Urgent money: 12 ways to get fast money

Urgent money: 12 ways to get fast money

Is it possible to get fast money? It is a question that haunts many savers in a climate like the current one in which inflation does nothing more than reduce the personal savings of each citizen.

All of us, at some point, have reached a situation in which money is urgently needed. Especially if you have a long list of outstanding debts. Happen to you? Well, stay to discover how to get money quickly today.

Fortunately, there are simple ways for you to deal with that pending payment that won’t let you sleep.

The easiest way to get urgent money without investing is through an online loan, you can get the money you need in one day :

” Obtaining money quickly requires a detailed study of the financial situation and we must take into account an orderly planning to avoid making mistakes (…), but there are alternatives that, from prudence, can be used “, comments the finance expertHéctor sham.

Among all the ways to have urgent money, there is no doubt that online installment loans are one of the most coveted and chosen. loans provider has to make sure that all immediate loan offers to have urgent money are safe. The lending entities meet the security requirements and are well-valued by users, so all you have to worry about is choosing the one that best suits your needs and filling out the application form to get money in your account today.

The 3 best methods to get urgent money

There are many ways to obtain urgent money to face an outstanding debt that worries you.

Next, we present a list of methods to get money in your account instantly so that you can select the one that suits what you need at this time, and establish it as the fastest: online loans and credits.

1. Request a loan online

In the top 1 of the ranking, we have the most popular method to get urgent money: online loans. In less than 15 minutes you can request a quick loan online and in less than 48 hours, have your money instantly in your bank account thanks to online lending entities.

In addition, they do not require all the paperwork as in the case of bank loans and you can repay the amount in the period you decide, from 7, 12, or 30 days to years.

Online loans are the easiest and fastest way to get money, you just have to be able to pay the installments on time.

With online loans, you can get fast money in your account

Among the online loans that you can get, the following stand out:

  • Online microcredits: they are small financing that you can request through a financial institution or a private lender. The best thing about this type of loan is that the requirements are few. So it is ideal for you who need urgent and fast money, in less than 24 hours.
  • Loans with a guarantee: to be eligible for them you have to present a guarantee: a car, a property, or a person who can face your debt in case of non-payment. This type of financing allows you to opt for a higher amount. And it is also an option for those who are on the list of defaulters since the lending entities are more flexible with a guarantee involved.
  • Loans without payroll: if you are self-employed, unemployed, or a pensioner who does not have a fixed salary or, simply, you do not want to direct your payroll to another financial institution, there is also an alternative for you. Loans without presenting a payroll are flexible financing to obtain urgent money in your bank account.
  • Immediate credit cards: they are easy to get and anyone with the minimum requirements can apply for one without having to change banks. One of its advantages is that you can only pay for the amount you use and that each month you will have the amount you have requested to cover your purchases.
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If you need to earn urgent money without investing, this is undoubtedly an option to consider.

2. Request a payroll advance

Another of the alternatives that can be taken into account is to request urgent money online and you currently have a job, consider the option of requesting a  payroll advance that allows you to face the debt you have.

You just have to plan your finances, considering that you will no longer have that percentage of your salary at the end of the month. 

3. Sell or pawn a valuable object

That phrase “I need money urgently” has not let you see that at home you can have valuable objects that, by putting them up for sale or pawning them, can give you money. For example a jewela watch, or another valuable object.

It is not the most desirable solution, but if you are desperate and need the money urgently, this is one of the simplest solutions.

You just have to go to a jewelry store, or pawn shop, or look among your friends for someone who may be interested in acquiring that valuable accessory. 

If you are going to sell it, get advice on how much you can ask for that object so that you ask for the right amount. Now, if you are going to pawn it, in the establishments dedicated to this activity they will tell you how much they can give you for it.

If you need money urgently, it is because you need an immediate solution to deal with a pending payment, right? However, keep in mind that the item you sell cannot be recovered. Otherwise the effort, yes you can recover it.

The latter is one of the methods if you want urgently need money that you should study before taking it into account. Since if you do not manage to return the money (plus interest) in the agreed time, you could lose that precious object that you have given in pawn.

Even so, it is an option to have urgent money.

Why are online loans the first of all?

In addition to the fact that you can choose the type of online loan that you need and that you can even opt for a low-interest loan online, they are the first option due to the criteria of time and flexibility. This is because:

  • You can request it every day of the year, 24 hours a day.
  • The application process will not take you more than 15 minutes.
  • You do not have to travel or waste unnecessary time doing paperwork and formalities.
  • It’s easy and fast money to get
  • You can have the money in your bank account in less than 48 hours.
  • You can request the exact amount you need.
  • Choose to return the money with the most comfortable term for you.
  • Internet, being of legal age and your personal data will hardly be necessary.

Taking these points into account, they become the best option to request urgent money regardless of whether you need 300, 500, or a loan of 1000 euros instantly.

Get easy and fast money with online loans

When you have an economic emergency that cannot wait, requesting a bank loan is not even an option, since it takes too long in procedures and paperwork that you do not have time to attend to. Therefore, the best way to get the money you need in one day is to process online loans on the spot without requirements.

Through this financing method, you can get fast and immediate money in just 15 minutes, a huge benefit if what you need is urgent money. In addition, they do not ask for any documentation, so you can get loans without payroll, endorsement, or guarantor. 

Regarding the amount and the return period, you choose how much money you need and how long you want to return it. From the first moment, you know the interest generated and the total cost of your financing, without traps or fine print. The amount of money you can get will depend on the entity with which you process the loan, although you can request online microcredits for less than 1,000 euros to install loans of 5,000 euros or more.

I need urgent money 

Even being on the list of defaulters is no longer a problem for urgent online financing. Today, there is a wide range of urgent loans and credits so that you can receive the money in your bank account despite being in one of these files.

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Fortunately, if you have to get money fast, but your credit history is not good, you can still get someone to finance you, going to private lenders who grant loans. If you need a smaller amount of money, then review the mini-credit offers.

If you have doubts regarding this topic, on our website you can find out about it on the net.

Unlike banks, some lenders do not take into account if you are on the blacklist, they grant you a quick loan even if you have debts. However, they usually charge higher interest rates compared to other types of loans, since being in default increases the risk of the application. 

Services in exchange for urgent money

We have just seen that the online loan is the leading option to obtain urgent money. However, let’s see other services with which you can also get financing even if it is not so immediately.

4. Offer an online service

There are freelance platforms such as UpWork, Fiverr, among many others, where you can offer a service in exchange for payment. From doing routine tasks like sending emails to more specialized ones like writing a website.

You just have to register, search for attractive projects and send a proposal (selling your service). You can subscribe to several platforms to have more possibilities if you want to get urgent money online.

5. Rent your house on Airbnb

If you have a vacant space, in applications like Airbnb you can rent it out to get extra money. The traffic that this page receives is very high, considering that it is a site dedicated to accommodation for tourism.

You just have to register as a host on the platform and upload attractive photos of the space you are renting. Try to be very aware of the answers because they may be faster than you think.

6. Work at Uber

Transport companies like Uber offer an opportunity to generate urgent and fast money. You only need to have a good driving record, a car in optimal conditions, a valid driver’s license, and register on the platform.

You can choose the hours you want to work. Whether during the day or at night, every day or only on weekends. This will depend on the income you need.

Other ways to get urgent money

Although they take longer, we recommend that you review our investment strategies to grow your money in the long term.

Finally, we can get fast money through the following proposals:

7. Participate in market research

Some companies need to collect opinions about products, applications, websites, etc. So they are willing to pay for them. This is a very popular method, currently. These are surveys that you must answer to receive urgent money easily. The idea of ​​this business model is to collect as much useful information as possible to offer new products and services.

In UserTesting, for example, you can provide feedback on apps and websites. In return, you can get a remuneration of 10 euros for each survey or test. Certainly not bad when there is a need for money.

8. Sell your photographs or designs

If photography is one of your skills, use it to your advantage to earn an income.

There are sites where you can sell your photos, like Depositphotos or Shutterstock, in different categories. Like landscapes, people, food, etc. You could also make a partnership with a graphic designer or web designer and sell them custom photos.

You do not need to have a professional camera, with your mobile phone you can also take high-quality photos that you can sell.

In case you are a graphic designer or you are interested in this industry, you can make graphic pieces and sell them in marketplaces like Creative Market, Graphic River, among others.

You can also look for independent professionals, such as web developers, and propose an alliance that allows them to monetize both.

In addition to designs, you can create illustrations, templates, graphics, etc.

9. Sell your hair

It is an atypical method, but profitable. If your hair is healthy, long, and untreated, you can sell it and get a nice numerical figure in return.

There are beauty salons and other establishments that buy hair to make natural hair extensions.

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The longer your hair is, the more money you can get for it. A quick and easy method to get money instantly.

10. Sell your voice

People are looking for an attractive voice for a video, a presentation, or other content. You can offer your voice to record texts and charge for recorded time, from a couple of minutes to long hours.

You can even offer to write the text to charge extra money. Best of all, you don’t need to spend a lot of time and you can have the money almost instantly.

11. Create and sell online courses

If you have some specialized knowledge, take advantage of it to create the material for a course and sell it on online platforms dedicated exclusively to this objective.

Unlike other options, this is one of the methods to obtain urgent money that allows you, in turn, to generate passive income. That is, you only create the material once and you can generate a sale on more than one occasion.

In addition to selling it on these platforms, you can also promote it on your blog, and although at first, it is not the fastest way to get urgent money online, it is an option that is growing more and more every day.

12. Sell ebooks

Do you like to write? So, take advantage of this ability to create an electronic book, upload it to specialized platforms in this field and generate income.

You can write about a specialized topic, perhaps some knowledge that you have and want to profit from. Or, about fiction if you prefer this genre.

It is one of the most used methods to get urgent money at a digital level since it allows you to get money comfortably, although yes, you must be fluent when writing if you want to get a considerable amount of money instantly.

Which one is the best?

As you can see, there are many ways to request urgent money, be it 100 or 1000 euros; although some require more time or involvement than others. Therefore, choosing the best one will depend above all on your personal situation and need.

For example, if you need urgent money from one day to the next, or in less than 48 hours, the best option to have instant financing will be to request loans online. Even when you do not have an impeccable credit history, there are lenders with whom it is not necessary to present any of that.

As an extra point, if it is the first time that you say: I need money urgently, you can even get a first credit for free.

However, if you have time and desire, you can opt for other alternatives such as creating and selling your own online courses or joining other companies, such as Uber.

No matter how, in the end, what matters is facing the need of the moment. Have you used any of these methods to request urgent money, online and fast? Tell us about your experience, it can serve as a guide for other people.

12 ways to get urgent and easy money

Summary of the 12 ways if you need urgent and easy money:

  1. Apply for a loan online
  2. Request a payroll advance
  3. Sell ​​or pawn a valuable item
  4. Offer an online service
  5. Rent a property on Airbnb
  6. work in uber
  7. Participate in market research
  8. Sell ​​your photos or designs
  9. sell your hair
  10. Create and sell online courses
  11. Write an e-book and sell it

How much fast money can I get with online loans?

Depending on the entity, you can request a quick loan from 50 euros to 5,000 euros or more.


What are the interests of quick money loans?

The interests of quick credits vary depending on the entity, as well as the amount, the repayment period, and the risk of the applicant. You can calculate what the total cost will be, using the loan simulator.

Can I request urgent money while in other companies?

Yes, some lenders put you in contact with online financial companies that grant money on the spot even if you are part of the delinquent files.

Do I need a guarantee to process an online loan?

Online loans are easy to process, so they will not ask you for guarantees or guarantors.

Can I get the money on the same day?

After your application is approved, you can receive the money you need in just 15 minutes or a maximum of 48 hours, depending on your bank.


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