Content Marketing Strategies: Proven Techniques for Success

Content Marketing Strategies: Proven Techniques for Success

For  Gen Z, if something isn’t on Google, it doesn’t exist. But as mature and life-savvy as older generations may feel, if something isn’t on Google, it’s not there for a  baby boomer or millennial either. Therefore, if a company needs its potential customers to know it, it has to dedicate time to its Content Marketing. 

But, in addition, if that organization wants to be a brand with purpose and establish a close emotional bond with that user, it must generate a content strategy based on storytelling. The purpose of this way of acting must be focused on your client: solve doubts, needs, give them ideas, inspire them, or simply to make them smile from time to time. Just as we tend to trust friendly and decisive people more, we also tend to choose companies that express these types of attributes earlier. Those that show human values that inspire trust, sympathy, or empathy. 

We live in the era of digital transformation, where organizations have ceased to be what they say they are, to become what Google shows about them. No matter how much effort is made to advertise, if negative news generates a communication crisis, the first thing that Google will show will be what the company does not want to bring up. In this sense, making a correct organic positioning through a Content Marketing strategy can be the key to solving a serious problem in a short time. 

But let’s not be alarmist. Content Marketing serves much more. It is the key for users to perceive brands as an ally, an entity to trust, who have a way of understanding life in a similar way to theirs; that it has concerns and aspirations, it is transparent and, like people, it has purposes.

Google has been modifying its algorithms related to web positioning in its search engines to satisfy its users. And one of the most important variables today is quality content, which is capable of generating emotions, help, entertainment, information, or empathy.

The contents for the conversion funnel

Developing this entire universe of content is not easy and it must be created strategically, thinking of a conversion funnel and liquid content that adapts to what the consumer is looking for or needs at a given moment in their experience with the brand.

Even though there are many ways to increase traffic to a website or improve the visibility of a brand, content marketing is proving to be increasingly necessary and effective. Thanks to it, web pages climb significantly in search engines to the first results. It is a very useful resource for working on SEO, which in the medium and long term reduces investment in advertising and improves the dissemination of the values ​​and offers of a brand:

The contents for the TOFU phase

  • At this stage of the conversion funnel, the information that we disseminate on the Internet is offered, seeking maximum diffusion.
  • Here we try to reach as many users as possible and capture their attention so that “our brand sounds familiar to them”.
  • It’s interesting information, but it doesn’t have to be very in-depth. That is, they must be light and ‘easy to digest’ content.
  • If these contents are responsible for a direct sale, it will be an impulse sale. 

The contents for the MOFU phase

  • It is time for the content to ‘help’ the user to choose a specific brand instead of the competition. 
  • Through these contents, we try to provide really useful information to the user. In the TOFU phase, we have already entertained you and captured your attention.
  • Now is the time to generate deeper and more elaborate content on our website. The goal is for the user to spend a “long” time learning thanks to our content.
  • At this stage of the journey with the consumer, we must show, more than ever, brand values that generate empathy.  

The contents for the BOFU phase

  • We want to be relevant to our users, but, unless it is one of our brand values ​​(which is something quite questionable), we must avoid pedantry. 
  • We have already generated deep content. It’s time to entertain again. Once the contents of the two previous phases of the funnel have satisfied the user’s needs until they have led to an economic transaction, it is necessary to generate ‘nice’ and grateful content.
  • But, in turn, we have to continue sharing the values ​​and the purpose of the brand with the user so that he becomes an ambassador of the brand. 
  • It must be taken into account that the user is already part of the brand’s content universe because we already have their email or phone number in a database. In addition, it is likely that you already follow us on social networks
  • Quality content generates a virtuous circle with the consumer. Thus, once we have accompanied him to the BOFU phase, our content will have to return him to the phase above all, TOFU, to start a communication process with him again.
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Why choose a content marketing agency?

Having a content marketing agency is key to not making mistakes. Although it may seem easy to carry out this work, it is necessary to carry out an exhaustive analysis of each company, define the target audience you want to reach, and create specific content to achieve this end. In addition, it is useless to do the same thing that other blogs do on the Internet. It is convenient to be original or, at least, use another type of perspective to differentiate yourself from the great competition that we find on the network.

In addition, a marketing agency saves time, since your brand’s professionals will be able to continue carrying out their tasks without having to invest hours in this strategy that has so much work behind it. You will also see costs significantly reduced because by avoiding mistakes (such as article plagiarism, writing full of spelling errors, or Black Hat Seo techniques ) you will not lose your money invested, since Google will not penalize us. It is better to do things right from the beginning.

What is content marketing?

Virtually all web positioning strategies with some ambition go through content marketing. This discipline of marketing consists of generating valuable content for the user, be it web texts, documents, infographics, images, audio, or video, so that they occupy all the phases of a digital marketing conversion funnel. All these contents serve the purpose of entertaining or informing to satisfy a customer’s need. 

Depending on the phase of the funnel (the conversion funnel ), some content or another will have to be generated. In this sense, a Transmedia strategy must be worked on, with liquid contents so that they adapt in-depth and in shape to each stage of the funnel. 

This content liquidity refers to its ability to adapt to different supports. In other words, if we want to make a video campaign, we will have to accompany it with still images and sounds so that each one of them contributes their grain of sand in the support that best fits. But we will also need to generate a universe of redacted content to explain the reason for our video campaign, to tell the life of the characters, or to explain why the product or service that we highlight in the campaign fulfills the function it does.

For example, if we do a campaign with reels on Instagram, we will need a still image to do teaser campaigns on Twitter; We will create spots to promote them on Spotify, and we will write some persuasive texts to move them from PR and on the company’s blog. The way to close the circle is to prepare a site within the corporate website with valuable content. 

If, in addition, we manage to develop a new narrative plot independently, based on one of the characters or one of the sequences of our videos, through a new story that shares the origins of the story, but with its approach, we will have achieved a 360º transmedia campaign.

Why choose a content marketing agency?

Having a content marketing agency is key to not making mistakes. Although it may seem easy to carry out this work, it is necessary to carry out an exhaustive analysis of each company, define the target audience you want to reach, and create specific content to achieve this end. In addition, it is useless to do the same thing that other blogs do on the Internet. It is convenient to be original or, at least, use another type of perspective to differentiate yourself from the great competition that we find on the network.

In addition, a marketing agency saves time, since your brand’s professionals will be able to continue carrying out their tasks without having to invest hours in this strategy that has so much work behind it. You will also see costs significantly reduced because by avoiding mistakes (such as article plagiarism, writing full of spelling errors, or Black Hat Seo techniques ) you will not lose your money invested, since Google will not penalize us. It is better to do things right from the beginning.

The services of a content marketing agency

A digital marketing agency focused on content must offer a series of fundamental services such as the definition of the buyer persona. Knowing which clients we are going to address is necessary to determine what the tone of the publications will be and thus reach the public that a company needs. We imagine a toy company. If it uses a formal, distant tone and even uses the “you”, the chances are that your readership will not be very high.

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After all, marketing is a strategic service, so you must always work to obtain tangible results. A content marketing strategy has to be orchestrated around the following services:

  • Set goals: These have to be quantifiable, measurable, and realistic.
  • Keyword research: choosing the ideal keywords for the content.
  • Analysis of the competition: to make effective ideas and decisions.
  • Editorial calendar: a publication strategy is always necessary.
  • SEO review: our experts review that the texts are SEO-friendly.
  • Measurement of results: we prepare reports to evaluate the established strategy.

Content marketing benefits

The main advantage of content marketing is that it improves the online reputation of any company. By providing texts, documents, images, or videos of value, truthfulness, usefulness, and difference, consumers end up sharing them.

For this, it is important to take special days into account (such as Health Day for a mask company, for example). Good content can go viral very quickly and this will attract many new customers.

It also allows you to differentiate yourself from the competition. Although there will be many similar article ideas, the ideal is to work on the texts so that this is not the case. To achieve this, you have to know the brand very well, uncover the unique characteristics of a service or product and prepare the writing of an article in a different way, but fully oriented to that target audience that we already know what it is.

Another advantage is that it helps you build customer loyalty because it’s not just the one that captures more and more that matters. It is vital to convert all those people who fall on your blog, into recurring consumers who trust what your company offers them and who do not go anywhere else. If the job is done right, you can achieve this and much more. To do this, you have to get to know them in depth and write about things that are relevant and valuable to them (personalize the messages).

The last notable aspects of this type of strategy are the improvement of SEO and the reduction of investment in advertising. You do not always have to pay to appear in the top positions of search engines. This can be done by writing quality texts with a suitable periodicity for each brand. In addition, with the updating of the content, the positioning of quality content will increase, since the Google algorithm takes it very much into account.

Types of content marketing

There are several types of marketing to create content and there is no reason to use them all. The interesting thing is to choose the one that best suits the needs of each company so that it works properly. In addition, this will avoid wasting time on those methods that are not going to work since they do not fit with a certain brand. Sometimes, no matter how well you work, results are not obtained for this reason and it is something that must be kept in mind.


Writing and sharing articles is one of the most basic ways to carry out this form of marketing. You have to choose attractive titles, write with a specific minimum length, take hyperlinks into account, and cite renowned reference sources, among many other aspects. Articles are interesting, attract attention, and can help build customer loyalty. Plus, there are always plenty of ideas to talk about in them:

  • About the company’s services.
  • A particular product.
  • Make product comparisons.
  • Deal with a current issue.
  • Contribute ideas, guides, advice…


The papers are informative documents in which the characteristics of a product or service are detailed. On many occasions, it is impossible in web texts to explain certain technical specifications that may be of interest to certain clients. Likewise, although they can be mentioned in the articles, it is necessary to compile them all in a serious and professional document, which contains graphics and images of tests or investigations carried out.

Using articles and papers as a content marketing strategy is not incompatible. However, not all companies will be able to use this option, since everything will depend on what they are selling or offering. For this reason, it is so important to carry out an exhaustive analysis of each specific brand. Thus, it is possible to identify this type of particularity that will determine whether or not a paper can work from the beginning. 

Video Marketing

Audiovisual has a very high importance today. For this reason, video marketing works very well for some brands. Introducing videos in certain sections of the website to explain a product (for example, how to assemble a self-erecting box) will increase the interest and confidence of customers who may end up buying it. They will know how to handle it, they will realize its quality and they will be sure that they will make a good purchase.

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In addition, we must not lose sight of how comfortable it is to watch a video instead of having to read a full description of how to use a product. This format is more attractive, transparent, entertaining, and fast. However, it should not be abused, since the blog should continue to be present for all the advantages that we mentioned above. All in all, you have to pay attention to both visual and sound quality.


Podcasts have become a booming resource in recent years. They work very well, but this is not always the case with all brands. A woodworking company may have a harder time creating a podcast that engages people who want to listen. Perhaps, in these cases, video marketing is better, since many explanations will have to be seen to understand them. Therefore, again, you have to choose well.

In addition, it is convenient to define the specific objectives that are to be achieved with the use of this resource. Interviews are one of the most listened-to formats, as well as debates. In the case of having a psychology office, sharing certain tips or even experiences of real patients is an excellent way to attract a specific audience that ends up becoming a client.


Teaching others is a good strategy to attract clients effectively. In addition, it can always be interesting to launch exclusive discounts for people who have accessed the course or webinar that you have carried out to buy a product or service. For this, it will be necessary to analyze each particular case.

In addition,  the courses and webinars have a huge audiovisual component for which it is necessary to have good resources: a professional camera, quality content, and the use of graphic documents (PowerPoint presentations, Excel tables, etc.), are just a few. examples. Likewise, it is relevant to pay attention to the comments left by the people who are attending this training to improve the next ones that are made or, even, collect some ideas that can play in favor of a brand.

Examples of content marketing strategies

After all of the above, the most important part of content marketing remains. It is about choosing the appropriate methodology so that all the work is carried out works and in the best possible way. It is not easy, because sometimes you have to do several trial-and-error tests. However, we always arrive at that strategy that is the trigger before resounding success. These are three strategies with which we work and whose results are excellent.

Inbound Marketing

This approach focuses on knowing the customer, breaking down barriers, and shortening distances. To carry it out, you have to create high-value content, communities and make messages as dynamic as possible. Likewise, there should be no advertising or interruptions at the time when people interact or view any of the web content. This is a maxim that should be met because in this strategy the value of the information is what matters.

Branded content

The branded content is very focused on the topics that are exposed in an entertaining and didactic way about the brand. Here video marketing has a great weight since the key objectives of this strategy are to inform, entertain and raise awareness. In addition, emotions are always appealed to get a reaction and, most importantly, a connection. Therefore, the emotional component must be worked very well to have the success that is sought.

Social Media Marketing

Using social networks is basic in a content strategy. It is a tremendously effective resource for getting the public to interact (leave comments, participate in polls, debate, etc.). Likewise, you can hold contests or other types of events that allow you to reach more customers by sharing content. If, in addition, these are of value, they will be distributed among many people, even going viral. Therefore, you have to choose very well the social networks that fit the style of the company for this to work. Not all have the same purpose for all business models.

Content marketing is something fundamental that you cannot leave aside if you have a website. Updates on the blog, the use of resources such as video marketing, the preparation of papers that attract large companies interested in a product… All this is possible thanks to our marketing agency. Our multidisciplinary team has highly qualified professionals capable of achieving the best results and taking any brand to another level.

The digital PR

Gone are the  SEO strategies that were limited only to the use of keywords. According to the most recent updates, for a company to appear among the first places in search results, it is necessary to implement a digital PR plan. Appearance in recognized digital media is the first step of the TOFU phase of the funnel. 

In addition, PR is the best tool to obtain quality links, especially from the media, whose SEO relevance is very high.


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