The behavior that one has in any work activity must be exemplary. Below we will show some keys to improve work performance.

Trying not to make mistakes, especially in our workplace, is an important step to establishing excellent relationships and developing them in the best way.

On some occasions in our lives, we have made mistakes, some more serious than others, and we have suffered the consequences that those acts brought us. Within a company, making mistakes can mean that we lose our job or receive a sanction that, depending on the severity, can be soft or very strong.

Therefore, we will talk about those attitudes and behaviors that should never occur in the workplace, since, according to the rules that a company has, such actions can lead to dismissals or exemplary sanctions.

Simultaneously with the established rules and regulations known to all employees, others are not written in a document but must be fully complied with and are an important part of maintaining order and discipline at all levels of the organization.

We refer to those “ethical” norms that must be present in all of us. They are the ones that allow us to differentiate “good or bad” behaviors and attitudes, according to the intention or degree with which they are carried out and the well-being or discomfort that they may cause. They are implicit rules in every human being and it is the responsibility of each one of us to adapt or reject them.

Work performance and commitment

Many attitudes can denote a lack of delivery and commitment to a company. We can point out some such as arriving late to work, not participating in meetings that have been scheduled in advance, not trying a little harder to better fulfill duties, presenting a bad personal appearance in the workplace, generating discord and indiscipline, etc.

It is pertinent to clarify that the rules vary from one company to another depending on the culture that each one of them has. This means that a standard that is not so important in one company may be the most significant in another and the one that employees respect the most. For example, it may be that in one company being late is not a serious fault since the work that is done there does not warrant it, but in another, the reiteration of this fault can lead to the dismissal of the employee.

Of course, there are more serious actions than others and therefore the intensity of the punishment or sanction. For example, revealing confidential company information may cause the company to take legal action against the person who committed the offense and, on the other hand, a heated argument between 2 employees in the workplace, may simply merit a verbal warning.

It is important to always ensure discipline in an organization. Only in this way will a good work environment be established, which will be reflected in better results.

Another aspect that bothers a lot within an organization is the lack of commitment and dedication of its workers. Likewise, the fact that an employee speaks ill of the company, does not obey the procedures, and does not abide by the measures that are taken, causes a lot of discomfort within the company. Without forgetting, of course, the dissatisfaction and sadness that comes from knowing that he has been betrayed by an employee.

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Good manners, key to job performance

It is also a cause of discomfort that a worker is rude and does not present good manners. Many people treat their co-workers badly, swear, and their behavior leaves a lot to be desired. Order, discipline, and good manners are qualities that a company looks for in all its employees. No need for people who are insulting others and biasing all the staff.

We know the importance in modern times of adapting to the new requirements that a company needs and implements. The fact that an employee does not view an innovation favorably or does not collaborate for its perfect adaptation, is an attitude that goes against the wishes of the organization and very surely the worker who presents this action will be removed from the organization.

The fact that an individual presents the attitude that we mentioned above, will mean that the company’s objectives are not met and neither are his. The non-tolerance of change means that a person does not develop their skills and therefore does not arise and ends up living alone.

A key factor in job performance; use of Technological Tools

Correctly managing the technological resources that a company has is an action that is also highly valued by an organization. The good use of the telephone, the Internet, photocopiers, faxes, etc., must exist in every company and each one of the workers must tend to use them properly and for the main objective for which they are there.

Finally, it is necessary to clarify that depending on the way we act, success will be seen both in our lives and in our work environment. Maintaining impeccable behavior in all the tasks that we carry out, we will grow and develop all our abilities, allowing our transfer through this world to be the best possible.

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