75 Business Ideas that You Can Start With Very Little Money (Even Free)

75 Business Ideas that You Can Start With Very Little Money (Even Free)

Today many people want to leave the corporate world to do something that drives their passion. People don’t want to retire at 60 (or older) and look back to feel like they’ve wasted their lives.

Fortunately, today it is incredibly easy to start a business from scratch without investing a fortune.

Here below I have put together a list of 75 different ideas that you can start for little money and from the comfort of your home. Some do not require more than an internet connection, and others require certain licenses or skills … you decide!

Table of Contents

#1. Make Chatbots

Ten years ago all companies needed a website and five years ago all companies needed an app, today all companies need to open the door to Messaging with Artificial Intelligence and chatbots ”. This creates opportunities and jobs. You can learn how to do them for free by learning to code, and then make them for companies.

Chatbots are the thing today and we are at a point where all companies need one. Chatbots have become a great opportunity for companies to interact with their customers, gather information, and improve their marketing and customer service efforts. You can quickly start creating chatbots without the need for programming. I made the free tool chattypeople.com, but there are many options. All you need is:

  • Read about bots and their functionality
  • Create an account
  • Learn about the company that needs a chatbot
  • Create your bot
  • Launch it on Facebook Messenger

And you do not require programming courses.

  • The platform is amazing because:
  • Work with Facebook Messenger and your comments.
  • You can show promotions to customers on demand
  • Recognize variations in keywords
  • Can process Facebook orders
  • Integrates with almost all existing payment platforms

#2.Accounting services

Are you good with numbers and do you want to work from home? To be a freelance accountant, all you need is your degree, and be good with numbers. There are many tools to learn how to make invoices and keep things clear with the Treasury.

#3.The personal or virtual assistant

While these jobs don’t sound all that glamorous, the truth is that they pay well. If you have already had a similar job in an office, you will see that the digital version gives you much more freedom. Use platforms like upwork.com to find clients and you can choose:

  • Your clients
  • Your schedules
  • Your rates

#4.Marketing services

Marketing does require some experience and knowledge. Having said that, if you are inexperienced, invest in a digital course that is not only cheap but will give you the necessary tools to start a marketing agency that you can grow in the future. Many options in this field are open every day, such as influencer marketing.

Companies are always looking for freelancers who can offer them texts optimized for Google and who can convert their visits into leads. You could also offer to upload the content to their sites and improve their SEO with:

  • Meta descriptions
  • The correct titles
  • The right keyword density
  • Tags and categories
  • Relevant images optimized

#5.Social media consultant

Who doesn’t love Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram? If you’re good at social media but don’t have professional training, both Twitter and Google offer comprehensive courses with recognized certifications that require very little investment.

 Social media is a business with unlimited potential and a customer base that can span the entire world. And it does not seem that this trend is going to die anytime soon, if anything, we will see the emergence of new platforms expanding the possibilities even more. And you can use administration tools to make your work easier.

#6.Affiliate Marketing

It is very easy to get started in affiliate marketing and it has to do with earning a commission for promoting the products or services of a company. You choose a product, promote it and earn for every sale that is generated through you. An affiliate marketing business is very easy to start if:

  • You have your blog or website
  • You can prove your success with many visits
  • You have already done affiliate marketing and can show the results to your potential customers

#7.Tester or the review writer

  • People and companies often look for people to review their products so that others will want to buy them. You can start with a profile on freelance sites or approach companies directly, offering them a review in exchange for money to become an influencer. And if you already have your own blog or website you can write entire articles about their products, which would allow you to charge much more in the long run and build a portfolio of clients to show in the future.

#8.Secretarial services

Similar to being a virtual assistant, remote secretarial services require no experience. All you need is:

  • To be organized
  • Have communication skills
  • Manage time well
  • Have a high level of autonomy

Your day-to-day tasks as a freelance secretary could include:

  • Schedule appointments
  • Organize calendars
  • Answer emails
  • Build Presentations
  • Answer calls

#9.Digital Dating Consultant

Are you good with words? Or have you already found your soulmate and want to share with the world how you did it? You can become someone’s cupid and help them find love by becoming a dating consultant. This usually includes a high level of responsibility, because you are going to be guiding people. Among your daily tasks could be:

  • Manage profiles on dating sites and apps
  • Write profiles
  • Offer phone updates on your matches.

#10.eBay assistant or seller

This is similar to affiliate marketing, with the difference that instead of promoting the product, you would be selling it directly to the customer. When you sell other people’s products on eBay or any other platform, you earn from the commission that you charge the owner of the product after the sale.

Unfortunately, this type of work carries certain risks. Typically, scammers lure eBay sellers and use fake shipping papers to convince them to make payments. And, even if they scam you, you will be responsible for your customers not receiving their products. So always remember:

  • Know the dealer well
  • Keep your payments in your e-wallet until the customer confirms that they received the product
  • Report any suspicious activity
  • Do not share bank information with anyone
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#11.Application Developer

New applications appear every day and if you think you can create yours and also have an original idea, you should do it! Besides the fact that you won’t have to invest as much money in it, it’s a lot less demanding than a 9 to 6 job. Once you’ve built your app, add a good marketing strategy to it and you’ll be making money in your sleep. The best thing is that you can do it from anywhere in the world.

#12.Web developer

We live in a digital world where every business needs a website to drive traffic and generate sales. If you have the ability, you could enter an industry that never dies. You can start short by creating sites on platforms like WordPress. If you want to take your skills to the next level you can learn the programming language at codeacademy.com where you can learn to incorporate:

  • Shopping carts
  • Product Pages
  • Galleries
  • Blogs
  • Service Pages
  • Feedback forms

#13.Cybersecurity Consultant

Hacking, information theft, and viruses are some of the current digital security threats. If you know about this, you could earn a lot of money consulting businesses, especially those who handle sensitive information about their clients and who want to keep it safe.

#14.Graphic designer

Companies are always looking for designs that show people what they do. If you can follow brand guidelines and customer needs, all you need to get started is a computer and a program like Photoshop or Illustrator. So you can create:

  • Logos
  • Advertising
  • Newsletters
  • Journals
  • Datasheets
  • Letters
  • Promotions
  • Advertisements


The publishers often use some software to create:

  • Journals
  • Books
  • Advertising bulletins
  • Other marketing materials

To offer a complete service you should also write the content or hire someone to write and thus have a small team.

#16.Design of business plans

Having a winning idea is wonderful, but putting it down on paper in a way that looks attractive to an investor is tricky. If you’ve had a business in the past or have a college degree, why not help entrepreneurs with great ideas get started? Quote your rates depending on your needs and you can:

  • Create digital texts that your clients can fill in a personalized way
  • Create various templates that show your clients how to accommodate their business plan

#17.Tax consultant

Companies and individuals are willing to pay someone to help them organize the tax issue, especially if you can offer advice to get the Treasury to pay you back through special deductions.

#18.Blogger or Vlogger

Are you an expert on any subject? From travel, fashion, cooking, crafts, whatever, if you know how to do something particularly well, why not share it with the world through a blog or vlog? All you need is a computer and a good camera. You can earn money from advertising and product reviews on your platform.

#19.Creator of informational products

Similar to a blog, this is your opportunity to put your experience in an e-book or some other digital format and sell it online. Find a niche that is not saturated and start writing. You can sell your pieces on platforms like Amazon Books.

#20.CV Writer

Regardless of their experience, there are very few people who enjoy making CVs and they tend to pay very well for someone to do it for them. It costs you nothing to get started and once you’ve gotten the hang of the mode you can charge a lot for each one.

#21.Domain buyer

As the name implies, all you need is to buy domain names that you think people will want and sell them for a profit. You will need:

  • Identify domains with profit potential
  • Find memorable domains
  • Learn about SEO and keyword optimization

#22.Website improvement and sale

This is about buying an existing website, improving it, and selling it. With the right skills, it is a very simple thing to do. With this clear, you only need to be able to identify websites with good potential for improvement.


Translating is one of the easiest and most profitable industries to get involved in if you are fluent in more than one language. Translators do not need capital to get started and can earn quite a bit of money depending on the company they work for.

#24.Financial advisor

Although there are now many people wanting to start their businesses, many still do not know how to organize their finances. If you have experience in this field, you can start advising small companies or individuals.

#25.Editorial services

A publishing services business is easy to start because it requires no initial investment and has great growth potential. From small and large companies to authors and students, your customer base is endless. You can offer a variety of services such as:

  • Copywriting
  • Article writing
  • Writing web content
  • Website content
  • Text editing
  • Book Writing

#26. Selling photographs online

If you are a professional photographer or passionate about photography, you can earn money by selling your photos online. All you need is a camera, preferably a professional one, and a computer. When you already have a profile on GettyImages or Flickr you can create your own page where you upload your watermarked images and charge them per unit.

#27.Meal planner

There are many people who love food but have no idea what to buy. They may not be very good at cooking, they may not know how to prepare balanced meals, or they may not know how to budget. As a meal planner you:

  • You will create an ingredient list
  • You will create step-by-step recipes for your customers to follow
  • You will explain the nutritional value of each meal
  • You will explain how they are saving if they follow your plans

#28.Administrative services for patients

These services are extremely important to communities around the world. In the day-to-day you will be:

  • Helping to manage procedures in hospitals and/or insurance companies
  • Helping to gather papers for insurers
  • Help people get their insurance

People who need help with these things are often either sick or grieving the death of a loved one, and have neither the time nor the head to deal with the bureaucracy of hospitals and insurance companies. It is important that they can have someone to help them do all these procedures.

#29.E-commerce store

If you have a great product, but don’t have the money to open a store, why not put it online? In addition to getting rid of the financial issue, the marketing opportunities are endless. And while a physical store is great for building a brand, it limits the size and potential of your audience. If you open your online store you can:

  • Sell ​​to anyone in the world
  • Have a store open 24/7 (which means you earn money while you sleep)
  • Have promotions
  • Sell ​​on social media and other digital platforms
  • Run marketing campaigns on Google and social networks

#30.Answer surveys

You may not become a millionaire by answering digital surveys, but you can earn a secure income if you do it on several sites. Surveys are generally quick and can pay well, depending on the platform you sign up for.

#31.Video production

There are many ways you can use videos to create your own business. There are a lot of people wanting to become a YouTube celebrity but don’t have the knack for making quality videos. Among the services you can offer are:

  • Vlog editing
  • Music Video Creation
  • Voice-overs
  • Advertising
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#32.Sustainability consultant

Businesses of all sizes are looking for new ways to take care of the environment, implementing greener practices. Unfortunately, many of the eco-friendly options that exist today are often expensive, so business owners need someone like you who can advise them on how to change their processes without sacrificing their profits.

#33. Call center representative

Many companies want to hire people who can provide customer service from home. All you need is a computer and a phone. And in addition to being able to earn a good base salary, you will not have to spend on transfers and you will save by eating at home.

#34.Direct Sales Representative

The term “house-to-house sale” tends to put people off because they imagine they will shut the doors on their noses. But if you work for companies like Avon, Mary Kay, or Tupperware in the right areas, you could host meetings or parties at home and earn money while meeting people.

#35.Travel agent

With all the platforms that exist today, anyone can book their vacation from the couch. But there are so many factors to consider that the task can be overwhelming, for example:

  • Flights
  • Car rental
  • Hotels
  • Restaurants
  • Tours
  • Activities

If you are good at managing and you know how to find deals, you can offer these services to people who do not have time to organize their vacations.

#36.Online Image Consultant

People are becoming more and more aware of the value of their image, and with this comes the need for tailor-made clothing. There are no standard measures that work for all of us, and businessmen and women want to look good when they arrive at the office. The fashion consulting and apparel industry is relatively new, so starting such a business has a lot of potential down the road. In addition to sending them the clothes at home, you can also offer them personalization in:

  • Fabrics
  • Prints
  • Sizes
  • Seams
  • Linings
  • Measures

#37.Currency trading

Digital currency trading is easier than ever thanks to the number of tutorial videos, online courses, and applications that offer step-by-step guides to becoming a good Forex broker. All you need is:

  • Technical skills
  • Analysis capacity
  • A small initial investment
  • A computer, phone, or tablet

#38.Telemarketing services

More and more companies are hiring their marketing teams from outside, including telemarketing. If you redirect to this, you will be making appointments with clients and creating potential clients for the company.

#39. Referral services

Are you that person everyone asks about restaurants, lawyers, plumbers, or veterinarians? If yes and you like recommending things to people, you can make a business out of it. You will work with people and businesses to help them get more customers. To start you need:

  • Create a business list
  • Sell ​​each of them the benefits of being on your referral list
  • Place ads to get customers

#40.Event planning

Planning events or projects is something that can be done remotely, but having the possibility of doing it in the city where you live will bring you many benefits. You can start this from home and meet your clients in restaurants or cafes, or even in their offices.

#41.Professional photographer

Regardless of whether it is for a wedding, a family event, or a business, people pay a lot for a professional photographer. If you have this ability, all you need is a good camera and your daily rate.


Have you taught classes? Do you speak another language well? Are you good at any subject like physics, chemistry, or math? If yes, you could tutor children and adults. Start-up costs are very low and you can go to people’s houses.

#43.Computer teacher

Many older people want to learn how to use computers and surf the Internet, which means that if you are good at using them, you could offer your services to teach them. Most likely, they just want to learn the basics of communicating with family members.

#44. Property Manager

  • If you dedicate yourself to this, you will be responsible for ensuring that your clients’ properties are being taken care of as they should. You will be the contact of the people who rent and you will make sure that they are well-maintained and properly preserved.

#45.Home inspector

This job may seem like you’re just snooping around people’s houses, but it actually requires a great deal of experience. You will have to learn about the ants that appear on the market and keep up with the changes in regulations. Building positive relationships with real estate agents will give you a greater chance of success because they will recommend your services.


Many businesses use this service to be more flexible in their deliveries. Depending on the type of clients you work with and the distances you can set your rates.

#47.A life coach or mentor

If you have proven experience in a certain field, can demonstrate a couple of triumphs, or have training in mental matters, this may be the best job for you. People, especially aspiring entrepreneurs, seek guidance through life coaches or mentors. You can establish your business from the comfort of your home with no initial investment.


If you took a course to give massages or physical therapies, you can start this business at home and then grow it into a clinic. The only thing you will have to buy to start with are the starting materials.

#49.Personal trainer

Do you love the gym and your body shows it? Channel that energy by taking a nutrition course and you can offer your services to people just starting in the world of exercise.

#50.Personal chef

As a personal chef, you will spend your days cooking for people who don’t have the time to do it, but who do have the money to pay someone. If you want to stand out from the rest, offer meal plans suited to different styles and requirements such as:

Gluten-free or lactose-free meals

Vegetarian and vegan dishes

#51.Cleaning services

They are easy to offer and require no preparation or prior experience. You can offer house cleaning, yes, but you can also offer to clean offices, premises, establishments, etc.

#52.Dog walker

There are cities where this work can be quite profitable. People who work from 9 to 6 do not have time to take their dogs for a walk and are willing to pay for someone to do it. You can also offer additional services such as:

  • Training
  • Bathing or brushing
  • Kindergarten

#53.Packaging services

If you are good with details, this may be the perfect job. When someone moves, they pay for someone to move their things from one place to another, but the packing process is usually quite long and tedious. Why not offer people your services by doing so?

#54.Laundry services

If you are looking to make money from home without having to learn something new, you can offer a laundry service that could be expanded in the future. The only thing you will need is:

  • Keep track of your sales and expenses
  • Set your rates
  • Choose a convenient payment method for you and your customers
  • Create a website offering your services

#55.Caregiver for the elderly

You do need some experience for this job, but it’s a great way to earn a living and doesn’t require a large initial investment. Generally, the activities you will do are:

  • Cleaning
  • Laundry
  • Bathroom
  • Meal
  • Walk
  • Shopping
  • Help with daily activities depending on the state of the person.
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#56.Room rental

You don’t have to own a large building to start your hotel. If you have an extra room, why not rent it? Platforms like Airbnb make this process easy for everyone. And you can even charge a little more if you offer:

  • Food
  • Tours
  • Local experiences
  • Cleaning and/or laundry services

If you offer something unique and original to your guests, you will see that the experience will be much more rewarding for everyone.

#57.Personal concierge

If you think this is an easy job, think twice. Although it has the potential to earn a lot of money, it is quite a complex job and you will be expected to do what you promise on time and with a smile.

#58.Food delivery man

Supermarkets offer this service, but prices vary depending on many factors. If you have a large car, you could become the personal buyer of a customer base. Some people do not have time to do the shopping or who cannot leave the house, so you can do it for them. Among your services you can offer:

  • Be a concierge
  • Offer laundry services
  • Walking the dog
  • Take care of people for a couple of hours


Depending on the city you live in, your services may vary:

  • Mowing
  • Caring for plants and flowers
  • Create gardens
  • Remove herbs
  • Water


  • This may not sound like the best market to enter, but you will be surprised at the amount of money people pay for someone qualified to take care of their children. Although no formal training is required, if you have a course, even first aid, you can charge a little more.

#61.Services to strengthen home security

This is a service that very few people offer, so there is great potential to develop it, especially if we consider that babies come into the world every day. Dads will always want to provide a safe environment, but very little know-how. You can offer the service of establishing the necessary security at home so that your children are not at risk.

#62.Digital Media Conversion

Have you thought about what happened with all the CDs and DVDs that we used before? Usually nothing. Those discs are there, worn out without anyone using them. If you know how to convert this to digital media, you could offer this service and do it from your home.


This is a relatively easy business to start if you live in a large city since many business people prefer to pay for a driver instead of driving themselves You could also access platforms such as Uber or Cabify where you need:

  • A car with certain specifications
  • A smartphone
  • Have no criminal record
  • Have a driver’s license with more than 3 years of experience

Some of the benefits are:

  • You set your hours
  • You don’t have bosses
  • You earn money
  • You meet people

#64.Stylist or makeup artist

If you have experience in this industry or you took a styling course but you don’t have the money to open your own beauty salon, you can start at home. It offers services such as:

  • Coloration
  • Extension application
  • Manicure and pedicure
  • Makeup
  • Massages and facials

#65.Interior decorator

Both home and business owners are looking for people to decorate their spaces. If you have design studies or you are given this part of the decoration, you can offer this service. Before you start, consider asking these questions:

  • Will the space be used by children or adults or both?
  • Does it have to be pet-friendly?
  • What is the purpose of this room?

#66.Tour guide

Many tourists enjoy getting to know the cities from the hand of a guide. This allows them to ask questions and learn more about the local culture of the place they are traveling to. If you know your city well, why not charge to offer this guide? You can create packages that include:

  • Walking tours
  • Transfers from your hotels
  • Food at local restaurants
  • Experiences

#67.Bridal concierge

The wedding industry is one of the most stable, offering great business opportunities. What is supposed to be a great day for the couple can become a headache for all the planning that needs to be done, and in general, they are willing to pay someone to solve their lives. If you are good at organizing yourself, you pay attention to details and you like the world of weddings, you can be a Wedding Planner or concierge for couples, and do it all from the comfort of your home.

#68.Home and/or pet sitter

People who go on trips for very long periods tend to worry about who will take care of their homes, especially if they have pets. This business does not require an initial investment and you can start it with:

  • Friends
  • Neighbors
  • Family

As your business expands, consider:

  • Design business cards
  • Create your website
  • Put flyers in your area
  • Advertise your services on social media

#69.Companionship with older adults

Life expectancy is increasing, and the world is filled with older adults and the elderly. Aging people need help with their day-to-day activities, but they also need company and are willing to pay for it.

#70.Electronics repair

The 21st century has caused most people to own at least one electronic device if not several. And when they break down, they need someone you trust to fix them. You can offer your services by arranging:

  • Home appliances
  • Computers
  • Cameras
  • phones
  • Horns and musical equipment
  • Televisions
  • Video game consoles

#71.Furniture Repair

If you are good with your hands and you like furniture, why not take advantage of it? There are many ways to prepare for this service:

  • A course
  • Books
  • Tutorials on YouTube
  • Practicing on old furniture

#72.Car Repair

You can start your mechanical workshop from the comfort of your home, as long as you have the necessary space and the correct tools. If you don’t have the space but you do have the tools, you can offer the service at home. You can also start a car wash business.

#73.Bicycle repair

If you live in a city where people use bicycles to get around, you can make a great income from this business. It can even be a service that you offer only on Saturdays or Sundays in the correct location, and you can also bring together a community of cycling lovers.

#74.Menu planning service

The chef of a restaurant is not the only person who can create a menu. Many restaurants pay for an external consultant to help them add variety and quality to their menus. It is a business that does not require a large investment and that can be a lot of fun.


You should carefully review the legal requirements to open a nursery or a children’s room, but, if you like children, this can be a great deal, especially if you are in the right location.


Leaving your 9 to 6 job to start your own business can be overwhelming, but by doing so you give yourself a new level of freedom while doing something that you are truly passionate about. The internet has made it incredibly easy to dust off your skills or even learn new ones, allowing you to start an easy business without investing any money.


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