have many perks when starting a business in one of the emirate’s shopping districts. This makes the country one of the best countries for business and corporate migration.


The financial services industry is an important company in Switzerland and is known as a center of high wealth. When it comes to labor law, Switzerland is one of the highest-paid countries in the world. Yes, the cost of living in Switzerland is high too, but solid career opportunities and a high standard of living are worth it.

The average benefits package for ex-pats in the country is $ 246,971 per year. Swiss professional workers earn an average of $ 92,625 per year. Meanwhile, executives took home $ 431,603 (£ 319,192) a year.

In addition, starting a business in Switzerland is easy as it is ranked 38 out of 190 economies in terms of doing business easier according to the World Bank’s latest annual ranking. This means that the country will become quite easy for anyone who wants to emigrate and start a business there.

Costa Rica

Costa Rica is especially attractive to those seeking migration because of its peaceful and quiet population. Pacifists will appreciate the fact that there is no national army and they will not forget that there are also 801 miles of stunning coastline and world-class healthcare. Nature lovers will appreciate this country as it is a paradise for nature.

But we are not talking about nature, we are talking about doing business and accelerating the land. Costa Rica is ranked 61 out of 190 economies assessed by the World Bank’s 2018 Ease of Doing Business Survey. It is also ranked number one for innovation in Latin America by the World Economic Forum (WEF) and is equally recognized by the WEF as the best education system in the area.


The cost of living in Costa Rica is not very high. Couples need about $ 2,500 a month to live comfortably. If you want to retire, Costa Rica has a qualifying pension benefit plan if you can show a monthly income of $ 1,000. Most people will need a job to find a permanent residence, but if you have the skills Costa Rica needs, such as simple things like teaching English or hosting tourists, that dream might just be possible.


Cambodia remains one of the most popular countries for immigrants to obtain visas. You can get a long-term “business visa” which can be extended indefinitely without company sponsorship. However, despite the name, the owner doesn’t technically allow him to work in Cambodia. To do this legally, you will need to apply for a work permit, although the state has historically been quite weak on how to apply for such a permit, which suggests that it is easy to rush into the country. 

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Canada is probably the friendliest country in the world. The Republic of Canada has opened its borders to displaced people from war-torn countries. Considering you probably wouldn’t think of Canada as a country with lots of beaches, it has the longest coastline in the world at 202,080 km. This country has earned a place as the fastest immigration country to date.


Canada was ranked 18th (out of 189 countries) by the World Bank in the 2018 Business Easing Survey. Specific business criteria that Canada ranked highly include starting a business (2nd), protecting minority investors (8th), and obtaining credit (12th).


Starting a business in Canada is a fast and easy process that only takes a day and a half. All you have to do is submit the registration documents and register for VAT. For anyone seeking a migration destination country for business and urgent reasons, Canada should be on your list.

Dominican Republic

The Dominican Republic is a Caribbean country that shares the island of Hispaniola with Haiti in the west. You can get permanent residence in the Dominican Republic after a minimum of two years of residence. Or if you don’t want to stay for two years, you can invest $ 200,000 in real estate or a business. Apart from that, you also need to provide proof of a stable income. By following these and some other rules, immigrants can live in peace and make a living in the countryside.


Panama is an isthmus between Central and South America. A notable human engineering feat, the Panama Canal crosses its center and connects the Atlantic and Pacific to create important shipping routes. Panama is an independent country in Central America with a scenic coastline and a large number of English speakers.

Some of the best coffee in the world is grown there. It is a country that is believed to be safe and well-developed, which makes it attractive to entrepreneurs and retirees alike.

Retirement pensions in Panama require a monthly income of $ 1,000. If you are not old enough to retire, a $ 5,000 deposit with a Panamanian bank will help you maintain your permanent residence. If you happen to come from one of the 50 friendly countries of Panama, including the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, New Zealand, and Austria, you are eligible for a friendly country visa. All you have to do is find a job or start a business worthy of becoming a citizen.


Belize is a country on the east coast of Central America. If you have lived in Belize for five years and have a certain balance in your account, you can get permanent residence. Very easy.


Belize is located between Mexico and Guatemala and is a small country with a population that harmoniously represents no less than eight different cultures. It is also an English-speaking country with a very low cost of living. Entering Belize is easy. You can enter on a 30-day visitor visa and renew it every month until you’ve stayed there for 50 weeks. At this point, you can get permanent residence for $ 1,000 and some bureaucratic hurdles.


If this sounds like a viable plan of attack, you should immediately hire a lawyer in Belize to tell you the details. Some regions require you to leave the country for two weeks every six months, which will reset the hours to the 50-week requirement. And if you have to work pending permanent residency, you can use help getting a work permit. Overall, Belize is a good country to migrate to, work, or start a business.


Mexico is another country to consider if you are migrating to the country for business and urgent reasons. According to the latest annual rankings from the World Bank, Mexico is ranked 54th out of 190 economies.


Mexico is the easiest country in Latin America to start a business because it’s quicker and a lot easier. In some cases, it only takes a day and zero dollars to run your own business. This shows that Mexico as a country must be at your service for business travel and rush.


Ecuador has unmatched natural beauty in the form of mountain peaks, volcanoes, beaches, and islands. It is named after the equator it crosses and is the only country in the world named after a geographic object. The cost of living in Ecuador is very low and the US dollar is the official currency.


The easiest way to live in Ecuador is on a retirement visa. Even though it is designed for retirees, there is no age requirement to get it. Even though Ecuador is ranked 123rd out of 190 economies for business convenience, that doesn’t detract from the fact that it is a developing country and can easily host migrants who can make a significant contribution to the economy. 

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New Zealand

New Zealand visitor visas are usually valid for a maximum of nine months. This mainly shows that the country is not hostile to foreigners. If you are considering staying in New Zealand for an extended period, you can pre-register via a government-provided website. The immigration service will email you personalized information tailored to your goals.


If you wish to work during your stay, you can apply for a temporary work visa. There are different types of visas, but they are all similar as the New Zealand government is looking for staff to fill the skills gaps on this list in a country that is not currently occupied by a citizen of New Zealand.


Basic work visas can be valid for up to five years if the necessary conditions are met. There are also long-term skills deficiency visas that allow you to work for up to 30 months. NZ also has working holiday visas for young people aged 18-30 to twelve months.


Neither of these visas grants a residence permit to travelers. If your long-term goal is to live in New Zealand permanently, you will need to apply for a talent visa. After holding the job for two years from your talent work visa, you can apply to stay in the country indefinitely if you meet the requirements.


The World Bank’s annual report states that Denmark’s effective digitization process is one of the main factors contributing to its third position in the index. The digitization process speeds up and simplifies registering new companies, obtaining NemID signatures, and registering insurance employees.


This procedure can be done in just one day, and entry fees can be as low as 670 kroner ($ 98). Cross-border trade in Denmark is easy because there is a “free border” and documented correspondence between exports and imports. According to the same report, the Danish government is taking the lead in implementing regulations that facilitate market interaction without getting in the way of the private sector.


The Singapore immigration website is refreshing for users. There are several options for tourists to extend their stay in the country and all applications are completed online. There is a $ 100 registration fee. If accepted, an additional fee of up to $ 250. The website warns that applications may take up to six months longer to process.


You need to organize and plan before you arrive in Singapore as the traditional visitor badge is a maximum of 30 days. One-third of Singapore’s population are immigrants, which means it is not difficult to find a full-time job there, and it is also easy to start a business, as Singapore is considered the “best-performing country” in terms of overall market efficiency.


Another program is the Global Investor Program, which is for entrepreneurs who are interested in spending large sums of money in the country and relocating their business to Singapore. The government is interested in companies or individuals with proven experience that can improve the Singapore economy. Finally, someone who has an employee identification card that will allow them to work in Singapore can apply for a permanent residence permit.


Employee ID cards are provided by the Ministry of Manpower. The website is also very easy to navigate and answers questions about eligibility and the application process. You must have a decent job offer in a certain area, your employer must apply on your behalf, your monthly salary must reach or exceed $ 3,600, and if you qualify, the permit is two years and then renewable.


They also provide a useful self-assessment tool that you can use to assess whether you qualify. The entire process cost about $ 220, and execution time was faster, taking about three weeks.


Norway has successfully combined a strong technology and workforce sector with a strong safety net of social programs for its citizens, making it a force to be reckoned with in the global business world. In addition, Norway has one of the most efficient systems in the world for processing bankruptcy claims.


The process of starting a business in Norway usually takes only four days and the relative costs of starting a business are quite low (only 0.90% of annual per capita income). This leaves the state with a must-see if you want the country to migrate for business and rush.


Paraguay is a landlocked country between Argentina, Brazil, and Bolivia, which is home to large swamps, subtropical forests, and the Chaco, as well as desserts such as savanna and scrub.


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If you dream of disappearing from the face of the earth, Paraguay may be the right place for you. Not many people know it, even though it is bordered by Argentina and Brazil. The country has a higher literacy rate than the United States and is a beautiful place with friendly people, sweeping views, and a low cost of living.


Because it is unclear, immigration demand is low, and so are accounts receivable. You will need to deposit some money into a Paraguay bank, which is approximately 35 times the minimum monthly salary. It sounds like a lot, but it only costs around $ 4,500- $ 5,500. That’s all you need to live in Paraguay indefinitely and you will be able to apply for citizenship in three years.


If you love the idea of ​​limitless beer and chocolate in a cozy little country with grand architecture and stunning natural beauty, then you should consider Belgium. If you have lived in Belgium for five consecutive years and are a Swiss or EU / EEA citizen, you will automatically be granted permanent residence status. If you are not a citizen of one of these countries, you will need to register.


Having permanent residence in Belgium gives you many of the privileges and rights of a Belgian citizen, such as Voting, open access to work, social programs (including welfare), and education. Becoming a citizen provides an opportunity to leave the country for more than two years at a time, but the requirements are much stricter.


You need a job to get a permanent resident visa, but you can apply from home. Once you start working, you only need to keep it for two weeks before you can get a residence permit. This is not an offer to stay forever, but as you continue to work, you are moving in that direction.


The state of Eurasia in Georgia is one of the best places in the world to start a business. Middle-income countries have benefited from developing economies for many years. One reason is that it only takes two days to register a new company in Georgia and it only costs around $ 40. This land is another great place to look if you’re looking for an affordable economy and easy land to start a business.


The Republic of Korea is the fourth best place to start a business. South Korea is in the lead because of its strong results in sourcing electricity, cross-border trade, and contract execution. All of this is without mentioning South Korea’s super-fast internet connection – the fastest in the world.


The government has cleverly used this pace to promote South Korea as an attractive place for startups. The government highlighted this fact in a 2012 initiative to attract entrepreneurs to the country. If you enjoy starting a business, you will benefit greatly from migrating to Korea. You may need to spend some time learning the language.


If you are a businessman, the Netherlands wants you. The country aims to create new products and jobs by attracting foreign innovators and scientists. When it comes to making doing business easier, you can rest assured that you are in safe hands as the Netherlands ranks 28th out of 190 countries in the World Bank’s Convenience.


Conducted a company survey for 2017 with the same ranking as the previous year. If you have an idea, you can apply for a year-long stay in the Netherlands.


During this time, you will meet with local mentors and build your business. After 12 months, you have the option of extending your stay and applying for a standard self-employed work permit, which is awarded under a Dutch-American friendship treaty.


Do you want to skip the first steps? The Dutch-American Friendship Treaty, (DAFT) encourages small businesses and entrepreneurs to live and work in the Netherlands. This shows that the Netherlands is a very suitable country to work and rush into.


When we look at countries that are emigrating to start a business and accelerate, especially in the African region, Egypt easily comes to our minds. Cairo is the most progressive city in Africa and occupies a prominent place there. Not only is it an ancient city, but a city that brings good luck to the 21st century and can coexist with both eras.


More than 30,000 immigrants call Egypt, especially Cairo, far from home. This is because the country is friendly to the immigrants who live and work there. Despite its hot desert, scenery, and chaotic cities, Egypt is a dream destination for anyone living in an African Islamic society, starting a business in the countryside, and wanting to see a different side of life.

While Egypt may have some restrictions, especially for foreigners wishing to start a business there, they cannot be overcome as the country is improving every year in terms of doing business more easily.


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