Failure is Less Risky Than Success

Failure is Less Risky Than Success

All success, like life itself, is completely circumstantial. When people do not properly understand the simplicity of this reality, success becomes riskier than failure.


Although the classification of success is something very personal and no two conceptions are the same, the risk it represents is the same for everyone.


Success is a state that is highly appreciated, different for everyone but valuable and positive for everyone. Thus conceived, it is riskier than failure for the following reasons:

1. All failure strengthens and something teaches. While success can mess up, decompose, and corrupt people.

If failure holds the possibility of strengthening a person, success can make him proud.

Failure keeps the senses alert, success can envelop them in subtle drowsiness.


Only a small portion of men grow stronger and evolve with success, the great number interpret it as a “season of arrival”, a point of celebration and rest, a milestone of conquest. The successful position is defended, of course, but it rarely produces evolution and growth.


When success is assumed as a right and does not deserve consideration and care, it leads to the breakdown of people. You hear, almost equally, from men who have overcome failure and others who have been overcome by success.


2. Success is riskier than failure because its loss always represents a “fall”.

When the state that explains success is affected for any reason, it is always a loss, an unwanted result, a setback.

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Failure is a state that precedes more appropriate situations. It can be considered a starting point to reach the best destination. Instead, when fortune changes, fate is always a failure.


Failure can be considered a “broken state”, while lost success is a “decaying state”. Both situations are not the same, nor are they experienced the same. While in the first case things are as they are, in the second there is a progressive deterioration. It is different to live on a bare piece of land that offers little or nothing than to live on a plot where there was a building that is now crumbling.


From failure often emerges the character that considers the future to be rosy. But when success fades, the future looks worse than the present, always. And this fact does not strengthen the character, it weakens it.


3. There is a great probability that failure will positively transform a person. As long as success is less likely to do so.

Odds never point to an absolute, obviously, and for this reason, generalizations are useless. There will be beings that achieve success consolidate the best version of themselves. But since success can be considered more of an effect than a cause, these cases will not be many.


Failure that does not positively change a person can lead to ultimate defeat. Failure is always an external factor that demands attitudes and positions, it is an accomplice or perpetrator, depending on the individual’s response.


However, success is riskier than failure because it rarely demands attitudes or positions from the person, at least not as something conditioning. In success, it is the man who must be purposeful. He must establish, “from the inside out”, the objectives and premises. If you don’t propose something to bring about a virtuous transformation, then nothing happens. Because success by itself never makes any demands.


Because of this, a person can be completed in failure. But it must be complete if you want to efficiently manage success.


4. Success that is achieved without knowing failure is riskier because it can be wasted and be temporary.

Success has value, like all good things in life. And that value is represented by the cost of achieving it.

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Failure is a costly fact. But for the same reason, it adds immense value to the success that is achieved.


Some successes are achieved quickly and comfortably. There are them in the same way as certain failures that are only explained by fatalities. 


Those “quick and easy hits” are the highest risk. 

Because they are forced to consolidate unnaturally. Like a mature tree that occasionally stands upright and “must” begin to take root.


This is “easy success”: a tree that did not grow from its roots …


The more costly the process that leads to success, the more likely it is to be appreciated and cared for. Constituting a positive transformation factor in the lives of the people who are related to him.


Little is worth what little costs. And this applies the same in success as in the rest of the things in life.

5. Success is riskier because it generates in people a subtle feeling of superiority and invincibility.

Generates that “sweet feeling” of thinking that you have control of things and knowledge to face situations that arise.


A false sense of security is risky indeed, and it becomes dangerous as time passes. When a change occurs, people are more affected.


Success often provokes external flattery. The easy adulterer, the cheap consent of others. This nests in the spirit of man and hints that he is above all circumstances and eventualities.


In the history of mankind, nothing has contributed more than the success in the appearance of the foolish, indolent, contemptuous, arrogant, and arrogant individual. Failure rarely produces these kinds of men. Rather, it welcomes, processes, and transforms them, or ultimately discards them.

6. Success “obscures” the existence of other realities and causes loss of sensitivity.

When the “circumstantially successful” person tends to judge other realities, he exposes his own.


When someone who has been deprived of basic sensitivity by success faces failure or a reversal of favorable conditions, he suffers greatly from the shocks. 


More than who has preserved basic sensitivity towards all the realities that life presents.


Whoever experiences successful circumstances without the necessary understanding of the greater reality sins of ignorance, which then causes suffering.

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Success “obscures” the existence of other realities and can build fragile “bubbles”, where the situation is lived and what surrounds it is seen as distant. And the drama lies precisely there, in the fact that every “bubble” is essentially weak, just like who is accommodated in it.


7. Success and dissatisfaction travel the same paths.

Success is riskier than failure because it is associated, on many occasions, with the need for incremental. To the desire and the idea of ​​”more”, more and more.


What you have is not satisfied, you are looking for new goals, greater results, more successes. Dissatisfaction and frustration with what already exists, and what cannot be to the extent desired.


It is a fact that no one feels “dissatisfied” with what failure offers, but it is common to feel that way about success. This equally exposes and weakens, but fundamentally sets up conditions for suffering.


It is no longer just the fact that every condition that sustains success may disappear at some point. It is also the fact that it has never been “satisfactory enough”. And although it is known that failure is not satisfactory, how much suffering can be expected of a person who faces it while having, at the same time, felt dissatisfied with his success?


However, if success and dissatisfaction frequently travel the same paths, it does not mean that they have a causal relationship.


Dissatisfaction is the product of character flaws, not a success. But for what we are talking about here, it is more than curious that this dissatisfaction never appears in failure.

A very simple conclusion.

Having evaluated some factors that justify the claim of success as riskier than failure, it is appropriate to establish the remedy:


How can a man avoid that success ends up being a risk factor and of little profit in his life?

The answer breathes modesty for each vertex:


Being humble

If failure and success must recognize something as an infallible guide to walk their paths, they will coincide in a demand: Humility!


Failure can graduate a man to understanding and the exercise of humility. As long as the man who practices it in success will never know failure.


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