Do you want Life Balance? Forget about Undertaking

Do you want Life Balance? Forget about Undertaking

Balance of life: walking with your head in the clouds and your feet in the air, smiling when you are denied permission to leave early – just because your boss was upset – get home, take a warm bath, and have a salad with red fruits, even if you starve, because it is healthy.

Dream pretty.

Until you try …

… And you get frustrated because it feels artificial.

You want to experience the sensation of balance that girls with wavy hair and Colgate smiles boast – thank you at the moment, you have to see the glass half full, enjoy the present, YOLO !!!! – even for a little while.

When you find yourself in the need to choose between 5 hours of sleep or waking up to work in your business, enjoying the present is not so simple.

When you go for the second and the next day you gobble down three cups of coffee to survive the midnight meeting, thanking immediately is not your priority either.

What would become of you without the celebration for Susanita’s birthday and the paydays that keep you sane?

They make the situation more bearable but deep down, you know that being an employee doesn’t make you completely happy.

You are struggling to get out.

You try to build something of your own, start your own business, but neither time nor body gives you.

The balance of life seems a distant ideal.

Perhaps, what you need is not to find balance, but to learn to lose it.


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Table of Contents

Losing your balance is the best way to balance

On a flight I did, they served me a plate with a piece of chicken, mashed potatoes, a small glass of vegetables, and a bar of chocolate.

I took the glass and the tablet. I passed the rest to my seatmate. Surprised, he asked why. I explained that I am vegan, and I am also allergic to potatoes.

Laughing, he told me that he had gone a whole day without eating food and that he was starving.

He gladly took the plate and as an act of gratitude, he handed me his vegetables and his chocolate bar.

Balance is when everyone receives their share. Harmony is when you take what you need, leave the rest, and feel at peace with your choice.

It is about learning to choose.


If you can’t have everything, choose what’s important

Sleep five more minutes or get up to work on your business. Enjoy your lunch break or use it to contact future clients. Light incense and sit and watch the clouds or use that time to write your business plan.

Continue to be a rat running around in the system and stay comfortable or venture into your own business and face the uncertainty of not knowing if it’s going to work.

When you start, you can’t have everything, but you can have the important thing:

  • On Tuesday and Thursday from 11 to 1 I go to Yoga classes
  • In December I travel to New York. In February to Cuba and in July? Fate will tell.
  • Today I work at Starbucks. Tomorrow in pajamas, from my home.
  • It’s my mom’s birthday. I take the day off to celebrate.
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Although choosing is not always so easy:

  • When I launched my entrepreneurship course, I chose to go three days without sleep. He had lessons to finish.
  • My family went on vacation to Europe. I stayed home because I had a business to build.
  • I have cut back on my social life. On Fridays, I no longer go out to parties and on Wednesdays, I no longer go to the movies. I prefer to sleep early and save energy to work on my goals.
  • I had a perfect credit history. Now I carry two debts. I got them to pay for mentors when I was lost and didn’t know where to go.
  • I quit the job I adored and the security of my biweekly paycheck to pursue a project that I didn’t even know was going to work.

As an entrepreneur, you are a Passionate Rebel Determined Irrational.

When you put your heart into an idea, and you become obsessed with making it come true, neither your partner with her logic nor your mother with her anguish can make you give up.

Believing that every part of your life can remain as a piece of mobile in perfect balance is naive.

Sometimes you end up sleepless, getting high on donuts and caffeine to keep your eyelids open while you drop the last line of text on the keyboard.

It is your way of letting go of balance to find harmony.

The difficult thing about it is that nobody tells you if it is right or wrong.

It is you who must find out.


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