Networking: A Way To Grow Your Project

Networking: A Way To Grow Your Project

I think that networking is one of the most important factors when you want to grow with your project and today I will give you some tips so that you can get the most out of it!

But first, let’s see what this Networking thing is.

What is Networking?

According to its definition, the word networking, coming from the English language, is related to professionals in your sector to generate relationships and possible collaborations that will help you grow with your personal brand or business project.

It is to create a Network of Contacts to generate business opportunities. At this point, it will be essential that you have your Brand worked on, either because you are independent or work for a company.

Define your Networking goal

Like everything we do at a professional level, we must have a clear objective. Knowing what you are looking for in that meeting, of course, will depend on each one but the most common objectives are:

  • customer search
  • find collaborations
  • get financing
  • Promotion of our products or services

Where to network?

Events in your sector

You should always be aware of the events that are organized around the sector in which you move.

Whatever your profession, you can always find a meeting place with professionals.

They can be offline or online.

Do not rule out Social Networks to do digital Networking.


Business or professional breakfasts are a good meeting point, even breakfasts for entrepreneurs where you think you can meet your networking goal.

Do not limit yourself only to your sector, you can likely obtain good results in other environments that may need your products or services.

After hours events

Nothing better than being relaxed and networking!

Believe it or not, projects can come out of after hours, so go have a beer 

Offline networking

Offline networking has a very important value in your business strategy, nothing like having the person with whom you want to establish a relationship in front of you.

Although online can also be a suitable space to create professional relationships, the reality is that the results take longer.

Each face-to-face event is a place where you can show your personality, your knowledge, your projects, your products or services.

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Of course, you can expose this very quickly, but it is the first step towards a relationship that can last over time.

In each event there are usually spaces that make it possible to contact other people, it is the time of the break, and it can be one of the best moments of the event if you know how to take advantage of it.

In general, the people who attend that event are on the same page as you, so you can start a conversation based on the topic in question.

Elevator pitch or Presentation

Have you heard of the elevator pitch?

It is simply having a presentation of your project, of what you do, but the key is that it must be brief and powerful.

Do not leave it to chance, consider putting it together and even practicing it to obtain the expected results.

The elevator pitch refers to a type of fast presentation to obtain the proposed objective in the least amount of time.

It is often said that it is the time that an elevator can take from PB to the 6th floor.

In this type of circumstance, a problem is included, the public it is intended for, and the solution that you propose, often to obtain financing for a project.

But if your goal is to create collaborative working relationships, you can take these aspects into account when creating your “pitch” or presentation.

  • Name
  • Company
  • What are you doing
  • Goals
  • Benefits
  • thanks

Hello, my name is (first and last name) and I am (company and position), I dedicate myself to (detail product or service), with the objective of (benefits).

You can mention that you are delighted to be able to establish a relationship with him and that you would love to keep in touch.

If he agrees, he will surely give you his card and you will then start your post-event strategy.

Then thank you for having started that conversation.

Find employment through Networking.

More and more companies are looking for people who build their Personal Brand, demonstrate their knowledge, and add value to their company with their brand.

We already know that the world of work is changing and we must adapt to that change!

Today, if someone wants to know something about you, they will search for you on Google, and for this reason, my advice is that you have a Blog where you can create valuable content, that positions you in the sector you want to target, in which you want to grow.

3 Benefits of Networking

Increase your visibility

When you attend events and create relationships, those people will surely visit your website later and that will increase your visibility, they may even recommend you!

Meet professionals in your sector

Events often allow us to meet people from the sector that we admire and from there generate a relationship where collaborations can arise.

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Meet potential customers

Attending events can open the door to potential clients who need your services.

How to improve your Networking?


It is essential to be communicative to be able to establish relationships, so if you are shy you must break that barrier that prevents you from relating.

Add value

Give to receive. And this is for everything you do in life, it is the basic principle to receive, first give.

Be thankful

Another piece of life advice is, being thankful is as important as giving, and sometimes in the daily whirlwind, we forget all the good things that we experience during the day, even if they are moments.

Use Social Networks

After this contact, contact them through Social Networks, remind them of what you have discussed, and say how much you would like to have a coffee or hold a meeting to continue the chat.

Elevator pitch

As we have already seen, you must have your presentation ready and practiced 

Business Cards

Although today we move a lot online, always have business cards on hand, yes, the traditional printed ones.

Put the necessary data and my advice is that you put a photo, that will make them remember you more easily.

I know! You will measure, but if he enters my Social Networks he will know who I am… it may be, but it is like the user experience, the fewer clicks the better, save him that step.

Contact before the event

If you know who will participate in the event, it will be great to make contact beforehand, that will already predispose the person you want to contact and they will have a few minutes to talk with you if they agree in advance.

Positive attitude

Fundamental, without a positive attitude you will not get far, so if you want to meditate before the event, jump, whatever you want, but remove the negative that could spoil that moment that will be unique and brief!

Mistakes to avoid when networking


I know, if you are shy it is not easy to break down this barrier but you must do it! You must have an openness towards communication, without it networking goes overboard!


Try to dress appropriately, the schedule of the event will be an important point, an event in the morning is not the same as at night.

Also at this point, I want to emphasize your Personal Brand, do not dress in a way that is not yours, since you will not feel comfortable and that will be noticed.


We have already talked about this, you need to have your presentation ready and most importantly know when you should do it, and don’t launch into your role at an inappropriate time.

Extend more than necessary

Do not explain your training, your years of experience, that will come later or you can see it on your own website.

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Answer according to the questions, do not go around the bush.

Not passionate

If you do not show the passion you have for your product or service it will be difficult to “convince”.

Show your enthusiasm and with this I am not saying that you get euphoric, much less, but that you are real, enthusiastic, demonstrating the benefits.

Abuse of trust

It’s very good to push away shyness, but don’t exaggerate in confidence!

I know that a lot will depend on the personality of each one but take care of this aspect.

Talk only about you

Although it is your opportunity for them to know you, do not talk only about yourself, worry about knowing something about the person in front of you.

If you already know a lot about her, you can make a positive comment about her activities or results.

Talk about numbers

These are details that are not suitable for the first instance of networking, these evaluations will come in later stages if necessary.

It is different that whoever you want to contact asks you, but if they don’t, don’t start with it.


If the person you want to contact does not give you the attention you wanted, do not be insistent, sometimes we must coincide in several events to get their attention.

You’ll see if it’s worth it but being insistent will surely not make you achieve your goal.

Make you feel bad

Yes, believe it or not, some people can make you feel bad!

If you want to contact someone, don’t put them in an awkward situation in the middle of the event, watch your words.

I’m not saying that you’re fake, just be polite.

Networking does not end in an event

After an event, organize the cards or contacts you have made.

Create a file, ideally an Excel or Word table, with the data of these people. I recommend having a column where you specify the event in which they met and some observation that reminds you of what was discussed.

Strengthen the bond that you have generated by sending an email and thanking the moment shared in the event, then, according to the response, you will see how to continue that relationship.

Do not harass please, nothing worse to strengthen that relationship!

Follow them on Social Networks, appreciate the contact once they accept you, or return the follow.


I think that to do Networking you have to take into account all the aspects mentioned but above all have intuition, we are not in a movie script.

You should see how the event is developing and look for the opportunity to generate a relationship that can be satisfactory for the objective that you have set for yourself.

I hope this post helps you so that you can do excellent networking at your next event!


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