How To Take Stock And Change Your Life?

How To Take Stock And Change Your Life?

Every beginning of the year ends up becoming a period of much reflection, doesn’t it? We always take stock of what we want to change about ourselves, and what we want to cultivate for the future.

Then comes a huge motivation to change your life. However, time passes and we end up finding ourselves stuck with who we were the previous year, which brings us a lot of frustration.

After all, have you ever stopped to think about why this always happens? It’s simple: because we don’t take a correct balance and don’t plan how we are going to effectively change our lives!

Therefore, we created this post to guide you with a lot of positivity to achieve everything you have always dreamed of. Want to see how? Keep reading and check it out!

How to make a good balance?

1. Balance your positives and negatives

A very common mistake in life balance is focusing too much on the negative points. This causes us to create a very negative view of ourselves, and we end up depressed, with no energy to change.

No matter how bad a difficult cycle has been, there is always something positive to be seen: opportunities for learning, maturity, resilience, etc.

So, see the positive aspects accumulated during the year and realize what you changed without realizing it. Find your strengths to drive your change. Without fuel, your mind will probably always remain stagnant.

2. Establish your priorities

Most of the negatives are probably not very urgent and very small. So, don’t try to deal with them all: choose two or three smaller problems and focus your energy on something more difficult to change.

This way, you’ll feel energized when you complete a small change, and you’ll be able to gain more energy to make the big changes.

But be careful not to have the ambition to change the whole world at once! Take it easy. Our life is like a river: at the source, the water rises drop by drop, but then it forms a great current.

3. Find people who are good for you

Life only brings change when there is renewal. And, to change, it is essential to have a conducive environment around you. So, you must surround yourself with people who bring good feelings and sensations — just as you must eliminate, without misunderstanding, those who harm you.

After all, when we stick to something bad for us, we become resentful, anxious, and depressed.

Therefore, we have to surround ourselves with people who encourage us to move forward, who see our qualities and always have an affectionate word to say in the most difficult moments. Because you will need this a lot on the path to change, which can be very painful.

How to change your life?

1. Recognize your own mistakes

With the natural frustrations that life brings us, our mind tends to abstain from any guilt. So, we start to blame our family, our work, our financial situation — but we always forget our responsibility for what went wrong.

So, this will always be the first step towards effective change. After all, how can we change if we see nothing wrong? How can we change ourselves if we always see ourselves as eternal victims?

This is the time to face defects head-on and see that there is nothing wrong with being imperfect. It is impossible to be infallible. But we can still accept our process of constant change to evolve.

2. Establish a methodology to effect change

Making multiple promises of change is useless. Everyone does them, and they almost always fail. If, on the other hand, you stop to think about effective actions, very creative and practical ideas will emerge.

Additionally, you shouldn’t be afraid to ask for help to change. As we said, help from friends and family is essential. And, often, we may also need the help of professionals, such as psychologists and coaches. They can minimize our frustrations and establish plans for change.

To do this, they will demand us when necessary, they will be fair when you are being cruel to yourself and they will motivate you towards the path of change with the different tools they have.

3. Be flexible

Another big mistake we make is forgetting that adaptability is one of the great qualities we must cultivate.

As Darwin, creator of the Theory of Evolution, postulated: the fittest survives, not the strongest. In other words, your determination and strength must be combined with flexibility so that you do not end up unhappy in the change process.

Often, there will be strategies that simply won’t work. But that doesn’t mean your plans went down the drain. It was just the methodology you applied at that time that didn’t work correctly.

So, you must unite all your energies to see new ways to solve that problem. Instead of seeing it as an obstacle, imagine it as an enigma, which must be deciphered using the strategies you have developed.

4. Keep a diary to record your achievements and frustrations

It’s a great idea to keep a “logbook” in which you write down every day the events that contributed to and destroyed your change. This way, you will be able to realize that there are good days and bad days, and what made them good or bad.

Over time, the obstacles will no longer frustrate you so much. After all, you will realize that difficulties have arisen but also gone. So, if you keep your eye on the goal and are ready to be happy, you will reap the best results.

The anxiety of getting everything done as quickly as possible can destroy a change. However, by keeping a diary, you will become more aware of all the processes that occur within you, and you will make much more rational decisions in the future.

Finally, in the face of all this, realize that we must always maintain an entrepreneurial spirit: without fear of taking risks, without fear of failing. We know that life is made up of ups and downs, and we shouldn’t let ourselves get knocked down by that.

To change your life you need a lot of entrepreneurship, since only then will you be able to fail a thousand times and come back with an improved solution every time. Change does depend on external aspects — but it is mainly in ourselves, in our internal motivation.

So, did you like the post? Do you want to share your story with us, or do you still have any questions about the subject? Don’t forget to comment here on our blog. We will be pleased to welcome you!


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